Welcome to the inaugural Round Table discussion on conspiracies.win!
Since /r/conspiracy appears sadly disinterested in continuing the Round Table tradition, it's up to us to keep it alive!
Thanks to u/Esuomyonana for the winning suggestion:
Let's do Jesuit stuff, I can't tell if it's Zionists or them?
The Mandalay Bay event was a very close second just in case anyone wants to add anything about that:
I would like to know more about the Mandalay Bay distraction and attempted assasination of MBS/DJT.
The Jesuit Sinking of the Titanic to Create the Federal Reserve Corp.
Hm...so the Captain of the Titanic was a Jesuit? Funny that isn't mentioned on his Wikipedia page.
Now let's check out the Wikipedia page for "Jesuit conspiracy theories" lol.
Let's see how they "debunk" the Titanic Captain=Jesuit theory...hey look they just cite a shitty book and use appeals to emotion and logical fallacy to "debunk" the theory. SHOCKING:
lol. OK guys, pack it up! It's ridiculous!
HOLD UP. Literally NO ONE claims this. There is NO legitimate "conspiracy theorist" in 2021 who believes the Titanic event was created SOLELY to off these three individuals. The fact that Wikipedia uses this to "debunk" this theory is so patently absurd it's almost painful.
This is the same logical fallacy embraced by NPCs regarding the COVID hoax. They love to spout this talking point: "so you think COVID was faked just to get rid of Trump? lol you're so stupid that's ridiculous!"
An actual intelligent assessment of the COVID hoax is that the removal of Trump was one of the many goals. Those who try to dismiss this theory by saying how "ridiculous" it is that COVID was staged to "get rid of Trump" fall into the same trap as those dismissing the Titanic conspiracy.
The elimination of various opponents of the imminent Federal Reserve Act was one of MANY different goals of the Titanic staged event. First, evidence suggests the ship wasn't meant to be SUNK during the false flag, and that another ship was supposed to be nearby to rescue more people. IOW, the death toll was way higher than expected...they weren't trying to kill EVERYONE.
Again, the "removal" of the Titanic for insurance purposes was a big part of it...in the ensuing confusion certain targeted individuals could be "removed" and then blamed on the disaster. You didn't need to sink an entire ship to remove 3 people. The fact that Wikipedia presents us with THIS being the theory requiring "debunking" says EVERYTHING you need to know that they are actually presenting us with a blatant cover story. Continued:
So...no attempt to debunk the theory that Captain Smith was in fact a Jesuit? Hmmmmm....
There it is folks, the logical fallacy of the "deboonker"
Haha fuck you "Beveridge and Hall" and fuck you Wikipedia for spouting this utter drivel.
The plan wasn't necessarily to sink the ship. The elimination of the Titanic was a multi-faceted plot, and the fact that you are pigeonholing the conspiracy into one possibly fallacious conspiracy theory is as retarded as it is revealing.
Jesuit Francis Browne Was aboard in Europe on route to NYC and sent a telegram for permission to continue on the voyage under patronage. The reply from his senior was:
All roads lead to Rome/Venice, and all roads in Switzerland can be blocked ;). Venetians always fund both sides of the war and profit. Nothing against profiting, but, they are Demons.