PostyMcGee 4 points ago +4 / -0

The rabies vaccine? They've done this for awhile I think in various areas. It could be used to do evil of course but I think it's just to keep rabies in raccoon populations and the like down.

PostyMcGee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was looking at the collected works in the Library awhile back, had Book of the Damned and one other in an anthology. I think he's good at collecting reports but not necessarily good at separating the real from the hoaxes. I like his work but mostly take it with a grain of salt the way I do the likes of Brad Steiger. I think John Keel was a bit better and Jacques Vallee. I appreciate people who research this stuff though, despite the ridicule they endure. I wish scientist would be less dogmatic and more open to such things.

PostyMcGee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I actually bought the April issue a little while ago. I've always found the Fortean stuff sort of hit or miss, but more miss than hit. Haven't gotten into reading that issue yet though. There's other researchers/foundations I prefer. But it was cool to still see the magazine in stores. I was just flipping through it after this post reminded me, has an ad for toilet paper with Boris Johnson on it and a comic at the back like something out of Mad Magazine. I'll have to see if that store still carries it on a regular basis.

by pkvi
PostyMcGee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mac is gay but he has a point!

PostyMcGee 2 points ago +2 / -0

She died doing what she loved, pushing Leftist dogma. People won't see the irony in her death, but blame it on the unvaxxed preventing her from getting a bed. Lot of entitlement there. Every time I've been in, or with someone, to the ER the wait is long and beds are in the hall. not unusual at all. At least she clears a space at the university so they can hire a POC.

PostyMcGee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just blood transfusions. That was largely stopped with screening. But now that screening is homophobic, who knows, could get more kids infected with AIDS. All this Transexual story telling stuff is also grooming kids. Could see a rise in HIV amongst abuse victims. Same with infected African immigrants raping people. Might be a bit more prudent in the future.

PostyMcGee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Willow trees, which I think is what is pictured here, are also FILLED with bugs and they will get on you and it will be creepy. So stay away from willows, covid or not. Just so you know.

PostyMcGee 3 points ago +3 / -0

LOL. The nine year old girl is pissed. Love it.

PostyMcGee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Other races can have those mustaches you know!

by dot_win
PostyMcGee 1 point ago +2 / -1

Most Leftists wish they could stone people who are anti-max and hesitant of the vaccine. A precursor perhaps.

by pkvi
PostyMcGee 11 points ago +11 / -0

Convince them living in a box is moral and hip. Maybe then they won't realize, and get mad, at why they can no longer afford a real home. Government/immigrants and their costs.

PostyMcGee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't have the numbers, resources, or the IQ. Sure, Ashkenazi IQ is higher than Whites, and Jews are more wealthy. But there geography is no good and most Jews aren't Ashkenazi. The national IQ is lower than Western countries. And the lower IQ Jews have more kids and are more orthodox, less open to new stuff. Won't beat out the US, only hold on to what they have because of the US in many ways. Interesting to see the mask drop though.

PostyMcGee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are those hearts or puckers anuses? I'm just asking cause the box does seem kind of gay.

PostyMcGee 1 point ago +1 / -0

How to enlarge?

PostyMcGee 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of it isn't even bad policing. It's Brown people committing crimes then being upset when they are caught, as if they are just supposed to get away with it or something, even when coming at a cop or someone else with deadly force.

by pkvi
PostyMcGee 1 point ago +3 / -2

That they are hypocrites doesn't change the fact that they do* typically* know more than you, beyond Covid that is. If a fat doctor tells the patient their obesity is bad for them and they should eat healthier and exercise they aren't wrong. Nurses can be competent to grossly incompetent, especially foreign ones. Most just do what they are told, it's a job.

PostyMcGee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't the ADL kind of also protect the latter too in a way? Just sayin.

edit. Sorry, took me awhile to get it. I was thinking of the ACLU/SPLC. Didn't realize ADL just specialized in anti-semitism.

PostyMcGee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hear the former talking when I'm in stores in line, or people are talking on the sidewalk with friends (6 feet apart) and I walk by. I'd believe the latter exist too because a lot of the former are just that zealous and afraid.

PostyMcGee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whoa. That's really *hitty of the cops. Glad your friends were able to help you out, except that one time.

by pkvi
PostyMcGee 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mahogany | African-American Cards, Gifts & Ornaments ... --- oh Hallmark why?

PostyMcGee 2 points ago +2 / -0

13 times in one year!? Are you some kind of road maniac?

PostyMcGee 3 points ago +3 / -0

And they probably all live in a White country and would scream bloody murder if you sent them off to live with their own kind. The complete and utter lack of common sense and self awareness, they really do live in a different world. I could not stand being that stupid and evil and it always amazes me that these people somehow survive, while being that braindead.

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