NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or when they announced that they were going to release Epstein's client list to the public a few months ago. Here I am wondering why they haven't released it yet, when the answer's been right in front of me the whole time.

Two more weeks.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm sure somehow the words racism and climate change were used as justification, but, true to fashion, the members of O̶w̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶y̶ J̶e̶w̶s̶, I mean, Congress sat there silently as no one dared to dispute this braindead bill.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 0 points ago +1 / -1

NEVER trust a turncoat.

Especially with how diametrically opposed the Left and Right wings are (on paper, of course), anyone "genuinely" switching between the two shouldn't be involved in any decision-making for other people. They obviously have a hard time making their own decisions.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 1 point ago +2 / -1

I can see people thinking that this is just a LARP, probably cause of the fact that "some elite confided in me the secret plan, etc", but that's what is happening right now.

If you're like me, you've probably wondered why all the liars in government and media are getting progressively worse at lying, seeming as if they almost want to get caught. You see them contradict themselves all the time, and they're blatantly obvious about it. This narrative about turning everyone against the government seems to fit perfectly with those actions.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 4 points ago +5 / -1

Check this out.

Lately, and especially after the heavy propaganda in the last few years and the rate at which it has exponentially increased, I had been wary of any news on TV. Sometime in the last year, one morning I was watching a news channel after just waking up for the day.

Now, anytime I've ever watched news when I'm not fully awake yet, I've been annoyed at trying to pay attention to the current segment while having the ticker at the bottom scrolling and distracting me. So, it dawned on me.

I started thinking that, although the mind is capable of multi-tasking, it's not normal to try to focus on multiple things at the same time. I decided there has to be something to that. I wanted to know who was the first to implement the news ticker, and what I found out, made me think, "no shit", because then there was no denying that the news ticker was meant to make you spread your mental resources too thin, so to speak.

So, no one news station was the first to start using the scrolling news ticker. There were 25 news stations who all first displayed this scrolling news ticker, all at the same time, and guess what day that was?


by DrLeaks
NancyPelosisEyebrows 1 point ago +2 / -1

These people are either very brave or very stupid. Politicians used to get shot for less depravity.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kinda sad that we are instantly suspicious of these events every time they happen, but that's only because they have a horrible track record when it comes to actually being genuine.

One detail I found strange was the names of some of the 5 victims. One was "Sotomayor", another was "Ocasio-Capo", and a third "Gonzalez-Cruz". What are the chances that one shares a last name with a Democrat Supreme Court Justice and another just so happens to not only share "Ocasio" with a Democrat Congresswoman (who constantly gaslights the public about how certain events took place), but it's also hyphenated with another last name, as well?

NancyPelosisEyebrows 16 points ago +16 / -0

If The Protocols are fake, the Jews have done a piss-poor job trying to not live up to them.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Too late for their asses to remain in this country any longer! Kicked out of 1̶0̶9̶ make that 110 countries and counting!!

NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Articles this laughable are all my phone's "Google news feed" is ever comprised of anymore.

Oh, and there's always at least one article about Bill Gates' creepy ass.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 5 points ago +5 / -0

^This 100%. (((They))) are responsible for all the immoral corruption we're seeing today, and they are responsible for so much in history that we have been lied to about.

by DrLeaks
NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eleven months old? It's a shame someone didn't bash that dude's head in with a hammer.

by DrLeaks
NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

WE WUZ KANGS.......and sheeeit

by pkvi
NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does she identify as a bald, homeless dude currently on the 4th day of a gnarly drug binge?

NancyPelosisEyebrows 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sure that is, at the very least, part of their agenda. It's uncanny how easily it has become to "call it" on "the tribe" being involved in certain nefarious acts. Maybe it's the level of absurdity of the things that I come to find out they are behind that triggers my suspicion. Either way, they shouldn't get a pass on being called out, and it's always good to see when others aren't afraid to do so.

by pkvi
NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone should tell them not to worry. According to the "experts", "we no longer have flu".


NancyPelosisEyebrows 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's only 7:30 AM here, and I think I've already surpassed today's limit for taking the internet seriously.

From the article:

"She adds it’s important to remember that a vaccine does not prevent infection. It prevents diseases, which are the physical systems like fever, rash, and sore throat."

Haven't laughed that much in a little while, but damn, that was hilarious.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 0 points ago +1 / -1

What did I just read? Now I see why he goes by the name "Clif High" - it's because you have to be high to believe this trash.

by pkvi
NancyPelosisEyebrows 0 points ago +2 / -2

Nigger, the majority of your post history consists of you calling people fags, homos, retards, and kikes. At the very least, it seems you have an obsession with those things. And while we're talking subversion, it's pretty ironic that you would make accusations of such, when your contributions here are nothing but insults. Get mad. Hopefully, mad enough to quit posting here. Nothing of value would be lost.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 1 point ago +1 / -0

Totally a psyop. The crisis actors were so pathetic that they figured McConaughey's acting experience would help. Personally, it just made the hoax that much more obvious.

You would think, that after all these false flags, they would put more effort into hiring better crisis actors or even ironing out all the wrinkles in the details.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do yourself a favor and click "About Us" along the top of Real Raw News' page. Now, read the 2nd section from the top, titled "Disclaimer". That "news" site is no better than MSM, maybe even worse.

As an example, there is a list of politicians and celebrities that they claim have been arrested and/or executed at Gitmo. I have personally seen them report this, as a new story, 3 different times since early 2020, every 6 months or so.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

FBI: "With our new app, you can store photos and info about your child, zoom in and crop those photos, and e-mail information to the authorities...."

Everyone: "Wow, thanks for this app. Now, I can use my phone to do.....literally, EVERYTHING I could already do with my phone!"

Lol, I can't believe this isn't satire, but it is fitting in the current clown world we live in. 🤡🤡🤡

NancyPelosisEyebrows 4 points ago +4 / -0

Without a shadow of a doubt, this is an engineered collapse where the ones behind the scenes have the audacity to attempt to pass it off as being the result of extraordinary incompetence. I see that blatant disregard as them rubbing in everyone's faces.

NancyPelosisEyebrows 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not incompetence. That was intentional, as is everything else done by this illegitimate "administration".

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