Looks more like Ted Dibiase to me, let's see some holy wrestling moves before we make a concrete decision...
"No, we must pass another road tax and levy to do that."
Thought the phone line was considered public domain...
A Flat Earther could easily counter your logic flaw by accusing you of thinking that all the planets are that close together, evenly spaced, and that far from the sun.
Think so two...
I've never heard of her... and I've DONE MY RESEARCH!
Lol, look at all these Satanism posts. You care more about the devil than any of these people do.
He has a movie about being a morbidly obese, dead-beat Dad that needs pushed. The Whale[?]
There is a nurse in the UK that was prosecuted for doing the same thing, who knows how many lives there two saved...
Loved this doc, I highly recommend everyone at least check the quick cholesterol tutorial @57:30
Uhhhh, good advice all three of use should be following?
Wow, you should be talking with AI about those other issues you have.
Health experts are still looking for answers and have called for an urgent investigation.
Doctors are BAFFLED!
I got a mortgage 1.5 years ago, they kept changing my race to Latino. I tried to correct the electronic application, back to Latino. I told the Loan Spec, kept at Latino.
I signed the loan anyway, guess I'm now Latino... do I fill this out next census, hombres?
About the Holocaust...
Yeah, at least once a week some anon provides warning of an imminent nuclear attack.
Always looking for the next site to create the next lifeboat.
I think it was a case of CNN induced Trump Derangement Syndrome. He was up there to undermine the President the best he could.
Yeah the unwritten rule there is to only use downvotes for spam, which was my personal rule at Voat so I didn't get in trouble in that regard.
I've used the down vote quite a bit here mostly for spam, when people post in the wrong communities, attack others in convos.
Another personal rule of mine is everyone who responds to me or a post gets an upvote regardless if they're pleasant or not!
Shit, I don't even remember how long ago I was banned from there. Some time in between Facebook and TeaPartyComminunity but before Twitter and Yahoo Answers.
Poal is easy to remember, it was Christmas Day!
You know it's just a matter of time until they start dressing spies up as mail carriers and send them to your house every day to survey the place, right?
Oh well I haven't been vaccinated all these years but... they put it on my goyslop packaging? WELL THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING, where do I go get one!!!
Guess I'm the only one here that thinks this is a good idea and the mistake was not to vax the 3rd World 100% first?
Chessmate Flat Earthers!
Toldja it was hallow!!!