TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, it was done to mock the user but it sort of hurt to do. I likely won’t again.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you really think your petty insults have any effect?

You haven’t been insulted. Truth is only insulting to liars.

Anyone can notice that you never address the topic, and only address the person and attack with everything you have.


Well, you still don't raise any doubt regarding the topic.

Truth is the opposite of doubt, yes.

Anyone, who views your account, understands that you are all about ad hominem attacks.

Thanks for admitting you can’t find a single instance of this there.

You never see a constructive debate.

The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you.

You're not here to share new information

Thanks for admitting you’re physically incapable of refuting the new information I have posted.

you're here to destroy anyone else.

Only paid shills, sweetie. 90% of the userbase of this site isn’t mentally defective like you are. One of the symptoms of mental illness is thinking you are the center of the universe.

Note how the kike refuses to reply to the topic of discussion and only attacks me personally (while claiming the exact opposite) because it knows I’m 100% correct and its feelings got hurt by objective truth.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

“But but but but but that’s just a fake map!” ~ flat earthers

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Go away, dipshit. If you still believe a proven Hollywood script is real, you don’t belong on this board at all.

TallestSkil -2 points ago +2 / -4

[no argument, no response; strawman, too]

Every single time. You can be forgiven for not knowing the context just this once, however.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2
  • Why can everyone south of the equator see the exact same stars rotating in the same direction around the same fixed central point in the sky due south of them if they’re supposedly all looking in different directions?
  • Why are the distances between degrees of latitude uniform and don’t grow exponentially away from the equator?
  • Why does everyone on Earth get the same result for the Eratosthenes experiment, when people nearer the equator should get a much smaller circumference for the Earth than those nearer the poles?
  • Come to think of it, was Eratosthenes part of the “round Earth” conspiracy?
  • Surviving records show that the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians based their astronomical forecasts on calculations assuming the Earth is a globe. Did this conspiracy begin at the dawn of civilization, or are all ancient artifacts nothing but Victorian forgeries? If so, why has this never been detected by modern carbon-dating techniques?
  • Why do arc lengths of given angles of longitude decrease rather than increase south of the equator?
  • Why does the sun not rise in the northeast and set in the northwest, year round, for everyone on Earth?
  • Why DOES the sun set, when the law of perspective states that the angular size of the sun’s altitude, like everything else, can’t become negative?
  • Why does the sun’s angular size not change throughout the day or year, since it is “moving toward and away from us” and is “closer than we’re told”?
  • Seriously, did you fall asleep during geometry class, or are you just completely demented?
  • If you believe in zeteticism, why do you keep relying on magical and unprovable solutions, which can’t be shown to exist with your own eyes and clearly don’t exist at all? Apparently, zeteticism is just code for “make any old bullshit up and pretend it’s true.”
  • If all photographs of a round Earth are a hoax, why not simply create photographs of a flat Earth?
  • A property of mass is that it has gravitational force regardless of size. If the Earth did not have a gravitational field, wouldn’t that imply that the Earth doesn’t physically exist?
  • Where is the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station located if the south “pole” is the whole circumference of the Earth?
  • Wouldn’t creating such elaborate fakes and conspiracies cost an equal–if not greater–amount of money than the science they are supposedly covering up?
  • The idea of the Earth as a sphere has existed at least since the time of the ancient Greeks, long before NASA. What were their financial motives?
  • What financial motives could NASA have, since their budget is still cut every year?
  • How could the sun be a spotlight if it is a sphere? On the flat Earth, the light projection would have to be a semicircle.
  • Why does the North Star goes to the horizon?
  • Why do constellations appear to be different in the Southern and Northern hemispheres?
  • Why is the Coriolis effect stronger near both poles, instead of stronger in the north and weaker in the south?
  • If the circumferential south pole is preventing the oceans from pouring over the edge of the flat Earth, why didn’t the oceans disappear during the incredible amount of time it would have taken for that ice to form?
  • If the oceans would–if they could–pour off the edge of the flat Earth, where, then, would they go? Does this mean that whatever keeps the oceans on the surface of the flat Earth only operates in a downward direction on the uppermost surface and is absent on the underneath?
  • Why are satellites visible from Earth with a pair of binoculars and even the naked eye?
  • How could a flat body maintain an atmosphere?
  • Why are other celestial bodies spheres but the Earth is not? How, and why, was the Earth created differently?
TallestSkil 1 point ago +5 / -4

If you want truth to stop hurting your feelings so much that you humiliate yourself by exposing your utter lack of knowledge of users of this website, all you have to do is accept truth even when it hurts your feelings.

By the way, you can’t cite your claim. Again.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let’s revisit the thread now that we know you’re just spamming.

[no argument, no evidence]

Thank you for admitting that you believe jewish MSM polls sight unseen without even pretending to question their validity.

