Mad_King_Kalak 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have done enough research to know that, yes, indeed there was an Armenian genocide, but not deep enough to know that the Jews were behind the Young Turks. Thanks.

Mad_King_Kalak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Satan lives in the tomb of St. Peter, where the head of the apostles literal bones reside?


Mad_King_Kalak 3 points ago +3 / -0

vpnsurfer, given his political opinions and snarky lunacy is a low T skinny little bitch, who never had a strong father figure in his life.

But since I've never seen you, though the above is invariably true, and I don't have proof other than conjecture, I'm going to say I'm not sure you're a low T skinny little bitch, and give you the "benefit of the doubt"


Mad_King_Kalak 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well, he was molested by a priest when he was a teen, which is what turned him gay. And sodomites mostly exist because they get molested by adult sodomites.

But I'm giving the guy the benefit of the doubt, in that have any victims come forward? Parents of victims? Has any family or former friends said they saw him sodomize underage teens?

Mad_King_Kalak 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gone are the days of 0% $399 down, five year car loans. Higher interest rates.

I have to cars myself, a 2001 gonna drive forever Honda and a 2012 Toyota. The first I got at a used car dealer for cheap at the height of the pandemic stimmie give away. People didn't want to buy small sedans, they were buying fancier cars.

The second I did go to a dealer, and got one of the certified preowned ones. 10% interest. Oh, it hurts. But it's nice for once in my life to have a car that isn't leaking oil or some other fluid.

Mad_King_Kalak 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's a die roll, but the best bet is to buy a 10 year old car for 4-5k cash, no financing, from one of those mid-level non-dealer shops. Usually it's some auction car, where they fixed the transmission or something, why the last owner sold it. But you have no loan, and can drive it without putting full coverage insurance on it.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was the response from the water treatment plant operator in my town:

Well, the confidence level in this particular study wasn't very high, and it certainly is not cause for alarm for residents of XXXXX. The study examined areas where the fluoride was naturally occurring at levels >1.5 mg/L. Groundwater from the Rocky Mountains in Colorado is one place this happens, for example. As required by law, we dose to a target level of 0.8 mg/L, well below that limit. However, fluoride is a reactive element, in the same group on the periodic table as Chlorine, so health effects related to high concentrations would be expected. It is also a case of the government deciding what is good for everyone and then enforcing that policy. Personally, I feel that the "sword" should be reserved primarily for behavior that harms others, not oneself. I wouldn't be surprised to see the fluoridation requirement go away in the medium future. There are many other ways to protect one's enamel than there were in 1945 when this policy was enacted.

Mad_King_Kalak 2 points ago +2 / -0

The guy praised Epstein for having "access to women". I mean, innocent until proven guilty, but this doesn't surprise me.

This MF, aside from being a piece of shit human being, is controlled opposition. He's all "oh white man, why are you so weak. Why don't you stand up for yourself. Oh, Islam is the best."

The minute working class anglo-saxons in England have 1 or 2 white riots, he is worried about his fellow ragheads.

Mad_King_Kalak 0 points ago +1 / -1

You mean you babbled a bunch of stuff that others critiqued you on, showing gaps in your knowledge, but when it came time for you to put up, well, mon ami, you didn't write the check and walked away.

Find some photos yourself, or continue the intellectual masturbation you seem keen on.

Mad_King_Kalak 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you think I'm doing anything in this cul-de-sac of suck for clout, why then, I wonder what other strange things you have going on in your head.

In the end, mom advice works here. Don't complain if you're not going to do anything about it.

Mad_King_Kalak -1 points ago +1 / -2

How the fuck do you think I'm going to get close enough to Trump with a telephoto lens to take photos while asking him to pose just so in good light?

Grow up.

You go ahead and scroll through date stamped headshots on an image search yourself, otherwise, bugger off.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +3 / -2

Do the research and make a new meme yourself then.

What you need to see is the damage to the ear, and you can see the cleft and distortion on the recent photo, but not in the 2023 photo.

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