You have the BRIC and other countries coming on a system that cuts out the dollar. Are they going to just switch BRIC into digital. As mentioned earlier if our money was worth something we wouldnt spend it. Like any product if it doesnt offer value like the CBDC then no one will use it. What do we really need money for to pay corporations to create electricity, taxes. Having no fiat or money would be a good thing. We have never in our lifetime experienced a world without the slave of money. How about we all just become servants to one another? Flood your townhall tell them to post jobs for inventors/businesses to come to your city and build free energy or generators or something productive for your city using current research not 1920’s research. I dont care what it is. The town can probably get by with using the CBDC to get the resources. Everyone in the community finds a job in the community helps build it. City provides food, electric, waste management from the community of people willing to be of service. Not saying you have to be the trash man everyday, but if a sewer is clogged in my hood im gonna go and fix it. Dont need to pay me for it. Everyone does something like this then money can slowly be weaned off. Less hours of work for your community and more time to do what you want. The infrastructure is there we just have to maintain it. Institutions have failed us. Get involved with city meetings. Dont know to many people that even attend them to monitor what your town is up to. Probably putting up those harmful wifi lights, or unaware of the biohazardous flouride in the water.
Im more of a flat earther check out NathanOakley1980 at Flat Earth Debate. Globies cant even explain like you said and the map they use is that of a projection of the globe on a flat earth using altitude measurements. Okay so majority of gas 75-80% is below the cloud levels. Now do to temperture that level can be higher or lower. Gases go through cycles absorbed and released by living things, us, trees, etc. the gases that do get past this cloud level expand out to about 10-20miles since gas expands there are less particles of gas up there. If you believe in a vacuum you have to define it, so lets say that a vacuum is an environment that has particles but they are less than .001% of the particles found on earth, and times that by all the other planets. I think NASA says the vacuum starts at sea level and gradients upward (could be wrong). So the light from stars has no resistance or obstruction other then planets and moons. Where as your headlights have 75-80% of gas particles to obstruct or bend its travels. This is just what I would postulate their answer to be.
So you got a coronavirus you have never been exposed to and had a symptom of no taste that people in the past who have been affected by the flu have also exhibited. Ive possibly had 1 flu in life that I can remember, two upper respitory infections, 1 pneumonia. Im 38 sure to have something in the future, and no clue as to how many coronavirus’s I have been exposed to. It is also possible that i will develop no taste which i could care less about.
Im with a lot in here that believe it is only what a person puts meaning to it. You dont need a tape measurer to determine unit of measure or to express it. Create something straight and use it. These so called elites just use sacred numbers to describe the phenomenons such as positions of the stars, musical notes, shapes and numbers for money/exchange 1 chicken for a basket of apples. Then when they got bored they started taking those 2D shapes and making them 3D monuments. Double Rainbow and Stone henge is an example of squaring the circle. Pyramid is a platonic shape. Where in nature do you see cubes, tetrahedrons, etc. all are just math concepts some bored person played with and applied them to things. Hard to tell if one person can determine the full rotation of any planet and then determine that the rotation of jupiter can fit three star of davids inside and on the third one sits earths rotation. Same shit can be done with all the planets and they say other solar systems are more chaotic and not able to have these sacred ratios. Heres how they determined the earths radius and diameter. They had an example of a squared circle found the small circle to be a ratio of the big circle of 3:11 then they did this calculation which you can do yourself. Moon diameter = 1x2x3x4x5x6 x3 or 8x9x10 x 3. Earth diameter = 1x2x3x4x5x6 x 11 or 8x9x10 x11. Moon + earth Radii = 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 or 7x8x9x10. Area of heavenly circle = 2 x 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11. They just made it up from a 2D picture and imposed it into 3D which they have no way of verifying, becus from the earths perspective the moon, sun, planets could be spheres. And the numbers they created are big enough to not be questioned. Only reason they are in to this stuff is becus they believe it gives them advantage through magic. Jesus of nazareth said in Matthew 23:11 but he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. This doesnt mean slave. Put others before yourself e.g. love thy neighbors. If you have to wait until the planets align then your not seeing the micro moments of positive and negative all around us in which we can all act upon. The elite are not doing 9-5 jobs they are standing around practicing intention and concentration exercises (men who stare at goats comes to mind) which anyone can do and then having wizards duels by staring at each other. This is out of a book called Quadrivium it deals with “sacred” numbers, geometry, platonic solids, harmonograph, music, coincidence in the solar system. Great book to better understand this system they studied from the natural world. What it all means i dont think they know or if they once did they forgot or have polluted it. They also have which I dont have: Trivium grammer, logic rhetoric, Sciencia, math, physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy, Designa, tech secrets of visual arts. If you want to learn about the wizard duels from a member of a secret society then read 334% Lies be warned. I have never seen a snuff film but this book reads like one at times. Do not read unless you feel protected or have the mental ability to get through it. But it talks about the real shit that the famous have probably done, or things youve seen in the movie hostel.