Thank you for admitting that there are no actions being undertaken anywhere on Earth to remove jewish control from politics, economics, or social life.

Thank you for admitting that discussions on the Internet are not evidence of physical actions being undertaken anywhere on Earth to remove jewish control from politics, economics, or social life.

Thank you for admitting you cannot refute anything I have said on this or any other topic.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

[wall of personal attacks]

[refuses to prove any claims made on any topic of discussion]

[refuses to prove any claims made about opponent personally]

[refuses to refute anything opponent has said on any topic of discussion]

Great, thanks. Reported for spam.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

[wall of personal attacks]

[refuses to prove any claims made on any topic of discussion]

[refuses to prove any claims made about opponent personally]

[refuses to refute anything opponent has said on any topic of discussion]

Great, thanks. Reported for spam.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

[can’t even read]

Holy shit, no wonder you’re so upset about my posts where I post truth and your feelings get hurt by it.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your standard reply, mon ami, is a usually mix of strawmanning and goalpost moving, with a liberal dash of, well, libel, because you misquote people.

Doesn’t happen and you know it. If it did, you could link to even a single instance. You didn’t even bother pretending to pull one out of context and pretend that the quoted content, even if not word for word, was “misquoted” or a “strawman.” Because you know damned well that what I quote is identical to what the user is saying. Cry about it.

There's nothing you say, usually, worth refuting.

Translation: “I can’t refute anything you say, therefore you didn’t say it.”

if nothing you ever do matters, why bother posting at all?

Literally my line.

If the result was the opposite, you'd never hear of it.

Okay, we’re not hearing of it. And nothing is changing. And jews just have even more power now.

So everything I’ve said in the past is correct, you’re still wrong, and you lied about my behavior.

Get fucked, I guess?

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0


There were no insults, so there’s nothing to be baseless over. You are physically incapable of defending your claims. You are physically incapable of refuting anything I have said. These are statements of fact. You have nothing. It is extremely simple to understand and you are incapable of understanding it.

There is no peaceful solution. No one will ever physically act.

That’s the reality in which we find ourselves. Don’t like it? Shut the fuck up and go act. Your feelings don’t matter. Your personal desires don’t matter. They’re irrelevant to objective truth. You want things to stop being as they are, you go physically change them. It’s only hard to understand if you’re a brainwashed communist who cannot comprehend the existence of truth itself.

You are physically incapable of accurately representing anything I have said or done. This is because you shit your pants in fear of what I say because it’s truth, you can’t refute it, and it hurts your feelings. You think that attacking me makes truth magically disappear. You’re brain damaged. That’s it. That’s all you have to add. If I was wrong, your comment would have included citations and sources disproving my comment. Instead you attacked me again without substance.

Also, you posted again; you proved the statement. Cry again.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

the % of people that believe in the holocaust is at an all time low.

How do we know this? Jewish polls. You trust those?

Yet they still "worship ZOG"?

No one, anywhere, does anything to free their countries from jewish rule. So yes.

you made a weird hypothetical where people pretend to name the Jew but still "worship ZOG" when they criticize them, which essentially, is begging the question.

All the “wink wink, nudge nudge it’s the jews hee hee” comments on the Internet have absolutely no power. Every last one of us types this shit and then goes out and obeys jewish laws, pays jewish taxes, and plays by jewish societal rules.

your standard reply

If you already know you’re wrong and can’t refute what I’ve said, why bother even posting? Fuck’s sake, stop being embarrassing. Open your damned eyes. No one knows. No one cares. We all obey.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +4 / -1

No, he’s a shabbos goy.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

As always, you never bring anything to the table...


With or without your comments, nothing would change...

So stop posting and go away forever. If you post here ever again, you disprove this statement.

I am too tired now

Translation: I am physically incapable of refuting anything you said.

can you do me this favor of finding out the specific post where I exposed you as a negative person

You haven’t done so, so no.

everyone, who disagrees with you

Didn’t happen. Congrats on being incapable of reading or defending your own statements. I don’t behave like you, sophist. Your inability to step outside your own worldview will kill you one day.

Do you prefer to be "toxic" or "useless"?

I prefer not to entertain false dichotomies presented to me by paid shills. Fuck off.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don’t have to get in. Just have to wait. They can’t stay down there forever. And there’s only one exit. They’re building bunkers in places they deem “low risk” for being hit. Middle of nowhere without any bombable infrastructure above them. The land up there won’t be poisoned, so all survivors have to do is… set up camp outside the exits. Build farms, houses, etc. and just wait.

Eventually the jews will get everything they ever wanted. They’ll arise from the Earth into a world in which everyone—everyone—awaits their return. Where they’re the most important people in existence. Where they finally get what they’ve always wanted. To join their master Remphan in his domain.

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