PutinLovesCats 1 point ago +1 / -0

How far do you have to drill down for oil?

PutinLovesCats 3 points ago +5 / -2

Well, where are your sources for such claims and said threads? Sounds likes you're just making shit up like usual Zyklon-B.

by pkvi
PutinLovesCats 4 points ago +5 / -1

What Americans do not realize and/or know is that we never truly won our Freedom from the the Crown. Winners do not make concessions, read the Treaty of Paris. Who sounds like they won? As for your picture of Hitler.... Well, he was a Pawn of the same Crown, and that Crown resides in Venice. Tim Pool's - Will of The People is one of the best visual representations of the Venetian/Black Nobility's Matrix system, IMO. They are off in the shadows and always fund both sides, whilst profiting. Whether that be monetarily or spiritually. Whatever is your cup of tea ;)

PutinLovesCats 6 points ago +6 / -0

Remember that I'm not an admin, and you can suck my uncut cock?

PutinLovesCats 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check em' out, you'd like em'.

PutinLovesCats 17 points ago +17 / -0

I think a big part of the lack of activity is many of us are just worn out and tired after all these years. All the censorship and walking on egg shells just wears on you. Tis' one of the reasons I went from contributing all the time on r/con, to a few times a day/week if I came across something interesting to either discuss/debate or post. Not to mention, I saw behind the curtain. Once you've seen, you can never unsee. Kind of carried over to this website, but I'm still here modding and participating when I fancy it.

Anywhoo... ultimately, IRL is where it's at for the most part. I think many of us have come to fully realize and embrace that. Which, fits quite lovely with your last post about wizards. We are creators, for the Creator(s) created us. It is our duty to create, and hopefully for the betterment of humanity

However, it is our choice ;)

PutinLovesCats 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aye. Are you a fan of Thomas Sheridan and/or Jordan Maxwell?

PutinLovesCats 6 points ago +6 / -0

Holly wood was the preferred wood in folklore for crafting wands ;)

by pkvi
PutinLovesCats 3 points ago +3 / -0

...and you seem to be in the earliest stages.

by NotACop
PutinLovesCats 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is no outer space, but, the Earth is not flat, imo. What you are seeing is a Earth that is far larger than what they have told us. Look into Hollow/Growing Earth theory, and thank me later ;)

PutinLovesCats 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up. So, where do we (as mods - and the community) go from here?

by NotACop
PutinLovesCats 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for sharing! I've seen 1 or 2 in my lifetime. I, however, have far more paranormal/supernatural experiences. I've always questioned why I have more of those than UFO sightings that others say they have. It's either one or the other, in my experience. Curious.

PutinLovesCats [M] 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yea, that is weird. u/axolotl_peyotl would you like to chime in since you added both? FWIW to y'all, I was not made aware that we were adding Evspra to the mod team.

by pkvi
PutinLovesCats 6 points ago +6 / -0

Could've been why Harry Abdicated.

PutinLovesCats 2 points ago +2 / -0

LMFAO, they [removed] it?

PutinLovesCats 1 point ago +3 / -2

Jesuit Francis Browne Was aboard in Europe on route to NYC and sent a telegram for permission to continue on the voyage under patronage. The reply from his senior was:


All roads lead to Rome/Venice, and all roads in Switzerland can be blocked ;). Venetians always fund both sides of the war and profit. Nothing against profiting, but, they are Demons.

PutinLovesCats 4 points ago +4 / -0

Two bloodlines of Cain and Abel

  1. Hiram Abiff

  2. The Temple Legend

  3. Free Masonry and Catholicism

  4. The Mystery of The Widow's Son - Legend of the Craft

The Flavian's of Rome:

  1. Who Wrote The New Testament

  2. Josephus

  3. The Son Of Man And The Flavians

The Venetian/Black Nobility

  1. Nobiltà nera

  2. Key Root Bloodlines:

  • Farnese
  • Borghese
  • Aldobrandini
  • Orsini
  • Medici
  • Breakspear
  • Sforza
  • Barberini
  • Conti
  • Colonna
  • Este-Welf
  • Chigi
  • Somaglia
  • Gaetani
  • Pamphili
  • Schiaratura

The Jesuits and The Vatican:

Tri Sovereign States:

  1. Ring of Power

  2. Clip 1

  3. Clip 2

This is a primer I've compiled for anyone who is interested in looking into The Tri-Sovereign States and the history behind it, along with esoteric/occult history. Take everything with a grain of salt. There are plenty of breadcrumbs here to follow. Hope you all enjoy. Cheers!

PutinLovesCats 4 points ago +5 / -1

There it is, saying TOR, lol. TOR was developed by the Five Eyes. You're a n00b, as well (we all are - unless you're a CIA agent). Stop trying to act all l33t, you dumb fuck. There is no escaping the spying, but, something is better than nothing. Are you 100% secured on a VPN? No. Are you 100% secure on TOR? No. But, something is better than nothing. Illusion? Partly. Pro's outweigh the cons.

PutinLovesCats 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're better than nothing, and suggesting otherwise is suspicious, imo. 99.9% of people do not have the know how or means to be OPSEC L33t, and you most likely aren't either.

PutinLovesCats 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's the login page for the .win network.

Do I need to use a VPN or something

You don't need one one, but, you really should be using one. Not just for this website, but the internet in general.

PutinLovesCats 3 points ago +3 / -0

They work hand-in-hand by design. Chemically castrate the brain then send them to public schools which indoctrinates said castrated brain.

PutinLovesCats 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is a copy pasta of my comment I made to another user asking basically the same thing:

I'm not an expert by any means, and am somewhat of a "latish" adopter. That said, which route are you comfortable with?

KYC/AML (ie. Submitting and taking a selfie of yourself with your Government papers proving identity), then Kraken to buy Monero with Fiat, then send to a software/cold wallet you are in full control over. Many choose Exodus or Cakewallet.

Not so down with KYC/AML for whatever your reasons? You can buy it on localmonero via many ways.

Not down with that? You can mine it with your CPU. Invest in mining equipment and either solo mine or join a pool. Payments get sent directly to your wallet. An example of this would be a Ryzen 5 3600 (most economical - doable under $400 USD) CPU rig and net you around: 0.093038 XMR a month on a pool. At today's price, that is: $24.88 USD. For more info on hash rates for CPU, check out betterhash and their mining profitability calculator for your CPU. Ryzen does the best with RandomX.

Hope that helps a bit, and I highly recommend checking out:

PutinLovesCats 1 point ago +1 / -0

I already told you, I'm not an admin here. I volunteer some of my time as a mod on this specific sub. Are you too incompetent to know the difference between the two? You've provided nothing of substance, just ramblings. Have a lovely night.

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