Lot of things come with vaxs. Where are the 60 year old autistics but now its like 1 in 50 get autism and higher in military wonder why military? Maybe something in their body since gov jabs them with everything. Some say the 60 year old autistics are around we are just better diagnosing them now. 1 in 50. They are already working on a cure for it but question is whether pharma will let it be released. Worked with a 8yr old who took the treatment. Saw a significant difference.
Cant find it but there was a video of a guy that could tell using 13-14 different observations of the face and eye orientation based off his training that a person had a mini stroke and where in the brain based off of their eye orientation. He could also use pictures taken of the person before a jab to show proof. Without a vax your eyes should be equal, but anyone that has a shift in one eye in any direction has had a mini stroke. They wont know becus there are no nerves in the brain. Im sure all of us have some signs of this.
Im single and unjabbed. Ive seen some posts in the past that women have rejected men for being jabbed. Since there are more jabbed then unjabbed I dont see this as a problem as people lying. Just dont post status on your profile like some people do. Ask if they are jabbed if yes pass, and if no take it slow. The liar will have a 50/50 chance to lie more than likely they will say they are and why would a pureblood lie to sleep with a jabby? Since women hold more power in the dating scene its on them. If the girl said not jabbed Id question why not, or whats slogan “pureblood.” Not saying men wouldnt but women hook a man based on money. Look at Kyle Rittenhouses girl im sure shes doing it for the money. Hell he wasnt singing on tiktok with anyone before the shooting. Fell for the first one possibly.
Not sure if this will answer your question but its an insight into what the voices of schizophrenics are.
Liberals telling elon he could end world hunger by spending what 30 million or some stupid number, and people want to spend 50billion to send 9 people in a tin can 9 months away in something the size of an RV with no guarantee of survival or being able to have the resources to do it again with the threat of WW4 going on here. It would be less stupid if the world just admitted they had flying saucers and we used that to get to mars. Instead they want to use the equivalent of a steam airplane.
Well i was hoping to give a reason to skyrison that was not just “they are lying about space.” Im all for exploration and dying for your ideals if you believe them to be true, but your buddy Galileo rescinded his ideal so he could live and only published before his death. Christians and many others have held onto their beliefs and died for them. Im willing to hear people out but when they dont even have the resolve to defend their belief to death then it makes me question. I dont wish harm on others so calling for blasphemy is something your projecting on me. Questioning someones ideals is not hate it is critical thinking. You think Im edgy and claiming a grand conspiracy. I simply gave two reasons why an elite group would either make up space instead of tell the world its flat. Is there nothing you mistrust? i trust people will do the right thing. I dont necessarily trust all institutions. I still go to the dentist, mechanic. Majority of people in politics, administration are not the smartest people. Practicing scientists who have been in a field should have as much of a say as any administrator as it relates to public policies not just money, administrators and lobbyists. You want progress and enlightenment then as maslow says you need to fulfill humans basic needs, and the only way is to get opinions from scientists in private practice who are doing cutting edge stuff to benefit the advancement of basic human needs. We both have the same size mind so sayinf i have a timy mind means nothing to me. Sticks and stones yada yada. We just use our minds differently. I dont use mine to attack, but to remove obstacles from others path. See the words you use create thoughts, those thoughts create behaviors, those behaviors create character (Lao Tzu) and that creates your world. If you want to change the world start by changing your words. I am so open minded i am willing to change anything i thought was true to something different or tolerate the idea and think about it and say simply say. I dont know. Again you are projecting about having no desire for mankind to excel. Truth be told that is not the ultimate desire. Buddhist believe that humans are riddled with desires: to make money, be happy, excel mankind, etc. even the desire to have no desire is still a desire. So they believe the only true desire is the desire to remove obstacles from others path. I have this desire. Any other desire isnt going to get you to enlightenment or the exceleration of mankind if you dont first look at yourself and figure out if your desire is to put obstacles infront of others by telling all people against your ideals that they are wrong or just tolerate them and maybe have the desire to remove obstacles that may be impeding them from the truth. Have a blessed day.
