OK. What does that have to do with this poor woman having her 2nd Amendment rights being infringed? This woman is having her gun rights restricted!
I'll take your word at face value, and assume that you are correct in some way. Yes you are correct. Trump did not rape her.
Auto mod doesn't like your link. Check mod logs. I saw a big swath of autos taking place this morning. Though the fact that I am seeing it, tells me that someone OK'ed it.
"17 hours ago clemaneuverers approved a comment by SupremeTeamQ - Conspiracies dot win is banning this from being posted. I guess they work for Obama Bin Biden and Billary Bush as well: https://qboro.substack.com/p/proof-that-obama-hillary-clinton"
I also hear that you can shine your shoes with shit. Yet I prefer to use Shinola. As there is a difference, And I know what is, and is not an illusion.
Stable coins aren't crypto. They are controlled by private entities, they are pinned to fiat, and they can create them out of this air, just like fiat.
Much more descriptive with better theories. Yet, I've always found his video intro to be juvenile, and hard to get past.
I'm just trying to suss out, how that you are eating a live cow, without this conversation becoming even more awkward.
Yes. It certainly is 'much wise'. Now we are just left wondering in what way it failed.
Oh. I didn't mean it in jest. At least, not entirely. As I view the only proper sacrifice of an animal, as one made for a meal. Needlessly spilling blood symbolically, and proclaiming it in the name of God is grotesque. I view it as an act against God to kill without cause, and an affront to his creations.
As a sacrifice should always be utilitarian, and not symbolic, and that doing otherwise, is only meant to trick others out of their gains.
I personally view the act of expressing gratitude before or after slaughtering an animal out of reverence for the life taken, as a form religious sacrifice in the strictest sense.
Well I guess milk isn't actually alive. And cheese isn't beef... Now semen on the other hand... Specifically bull semen. Well that does fit the parameters you have defined.
So... Drink a lot of milk do you?
It's strange how he assumes a massive object, and not a gravitational field, or Electromagnet field of some kind. Then he takes a 6000 foot drop in elevation by a buoy at face value? Then it just disappears, and he never mentions the potential for tsunamis.
Honestly, he seems so focused on 'thinking outside the box', that he's not considering any actual causes, or ramifications for what he is seeing.
Well you have yet to express any details on preparing a Beef Stroganoff, or other beef oriented dish. So, I would think not.
Sometime next week, I plan on preparing a little beef over some rice. Does that count? Am I the Messiah now?
"As humans we're naturally used to explaining things based upon events that have happened"
I am explaining this by ignoring events, not by including events that have happened. Because we always move onto the second round, as the first round doesn't count, and we will always be shown a goat at that time. Therefor, there is no actual choice in the first round. It is always a 1/2 choice, in the second round.
Again, I must insist that you examine the first diagram in the "Conditional probability by direct calculation" section, and give me your thoughts on this matter.
As it boils down to 3 choices at 1/3, with one being given a false choice dividing it to two choices of 1/6.
Or 3 equally probable conclusions, from 3 doors.
Note: the diagram shows 8 probable outcomes 1/2 of which are car. This aligns with my "First round doesn't count logic"
Look at it this way. There is no winning in the first round. There is no losing in the first round. Therefor there is never a 1/3 choice. Switching or not switching in the second round will always give you a 1/2 chance.
I'm also noting that the subversion agent u/free-will-of-choice is AstroTurf-ing this thread. 3 comments with zero interaction. Two of which are not to an active reply. Odd thing for him to do.
Again, please examine the diagram in the "Conditional probability by direct calculation" section.
Note: the diagram shows 8 probable outcomes 1/2 of which are car. This aligns with my "First round doesn't count logic"
Yet nobody is addressing the "Conditional probability by direct calculation" section as asked about in the title. Please examine the diagram in that section.
No matter who the masters are, grains are bad for the brain, dropping IQ, making people more subservient. So, fairly in line actually.
To me, it only changes if I understand why the door is being opened. These doors do not contain Schrödinger's car. both doors start out at 1/3 and drop to 1/2. Unless the host is attempting to sway me. In short, it depends on if the second choice is real, or a red haring. Which is not explicitly stated. (See direct calculations section)
The logic of the Pigeon switching also seems false. As The thinking of the pigeon is to continue choosing after failing, as it is not going to choose the same door twice, if it knows it needs to make a new choice.
In addition, it feels like I am being told to accept an absurdity, as a new base logic. And after learning of this on the front page of reddit, I do not trust this to be a truthful logic. It seems they are skewing the base logic by, concealing a fundamental rule that changes the results.
I assumed this was an informative video. But it is an unscripted pod cast.
Subsequently, not a lot of the information in the video is well described or defined, and goes against other videos that are 'less spiritual' , featured on their bitchute channel, that reference Tissue salt in meats for curing aliments.
I assume by by 'tissue salts' you are referencing the other video that I posted. Though I have not watched the video, and skimming it proves light on actual information, the only videos I have watched on that channel that have referenced tissue salts, talk on receiving them by consuming meats. Mostly lamb. So I am uncertain how this is a contradiction.
Edit/note: The other video I posted seems to be a podcast, and not a very good one at that. :/
It's simple really allow me to summarize and elaborate on the basic premise and overall tone of this thread:
Dog go "Woof! Woof!". Boss go "Woof! Woof!"? It get cold outside? So dark at night. It colder at night. Dog smarter than me? Yet sun still bright? Boss and dog smarter than me?!! Conclusion: Boss and dog working together to make cold and dark? Blot out sun!
And there is your conspiracy fren. Dog and boss working together to make cold and dark at night.
Well that's some good follow through on tracking this information.