yap. get yo ass ready ;) manufactured big war coming! nato / us will invade russia. china will get involved and help russia while they invade taiwan. north korea will then help china and russia. south korea and japan will step in and take on china and nk. iran will then jump in, israel will strike iran, provoking syria and russia to strike israel, which will then prompt saudi arabia to strike iran.
orrderrr uppppp
so THATS why so many more people working in stores now are total idiots that just stare at you like a zombie with their mouths open when you ask where a pipe wrench is! or you ask what aisle the zip ties are in!
i just find humans very odd tbh. they are like SUMMER YEEEAHHH LETS SPEENDDD prices go up, economy is strong
fall comes - "ok i spent A LOOTT kind of have to start saving but i still want to spend!" *numbers still look ok, but trend to falling"
winter comes - "fuck i really need to stop spending . ok i gotta save thats it" SKY IS FALLING! CONSUMER LEVELS ARE LOW!!
then comes spring? and we are back to point 1 -_- im sick of this insanity