I guess you would have to take an angular measurement from a star above head to the horizon from opposite directions and then some how determine a radius value from that measurement to determine earth bulge, but the radius value given is always from a presupposed earth core, and a bias that the earth is a globe. You would have to transform your measurement onto a sphere shape of x. The value of x just has to be bigger than the measured distance by a great magnitude so that it is believable. Do my calculations below. Or you can look at the pyramids and play with numbers like most mathematicians did when playing in the sand to prove the earth is a sphere. From the book quadrivium pg. 32 based on sacred numbers Elevenses measure and the moon Eleven is a mysterious underworldly number-in german it goes by the appropriate name of Elf. Eleven is important as the first number that allows us to begin to comprehend the measure of a circle. This is because, for practical purposes, a circle measuring 7 across will measure eleven half way across. This relationship between eleven and seven was considered so profound by the ancient egyptians that they used it as the basis for the design of the great pyramid. A circle drawn around the elevation of the great pyramid has the same perimeter as that of its square base. The intended seven-elevenfold conversion between square and curve is demonstrated by numerous surveys. The ancients were obsessed with measures, and the number eleven is central in their metrological scheme. The size of the moon relates to the size of the earth as does three to eleven. This link paints the picture What this means is that if we draw down the moon (3) to the earth (11) as shown, then the heavenly circle through the moon will have a circumference equal to the perimeter of a square around the earth. This is called ‘squaring the circle.’ Quite how old druids (mystic arts) worked this out we may never know, but they clearly did, for the moon and the earth are best measured in miles. Eleven, seven, and three are all Lucas numbers, sisters of the fibonacci numbers, new numbers forming from the sum of the previous two numbers. The fibonacci sequence (seen in nature and probably the result of god) begins 1,1,2,3,5,8, whereas the Lucas numbers begins 2,1,3,4,7,11. (Coming from sacred numbers and possibly mystical teachings.) Do the following math and check it with wikipedia and the link above. Moon diameter (miles) = 3 x 1x2x3x4x5x6 Moon diameter (miles) = 3 x 8x9x10 Earth diameter (miles) = 11 x 1x2x3x4x5x6 Earth diameter (miles) = 11 x 8x9x9 Moon radius + earth radius (miles) = 1x2x3x4x5x6x7 Moon radius + earth radius (miles) = 7x8x9x10 Area of heavenly circle (square miles) = 2 x 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11 Do the math. These calculations alone will give you what wikipedia tells you are the real numbers. Dont need that dude in alexandria measuring shadows from an obelisk to do this one. With these numbers obelisk dude could make the math work since he probably knew the calculations and wasnt in syene at noon he was in alexandria some 500 miles away and there is no way a second observer in syene could relay the time for him to start measuring. They played with numbers. The numbers are so big as it relates to a sphere they were able to fool everyone. This still doesnt explain how you would obtain a radius from angular measurements on the surface which is what you would do to prove the earth is a globe not squaring a circle.
Sort of funny that they dont show a continuous feed but only 1min clip here and there. Same thing with ISS they have four cameras where no one knows their location and instead of all four on screen they switch from 1 to the next.
