I believe cases ofALS we're now seeing in middle aged adults is possibly from vaccine injury as children . So ALS numbers also increasing as people get older
Every single case if folk just calm down for a day or two (this one a few hrs). The whole story comes out and its nothing like the initial narrative... Theyre running with the she was 15 years old. shes 200 lbs weighs by looks is grown
Man! Hoped they moved before the kids were born (on their youtube channel)
Arent the vaccines made from an aborted babies fetus? Not vegan
Even the smallpox my neighbor is older 60s they would scratch it into them and it would scab up . They didn’t get the shots .
https://www.raymondibrahim.com/2020/02/10/exposed-islams-role-in-the-transatlantic-slave-trade/ My speculation on the whites stopping the spread is Based on Islamic spread and history. But also what we see Today Nigeria there are constant raids by the Muslim north on the Christian south killing and taking women as slaves they are pushing down.
100%.. the word for black = abeed = slave.. Mohammed Ali (father son haha) were big slave runners 1400 years more blacks taken to Middle East than to America’s but where are all the blacks now? Possibly 80% death crossing Sahara and the men were castrated. I say european colonialism saved Africa from jihad spreading further into Africa .
Its hard for me to tell which are bots Cuz techies ive been around talk like that
Think most people are deflatted from nothing happening to fix this
and JP Morgan decides to not go on the maiden voyage
General Patton will answer that question
I’ve only heard of the black stuff on the swabs recently hopefully you’re test we’d without
haha their attention span is too short they only remember the last thing they are told
Its really a religion just "Trust science" vaccines are their communion.
Much of those from were case laws in order to establish a court system which Ill except are from man but the 10 are from moses laws from GOD and the intent was deuteronmoy 10;12 fear Adonai walk in his ways love and serve him with all your heart. I wouldnt say genocide because Hosea 13;9 isreal You are destroyed. What was? the temple their way of life practices, they would then take on customs of others where Babylonian talmud came from. Israels people were still around they got dispersed not wiped out and it was from idolatry and unrepentance. Deuteronomy 7 when it speaks on the 7 nations to destroy it specifies their idolatry what came along with that was their practices sacrificing kids varying sexual ritual practices. Sorry i dont know how to format to make easier.
That was a misunderstanding i shouldve worded it better. By their(isreal) denying gods system the punishment would be they will then be ruled by the worlds system. The jew degeneracy you speak of is from satanists kazaar converts and ill say it was Gnosticism that infiltrated with Augustine and many proir that allows for the control and for the church to be swayed by what the world says.
I personally like Galatians 1:4 Jesus the messiah who gave himself for our sin so that he might deliver us from the present evil world system". Not just from sin it specifies the world system 666 i take to be worlds monetary system, governance and religion. Or lust ,passions ,selfish desires. Some other verses Romans 6:22 But now that you have been set free from sin and become slaves(bonded) to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 1 Peter 2:16 Live as free men, but do not use your freedom to cover-up for evil; live as servants of God
Commanded to respect the state and that was only because in Israels rebellion unrepentance they denied Gods system to be ruled by the Nations. Much of the sanhedrin and sadducees were owned and compromised and excepted the pagan world system in order to profit and gain personal power.
No problem and appreciate your looking, ive had that story memory holed since it happened haha
Look up Timothy Cunningham he worked for CDC ended up dead in a river , I believe he connected the shots with causing deaths. They tried to slander him and say it was suicide after a failed promotion .
yeah your right. i was thinking it will be used to keep troops there longer.
Thumbs up Ive read of some wild tech the govt has, sound waves directly transmitting to brain and other shootings, bombings wehre the attacker stated they were being manipulated .
I fall under the messianic understanding I read the CJB Bible seems a contradiction for me to answer haha. Much of the doctrine of Christianity is based on feelings ; feel god ,feel the spirit i believe because i feel . Instead of Know God not knowledge but a oneness based in obedience and belief which is continual action to gods instruction/tor(messiah) so you can embody the spirit that is Gods character,. Feelings are shallow can be controlled like traveller776 said with the narrative of 6million. No more thinking is needed they are a victim, them declaring war 1933 on Germany doesnt matter peace treaties denied dont matter typhus doesnt matter holodomor ,arminian christian genocide etc somehow dont matter. Christian doctrine allows for easy manipulation by the world system because its founded on the worlds Gnostic/Hellenistic worldview, Augustine was a manichean .
The kalergi plan is real. I had a talk with an older neighbor the other day they said white people only steal. I had to refute and say whites build civilization and they structured a system in America that Blacks live/d better here than any other place. The attack on whites is not healthy for the stability of the future and they need to realize and defend what their ancestors built. As a black man white nationalism is not racist.
Whats that average per person he killed in old folk homes and ventilators ?