MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t think we are in a matrix. I am an orthodox Christian. I believe in transcendent categories like Self/agency/intentionality Time/space Unity/ diversity Identity over time Causation Teleology Laws of logic Abstract concepts Meaning

All exist outside of our empirical observations. Orthodox Christianity has a pretty solid explanation for metaphysics. I’m not a philosopher and am ignorant but that’s where I’m personally coming from.

Also I’m not upset with anyone for having different views, but I love the pursuit of truth and having dialogues about this stuff.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are making a claim that lacks the possibility of being proven at all. It’s impossible to prove, which is my concern.

There is no way you can be in the matrix, and show proof of it, without access to outside the matrix. It’s impossible. All of your observations within the matrix are created by the matrix in your view. Your only reality is fabricated and you have no access beyond it. Any experiment from physics, astrophysics, quantum physics will all yield results that are matrix results. Any information you gather is corrupted by the fact that it’s gathered from the matrix.

It destoys the possibility for you to justify your claim at all levels, logical and physical.

Any double slit experiment will still be within the matrix and therefore it will only show you what the matrix indicates.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your position is unknowable, you’ve yet to address that.

As for the definition of simulation. Do the words sham, counterfeit, imitative mean anything?

That concept works for only a superficial level. I’m talking on a grand scheme. When I play a video game like Skyrim, the game is real, the keyboard is real, I’m really interacting with a programmed reality. But am I a wizard that can ride dragons? No.

Can I learn useful things yes, but one thing you can never learn in a simulation is that you are in a simulation.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s completely unknowable and unprovable because everything that could be used as evidence is apart of the simulation. This has been pondered since Ancient Greece.

Just because reality is an illusion / simulation / trick, doesnt mean that its not real.

That’s literally the definition of simulation though. I like where you’re logically headed that our actions matter and I applaud you there but I think your case may need to flesh out the vocabulary a little bit first. We can learn from video games and simulations I’m not arguing against that at all, but to say that a simulation is real is antithetical to the definition of simulation.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we are living in a simulation, then your idea that this is a simulation is also apart of the simulation. It defeats itself.

It’s akin to saying reality is false, except for the part that told me reality is false.

MO-Carpenter 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, maybe it puts a bit a kink in "Evolution" (but they don't seem too worried about the huge plot holes there) and it lends some support to the Bible, but otherwise who cares?

Well since we are on conspiracy I’ll throw in my crazy.

The plot holes in evolution, the really weak “simulation theory” items pushed in our pop scientism. (Ex. 1) (Ex. 2) (Ex. 3) Are similar to Buddhism, Gnosticism, hermeticism, Freemasons, illuminate, and even philosophical views such as nihilism and postmodernism. These all share a similar views of essentially reality is fake and gay, either kill yourself or kill others on the way out. This inverts the Christian ethic of us being responsible for every action, every thought, that we aren’t victims.

I think covering up Nephilim, the true nature of reality, the subversion of Christianity, the creepy occult obsession of a SIGNIFICANT amount of powerful people from the beginning of time until now all point towards something higher than ourselves.

I’m a Christian so I have that bias. Honestly I was agnostic most of my life but the more I saw creepy occult stuff among the elite led me to study religion more.

Even science has such poor answers that it’s almost lazy. Simulation theory (who made the simulation?) directed panspermia (who directed all that jizz?) life evolving from primordial soup struck by lightening (lol Ancient Greece called they want their mythology back), ancient aliens(gods and demons relabeled ET), it’s all essentially hinging religious beliefs that make less sense the more we learn.

I think there’s a deliberate effort to take us further from the truth because they want to ursup God. It’s luciferian. Any school of thought that tells you “you don’t matter” “existence doesn’t matter” “it’s all an illusion” “random chance” all lead people to suicide, disillusionment, terrible decisions. I truly think these philosophies are purposely harmful to humans.

I’m done rambling but I’ll close with this: don’t let anyone tell you you don’t matter existence doesn’t matter, you do matter.