Since nobody questioned the space is fake in the 60s then it was the perfect money laundering that no one would question. What is a better way to launder money then that? Build empty cities in china? Deliver money to foreign countries? Develop scientific measurement tools like CERN to further nothing for billions? Create DUMBS? Why not just diversify and do them all.
For the simple fact that humans lack faith and have to see it to believe it they sure believe the space lie without ever experiencing a trip to the moon. Nathan Oakley in Flat Earth Debate has good questions that no one can seems to answer. What is the r value from the surface of the earth since they always use the r value from the center of the earth stating there is a measurable curve. True distance to the sun since triangles dont have curves you cant use angular measurements to determine distance. Proof of gas pressure and vacuum without a container.
I will agree that it doesnt change our current state of affairs. It would change how we respond to so called authority. Why lie? Simple. Space gives humanity hope that they can get off the planet and get away from this hellish existence. This gives those in power control since people will think more about out there then the here and now. Also if space was real they would lose control since there is plenty of resources to get rid of poverty, inequities, supply issues. You tell people space is real because if they knew with current tech how shitty life was becus of those in power then the elites would have to hide in their bunkers just to be safe in the same cage we are all in. The earth is flat and there is no escape would put more pressure on people to do better and demand that those in authority are true stewards of the plane. Elites couldnt get away with raping minerals and resources while polluting the one place we all live, which is why they built DUMBS and stored 100tons food/water and want to kill everyone, so they could escape if they lost authority. Few elite cannot control billions without the lie about space. Without that they would have to have a small population to control. Or some way of controlling a billion through jabs, poison food/water, and currency, which they have been doing forever. Their plan is taking to long. People are questioning authority on everything even space.
If true at the end he says the secretary of health gave order not FDA
Alex azar under trump
Just a thought. People may get upset they are offered a cure. The cure will be given if they accept the new digital slave system. Again not told the full truth they take it. The cure just stops the growth going on inside, stops the manufacture of spike and shedding, but the damage is already done. And now they are in the digital slave system to scared to resist like everyone else during the fall. Some will riot some rounded up, and some become a resistance. Tough to say who will be fighting who. Some will kill political leaders but after this they wouldnt dare show their faces in those positions again. If and when it happens you cant look to johnny law or person with (title) to be the next leader. You will have to really vet everyone and there skill sets. There might not be a leader, or you might be the leader. They will come out of the wood work and unite and rebuild. Anyone saying were with this city/state/country come with us if you want to live is gonna be a behavioral trap. E.g. you put a mouse trap in a cage trap infront of a mouse hole the only option the mouse has is to enter the trap. Set up camp at city hall and just start plowing, collecting water so when people show up there will be something and will hopefully reduce looting of homes. Send groups out to various neighborhoods to let them know. That city hall will be a place for ideas and supplies. Do not demand peoples supplies. Just a way to get people connected and organized. If you can carry a bucket of water and help filter it you have a benefit. Skills go up from there. Salvaging electronic parts to repair radios etc, understanding how to distill ethanol and other chemistry. Salvage chemicals and make things. Set various drop off locations in the supply and distribution chain, so one person is not hauling wood 15 miles. The greatest leader is one who is of service. Jesus will reward that person greater than all others in the end. A leader who plans and has vision can do nothing without the service of others. Collect wood for fire. People who have their own gardens are already doing their part. When they are able to share they will and the seeds they will share as well. We as a country are way behind where we were just 100 years ago.
Yea ask them how they find the r value. Or proof of an axial rotation from earth. Or how can you have air pressure or a vacuum without a container. Why do we even use a sextant to take angular measurements. It wouldnt work on a globe becuse triangles dont have curves.
All people have to do is stop working for a week. Strike in every field. Problem is we arent coordinated enough and some will falter and go to work. System would shut down. Food wont be harvested, trucks/trains/ships wont transport (trains are getting ready to do this) corporations would have no customers and employees would have nothing to do. Put the police at grocery stores and have doctors and nurses at pharmacy stores with police and fuck all the other companies. Call it a week vacation encourage people to go hunter/gather and provide food to city folk who may need support. We are americans.
Yes but the distance they travel is unobstructed from particles until it hits the particles in the air of our planet.