(((BitChute))) sucks ass in general. The frontpage/popular section is occupied by the chosen accounts. The /all feed is flooded by shit accounts. I have reported some, but the (((moderators))) there do nothing about it. This suggests that those accounts are directly or indirectly affiliated with the platform.
Alex Jones claims to be the most censored user; yet there are way too many channels on BitChute shilling for him.
If you have good idea on channels worth backing up, please do let me know. Much appreciated!!
(((BitChute))) has blocked search features on tor/vpn for many years. It also blocks according to geo restrictions. That place is kiked. I have made some posts regarding that platform, if you are interested.
https://old.bitchute.com/video/JKmQFu04jtJ0/ | https://archive.md/8jk5U
Have you seen that DOOMSDAY thumbnail?
So someone noticed this IDF guy on (((BitChute))).
https://old.bitchute.com/channel/hnaftali/ | https://archive.md/L6IMZ (channel: hnaftali)
The IDF guy's channel was promoted by Ray.
https://old.bitchute.com/video/hikhgV7qSgc/ | https://archive.ph/LWtwg (hnaftali's post/channel promoted by Ray)
Palestine Sunbird(ajgkOC7lry6r)
EVERYONE! This Jewish shill is the aide of Benjamin Netanyahu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hananya_Naftali BitChute promotes him because BitChute is controlled by Jews.
Ray - Bitchute CEO(j6ch0q2h5Q6r)
Bitchute is neutral and promotes a wide range of view points, and above all bitchute defends free speech. Most people will appreciate that they can respond to someone who has this perspective, other platforms would either shut the comments down, or shut his videos down, bitchute is the only place you can see both uncensored.
YahyaSinwar(7tIN8V78ZiHW) -> Ray - Bitchute CEO
I had two channels blocked for terrorism when actually my channel is a counter-terrorism channel and completely reject the killing, rape, of civilians including women and children. What kind of free platform is that? Had 50,000 views and 100 subs.
I came here for the comments and I'm not disappointed. lol
Ray - Bitchute CEO(j6ch0q2h5Q6r)
Ray - Bitchute CEO(j6ch0q2h5Q6r)
I'm putting his latest video up on Suggested, and blaming it on you.
:) So BitChute blocked channels for "terrorism" and @Ray turned around promoted IDF terrorism? Why am I not surprised?
Edit: you may be interested in my posts.
She is quite disgusting. But (((TDW/GAW))) communities like her.
Full debate, if anyone is interested.
“I Am NOT A Holocaust Denier” SHOWDOWN! Rabbi Shmuley vs Candace Owens
What is one of the detrimental effects of living among people who never learned the difference between right behavior & wrong behavior? - Such revolting filth as this rabbi shmooly enjoys police protection, while innocent people are violently attacked, stolen from, kidnapped & imprisoned. You need not harm or deceive anyone to have this hell brought down upon you. Evil cockroaches like shmooly could not live freely among us & lie so boldly without a morally bankrupt police force to protect him. They won’t protect you or I from the genocidal policies that are killing & bankrupting our loved ones, but they will protect shmooly because none of them have a clue who they really work for nor where our society is being taken.
I’m sure most of you will agree with this sentiment, so why am I the only person talking about it?
Last time I uploaded a Piers Morgan video, I wrote a lengthy piece to express my disgust with his support & promotion of multiple state-sanctioned genocide operations. In this video, Piers has really changed his tune in a big way. It's probably just a coincidence, but if someone out there is going to the trouble of sharing my articles with the people I write about, I hope I get to thank you properly someday. 🙏
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzogU1RncbU
Tim Pool's videos are always on the front page of BitChute. He is one of the top influencers there.
(((Win/Scored))) used to promote Tim Pool Counterculture, lol. It even categorized (((TDW))) as the right wing politics on this platform. That was pretty hilarious.
Link post to orginal: https://conspiracies.win/p/1994kH3u2S/
Again, thanks for re-posting, schlomo.
Smoke&Mirros is a throwaway account set up to make sure things like this don't go viral.
Is it because he is anti-Semitic at pointing out the big-channel influencers dominating the front page for years? I like that channel, for he who was the first to call out the influencers silent on genocide in Gaza. Oy, you need (((big channels))) to go viral; otherwise, you are a limited hangout.
Thanks for re-posting my post, schlomo.
Original post
Wow, (((Amazon))) is interfering in the US election.
@AmazingPolly has an episode on this (((New Narrative Gatekeepers Network))) that pointed out the top influencers. Here is a screenshot taken on early this year.
I also collected BitChute's front page and sorted out the top influencers between 2023-12-19 to 2024-01-27. You can view the screenshot here. All Tim Pool's videos were pushed onto the front page, see the top 25 users.
I like this bitchute channel that calls out influencers who are silent on genocide.
Edit: the list of influencers.
The list ..
Katie Hopkins, Mahyar Tousi, Tommy Robinson, GB News, Calvin Robinson, Lawrence Fox, Lotus eaters, Douglas Murray, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Piers Morgan, Timcast IRL - Tim Pool, Rebel News, Avi Yemeni, Russell Brand, Dan Bongino, Steve Bannon and the War Room, Newsmax, VivaFrei [David Freiheit], Mel K, Pete Santilli, Lara Logan
:) Sometimes you sound like that u/Uncle_Noticer guy. I thought that was funny. Thanks for the suggestion.
SuicideTruthbomber 1 points2 days ago
Nope. Just a little more free time last month. But I'm not the one reveling in how I'm able to dupe the "conspiratards."
What gave you away to me was how more than one account invoked my account name in a negative way to ensure I got the messages. I know they hate me.
You are the one that bears the mark of a seasoned account. It would not surprise me one bit that you run on multiple accounts.
Thanks for the links!!
That 108Morris108 channel has 60 videos missing out of 90 videos. Sucks to see good channels going away.