Oh, right, because you can force peace with a country backed by literally the rest of the world that's under jewish control... Retard 😂
More retardation
You act more of a fed than anyone trying to push that jewish lie.
LaVey is a jew. Satanism is jewish.
You really act like a leaf.
What jewish author was selling that line of bullshit? Hitler hated Wall Street.
JIDF isn't sending their best these days.
I'm aware of the "antisemites shall be our ally" meme. You really don't have anything I don't.
only person to ever arrest a Rothschild, kicked them out of power then the country
Mkay bud 🤣
If there's something off, you need to look at it
Long nose, low set ears tilted back
Amazing turnaround from your previous standpoint.
White Afrikaners deserve justice to a degree that the northern tribes need to be completely wiped out.
muh fascist dictator tho!
Meanwhile, outsourcing jobs to China would be illegal under a fascist government because it hurts the nation. I love how you blast their anti communist policies while completely ignoring the fact jews are stealing the wealth of the world and consolidating the power for themselves.
Hitler was not a fascist, moron. He also didn't start any war.
Hitler didn't kill any jews, no proof was ever furnished that he had.
It's hilarious that you call it a brother war while ignoring the fact Germany was itself a brother war. Keep repeating the jewish lies propagated by their media, schlomo 😂
The strongest economy in the world* funded his defense* from the jewish war. Hitler offered peace to Churchill 25 times, going so far as to offer military assistance to Britain if anyone should threaten their sovereignty; Churchill snubbed him each time.
Oh, and when Churchill lost his fortune in the depression, who funded his campaign?
The (((focus group))) of course!
hand Gaza over to America
Which is code speak for importing more shit skins. We don't want them, give them their homes back. This has been their MO for decades.
lol... lmao even
(((I give up)))
Hitler didn't bend the knee and kiss the humping wall like Trump does.
The problem is not enough White Christians care enough to do something about it.
That's like waiting for Superman to save the world not realizing it's a fictional character playing a role...