what would be the point of faking all of this? can any of you "everything is fake" people ever answer that? the earth being flat, or a pencil, or a fucking turtle shell wouldn't change life AT ALL for anybody. IF, big IF there is an ultra mother fuckin conspiracy to lie about the shape of the earth, lie about space, the sun, planets, moon and everything else, what would be the point of that?
and no, you can't use the same answer as every other flat earther or "space is fake" guy and say "because they lie to us about a lot of other things, why trust them on this?"
i recently got a job as a driver at amazon. and i got to talking about things with these 3 guys from the city. the black guys there were like "anyone ever think what they taught us to vote fo is fucked up? all they do is fuck us man...them damn democrats keep us down and always hatin each other. they never ever help, but they claim "they will" if we just vote for em"
then they started talking about how JFK tried to call it out and they blew his head off, then the vaccine was devil bullshit then they said how trump tried to wake people up to the scam but not enough see through the shit.
it was great to see these guys havin an open mind. we all laughed and talked and shit. white guy from the suburbs of chicago talkin with black guys from the city and at that point we were like "enough of this divide and conquer shit man. we gotta unite" and they all agreed. we fist bumped and said "fuck em" lmao
we need more of that!
if things like this keep up? the man that comes into power will be even more ruthless than hitler ever was.
mark my words. these people need to seriously start watching it....or they will be responsible for unleashing hell
nop. can't spend money on our own societies. must keep corruption and the honey pot going!!!