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +3 / -0

You had me right up until UN Human Rights expert. Just kidding Isreal is going insane in the Middle East. Israel has been more relentless in her persecution of Christians in Palestine than anyone on earth currently. Meanwhile the CIA influenced ecumenical movement in the US would have you believe in “judeo-Christian values” and how Israel must be protected. While Israel displaces, murders, desecrates temples and graveyards of some of the oldest Christian heritige in the world.

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

That sure is an interesting logo ya got there.

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +3 / -0

The new normal

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Mathew 10:28

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

From my reading and limited understanding In Christianity the only person who can fuck with your soul is the Lord. Someone can poison you, kill you, do all kinds of awful stuff to you, and sometimes you even get rewarded for it. To my knowledge nobodies faggy little dark arts rituals mean shit compared to God. I am highly suspicious of anyone implying anything they give you removed your soul, and in Christian theology yes someone who’s paralyzed has a soul. Someone who’s brain dead has a soul. Paralytics are something Jesus personally dealt with in the books of Mathew Mark Luke and John.

That’s why abortion and euthanasia are such hot topics for certain people of faith because they believe in their immortal soul.

I also similarly wouldn’t assume we become soulless when we are unconscious for sleep, or surgery, or otherwise incapacitated. It’s irrelevant if it’s permanent or temporary. If they are alive they’re alive, and Christian also have resurrection so even if you’re dead there’s still life after death. None of what these Catholics are saying make sense, furthermore if they’re going against Rome, they are violating the First Vatican Council. So by their own silly rules they’re heretical and supposedly damned. (I’m not a Roman Catholic, but I’m aware of their rules)

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

HG Wells wrote a book in 1940 called New World Order. The terms on the technocratic elite are not exclusive to one entity.

Are we just listing non sequiturs or did you have a point to make?

Someone already saying something seems dismissive, when in reality more people talking like this should be more concerning.

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joe Biden did a Wall Street Journal Op Ed in 1992 titled, “How I learned to love the New World Order”

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not everyone knew, and still too few know now. Many got pure propaganda and lies, and have buried their head so they don’t suffer “buyers” remorse.

Shit I didn’t know fetal cells were used for almost everything. I’ve changed my diet so much since the wuflu. I’m personally not ready to abandon the vaccinated.

It’s one thing with the militant ones who cheerfully lead children to the needle, but many of them are just ignorant people who got abused by a propaganda machine. I don’t blame goats in line for slaughter. The Judas goat maybe, but many people are just simple folk that were legit victimized here.

The government, the pharmaceutical companies, and the medical industry are to blame.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t know anything. From what I can tell intention matters in Christianity. If someone was forced or coerced into taking these and was ignorant and trying to help I wouldn’t want to assume they are damned. It’s not for us to pass judgement. There’s biblical and historic accounts of holy martyrs who were poisoned.

Roman Catholics appear obsessed with legalistically damning people. I don’t speak for the Lord but from what I’ve read of his book he really made an effort to point out two people doing the same action can have entirely different consequences based on intention purpose and context.

I’m not saying anyone should seek to be poisoned but I’m not going to automatically assume anyone is damned based on a huge psyop.

MO-Carpenter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lol Wikipedia says Z is the equivalent of a swastika holy shit they lay the propaganda on thick.

MO-Carpenter 5 points ago +6 / -1

Nazis invented vaccine passports. Many things you hate about the American government like MK Ultra was brought over by Nazis. The globalist technocratic elite? Heavily influenced by Nazis.

Werner Von Braun: aerospace project manager for NASA

Walter Hallstein: head of EU Commission

Adolf Heusinger: NATO Chief of Staff

Kurt Waldheim: Secretary General of the UN

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would you say your a solipsist or something similar?

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t think we’re all fucked.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, that would be if I believed "god" was a deity.

That’s the definition of the word.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have no delusions of grandeur.

That’s the definition of self-deification.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just because all you consume are kids movies, doesn’t mean everything is a kids movie or video game

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

you think you’re a god yet you’re still paying taxes to pedophiles, sounds like some wishful thinking to me but hey you do you

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe they want spergs to stop listening to Greg Reese?

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