Pittsburgh_Rare 3 points ago +3 / -0

You could blame everything in that list AND vaccines and still be 100% correct. The question for each item is "to what degree has it contributed?"

Pittsburgh_Rare 2 points ago +3 / -1

I used to respect Peterson. I even read his book "12 rules for life". It's a good book. Nevertheless, he has either sold out or always held retarded sympathies for Israel.

He is NOT a Christian; when pressed for confirmation, he always avoided answering by stating something to the effect of "how can one profess to be a Christian when the standards for being one are clearly impossibly high?" That indicates that either (1) he didn't actually read through the new testament or (2) he more than likely disregards the importance of Christ's sacrifice to the entirety of the faith. The latter is far more likely, particularly given that his wife is Jewish has had a life of influence over his thinking.

Also of note: his most vicious attacks either on the internet or in real life are reserved for the folks who merely "notice" the things that Jews regularly get away with, not even folks who rightly call them out, but the normal folks who just so happen to notice. He didn't even attack the COVID lockdowns with as much vitriol and those seemed to piss him off.

At this point, he should not be trusted.

Pittsburgh_Rare 4 points ago +5 / -1

This makes me wonder if Operation Warp speed was done on purpose to make the vaccine less lethal. Imagine the lethality of the vaccine if Hillary was elected in 2016 and re-elected fraudulently in 2020. If that were the case, there would have been no need to manufacture a pandemic until much later when a well-manufactured bioweapon could be brought to market.

by pkvi
Pittsburgh_Rare 3 points ago +4 / -1

No the US gains respect by ignoring the problems that Israel creates for themselves. One of the many reasons that republicans are not anyone's friends....except Israel's.

Pittsburgh_Rare 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure if it's ever mentioned, but did the means of calorie measurement change since then? 1939 was during the great depression and people, on average, were smaller in stature than today. Theoretically, that would mean they would have required less calories to exist/maintain the same muscle mass over time. I can understand folks back then being far more active, but even with a high activity level, calorie burn/day is only increased as a fraction of a much bigger total required to simply "exist"...the brain, heart, and other organs still burn the predominance of one's calories consumed.

Pittsburgh_Rare 3 points ago +3 / -0

This will convince nobody who understands that unvaccinated people are the minority and will therefore have smaller case numbers. If you have infection rates or deaths per capita, THAT data is unquestionable. I don't have the numbers myself, but logic says that such a comparison would likely validate my current opinion given that most vaccines are worthless at best and deadly at worst.

by pkvi
Pittsburgh_Rare 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah the Nazis did a lot of things...starting WWII was not one of them. Blame the Poles for that one. Poland, using their military that was backed unconditionally by Great Britain, occupied the free city of Danzig, an independent League of Nations protectorate, and then proceeded to uproot all ethnic Germans from the city into internment camps built deep inside Poland. When Poland refused to hand these people over to Germany, Hitler invaded. He then later used those camps as labor camps to support the Nazi war effort.

Pittsburgh_Rare 2 points ago +4 / -2

Reminder: the term "racist" was first used by Bolshevik (not a Russian, but a Jew) Leon Trotsky to demonize Russians who adhered to traditional Russian values and naturally distrusted outsiders and socialists.

With this in mind, interpret the data dispassionately....

Pittsburgh_Rare 1 point ago +3 / -2

Her "diary" is legally a work of historical fiction that was plagiarized from an actual historical fiction writer, but for sake of argument, let's pretend things happened exactly the way they did in the book. Anne Frank was given medical care at multiple different facilities and later died of typhus. Had she not been taken to the camps, she would likely not have received any medical care to begin with. Later, she died of typhus due to lack of proper nutrition thanks to Allied bombing. We know from RECORDED history (as opposed to uncorroborated hearsay from hysterical witnesses) that every effort was made to stop the spread of typhus in the camps during the last two years of the war. Unfortunately, those efforts were not enough.

Pittsburgh_Rare 6 points ago +7 / -1

It's a shame that this post would get banned by mods on TD.win....then again Trump was very pro-Israel until recently.

There has to be at least a couple long-nosed mods over there.

Pittsburgh_Rare 2 points ago +3 / -1

She is one of the WEF's "young global leaders" (so is Crenshaw btw). She is not to be trusted and nothing will come of this tweet. She would rather you "eat ze bugs" than live free.

....also, she's a woman so her opinion is worthless to begin with.

Pittsburgh_Rare 0 points ago +1 / -1

In a world run by the brood of vipers, ya gotta be like Grug...

"Long Nose Tribe point finger at Grug, say new word, say Grug bad, make Grug sad. Long Nose Tribe say shiny rock make better, ask for shiny rock. Grug say loud 'NO TRUG ON GRUG', not hear new word, not give shiny rock. Grug happy now. Long nose tribe go back to hole in ground. Grug go back to cave with pointy stick and shiny rock.

Pittsburgh_Rare 4 points ago +4 / -0

Circumcision today and circumcision from ancient Israel are two different things. Israelite circumcision removed a small fraction of what is removed today, which was how Israelite people could "blend in" with Gentiles.

Today, they remove everything because it goes for hundreds of dollars on the medical parts market ($500 a piece back in 2000, so inflation would make that much higher today).