It's not entirely correct to blame jews. That's like blaming all cells for cancer instead of just the cancer cells themselves. Don't continue to play into their trap.
The namestealers decided to hide among the Jewish people during the crusades. The khazarian mafia.
You all are attacking the decoy. The average Jewish person has as much jewish privilege as the average white has white privilege.
I don't deny the societal control that is highlighted here, but strategically, you're playing a part scripted for you long ago.
It may seem like 0.2% of the population is an elite class, but that is how the antisemitism strat works.
That's still 16million people though. Those in control, the ones linked in this thread are maybe 0.2% of the 0.2%.
Many of the 16million might actually side against the elites, if they weren't all lumped in together. Maybe the 16m, would study the truth of how their people suffer for the sake of the namestealers...
There is not a homogeneous ruling class, we could divide and conquer just like they do.
It's not entirely correct to blame jews. That's like blaming all cells for cancer instead of just the cancer cells themselves. Don't continue to play into their trap.
The namestealers decided to hide among the Jewish people during the crusades. The khazarian mafia.
You all are attacking the decoy. The average Jewish person has as much jewish privilege as the average white has white privilege.
I don't deny the societal control that is highlighted here, but strategically, you're playing a part scripted for you long ago.
It may seem like 0.2% of the population is an elite class, but that is how the antisemitism strat works. That's still 16million people though. Those in control, the ones linked in this thread are maybe 0.2% of the 0.2%.
Many of the 16million might actually side against the elites, if they weren't all lumped in together. Maybe the 16m, would study the truth of how their people suffer for the sake of the namestealers...
There is not a homogeneous ruling class, we could divide and conquer just like they do.
then the jews NOT in on it should absolutely speak out against it for bringing shame to their race and culture.
i forgive nothing!