MOCKxTHExCROSS 1 point ago +1 / -0

when Trump gets elected they will use the media to get all the illegals to riot BLM style until they get UBI & then will use as a pretext to rewrite constitution to completely remove 1st & 2nd amendments

MOCKxTHExCROSS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Last job was manufacturing engineer for a consumer products company that builds some stuff in the USA. 90% of the workers were Spanish speakers only. The company has employment ads all over their small midwest town in Spanish only. They have a complete set of Spanish speaking HR ladies just to recruit and retain the workforce.

Is it really "MADE IN USA" if it's made in usa by illegals?

MOCKxTHExCROSS 0 points ago +1 / -1

hahaha you've really lost the script when you think the future is deflationary

inflation is a core feature of central banking

MOCKxTHExCROSS 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's a post truth society. Germ theory helps maintain it.

Germ theory > Injections > Stupid NPCs >

MOCKxTHExCROSS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't it weird how "free range" chickens are housed in what appears to be a conventional poultry barn?

MOCKxTHExCROSS 6 points ago +6 / -0

just when you thought you might be getting boomer houses cheap... flood the market with illegals and find ways of giving them 0% down mortgages

MOCKxTHExCROSS 7 points ago +7 / -0

What are the odds they do this for the childhood vaccine series as well?

MOCKxTHExCROSS 4 points ago +4 / -0

American politics has been reduced to "what pleases the jews most"

MOCKxTHExCROSS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope this is not personal debt and you are at least shielded by the appropriate legal structures so your "veil" cannot be pierced.

MOCKxTHExCROSS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fisher and the thermal protection system team develop and apply the spray-on foam that acts as insulation and protects the adapter and all its systems from the extreme pressures and temperatures it’ll face during flight. The thermal protection system for the component, unlike other parts of the rocket, is applied by hand using a spray gun. When first applied, the insulation is yellow, but after time and exposure to the Sun, it turns orange.

“We’re taking the same stuff someone might use to insulate their attic, except making it for cryogenic atmospheres, and spraying it all over a giant piece of hardware that will help launch us to the Moon,” Fisher said. “With my work for NASA’s Space Launch System rocket, I get to play with foam and glue. I like to call it arts and crafts engineering!”


MOCKxTHExCROSS 1 point ago +1 / -0

When returning from the moon vs low earth orbit, the reentry speeds are higher, which means more energy to deal with for the heat shield.

MOCKxTHExCROSS 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's supposed to burn up. It's not supposed to break into chunks as soon as it hits the outer atmosphere.

The old way was "too expensive" and "labor intensive". How much $ and labor have they wasted so far with this new approach?

It makes a lot more sense that we never went to the moon, and none of the old tech actually worked.

MOCKxTHExCROSS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden message to unvaccinated: 'Our patience is wearing thin'


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