they do the same in chicago and surrounding suburbs now . in my local village, they arent allowed to "do rounds" anymore because it's "assuming" people in certain neighborhoods are bad. it's utterly fucked. the cops aren't allowed to frisk, touch, or chase people going over a certain limit
But dont you worry! they will make sure they get the people going 5 or 10 mph over the speed limit on 35 mph street ;)
the world has gone fucking insane. it's all backwards
ITS GETTING TIME HERE, to call it ALL OUT. put every single thing ON THE LINE and call it ALL OUT. you cannot keep using the holocaust card and the "but we suffered!!!!" line as a way to discredit ALL DEBATE AND TALK about something
if jews dont own the media...why are jewish people the HEADS of mostly ALL entertainment and media companies? hmmmm? can you answer that? oohh wait, lets not GO there right!?
at this point there could literally be people coming out and going "yes, we are taking over your planet via satanic rituals and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO." while being surrounded by 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 in a fiery pit with child slaves working everything, and people STILL wouldn't believe it or do anything.
we, as a society, have given up
oh ges here we go with another one of you people that goes "that's what they wantt hurr durrr"
yes..yes...they WANT tens of millions to stop paying taxes, more than 20 states to secede from the union and upend one of their biggest scams that is the u.s. government. yes yes TOTALLY what they want
tbh, we have to seriously watch for solar storms or solar flares. especially a huge CME burst. stars are fucking nuclear fusion furnaces that are VERY active and can emit them at any time. we have been EXTREMELY lucky we haven't been hit. if we do? we'll be in the stone age and we won't have any of this to communicate with each other. we take all of this for granted and people have no idea what it will be like without it. we'll be done. mad max
wouldnt be just u.s. vs russia. russia would strike missile targets in all of europe first. taking all that out. then would strike carrier groups and other bases that are "nuclear ready". their last target would be at our nuclear missile silos in the middle of the country and stuff. TOOONNSSSS of people would die is an understatement. it would be hell on earth
the time to fight back was in the early and mid 2000s. i feel it's too late now and it's going to get MUCH worse before we can rebuild. yes im being serious