I’ve seen a lot of “Mars” photos and none really looked like the ones that are alleged to be photos of Mars in this post. Do you have some links to said photos just to corroborate?
Yeah I still don’t really get it though. I definitely understand why people hate blacks, Muslims and certain other groups but I still don’t get the Jew hate. I hear what they’re saying about them being in powerful positions and all but it just seems like they’re using Jews as a scapegoat for why their life didn’t turn out how they wanted it to.
It is interesting how almost everyone has someone to blame for the worlds ills or why they didn’t achieve. I assume it’s some sort of natural coping mechanism
I appreciate your work
For what it’s worth I just searched “covid omicron symptoms” and breezed through a half a dozen links and they were all saying various mild symptoms, none said anything about heart/cardiovascular issues.
Certainly something to watch out for because it wouldn’t be surprising at all if they tried some bullshit like what op posted
I seem to remember this happening at least a couple times with past presidents if I’m not mistaken. I believe it’s normal.
Probably has to do with the fact that if something happens but he doesn’t die then you can’t just transfer power immediately while he’s still alive but incapacitated. This would make it easier for the VP if any surprises popped up that they would need to handle
Gotcha that makes sense. DuckDuckGo doesn’t throw up pictures unless you click on “images”. I just searched the name after a quick glance at op’s pic. Thanks.
Yeah, 41? I searched it and apparently that’s true. As much as I believe the vaccines cause heart problems, maybe this dudes was just because he partied so hard lol
I read the article that this comes from and the data they use ends in 2018, I think the data started in 2009 if I remember correctly.
While I personally believe the vaccine is causing many heart problems, this study isn’t about that.
Edit: here’s a link, it was 07-18
Now I’m not disagreeing here but I do wonder about something. Is that mortality rate caused directly by the heart inflammation or is it possibly because of other factors? Factors that may have led the person to get the myocarditis in the first place.
Like maybe people who get myocarditis are often very old which could lead to death soon from any cause. Or maybe people with myocarditis often get it from a specific disease that tends to kill people within a decade, that kind of thing.
If anyone has more info it would be helpful
Think about the lessons this guy is teaching his children by not being able to proofread a single sentence.
Right but when you rinse the micro particles down the drain they go into the environment/ water/animals and eventually back to us.
What does ayh stand for?
What does ayh stand for?
The funny part is that you probably actually believe anyone who disagrees with you about your insane time travel conspiracies just has to be a bot, because how else could this be possible! Lol
This comment is filled with fear and I’m definitely not feeling the love
Really? I’ve never heard anything time travel related concerning the Mandela effect. I thought it was more a “multiple timelines” type thing.
Regardless, the Mandela effect is a real thing where large groups of people misremember something in the same way. Unless you have some conspiracy concerning the Berenstain/Berenstein bears Mandela effect lol
This so how I remember it as well. Op probably just misremembered because they both died on or around a movie set
So because they photoshopped a press picture that means he didn’t go to space? What’s even the conspiracy here, that none of these rocket missions are going to space? Why wouldn’t he go? I don’t get it
I agree. I think a lot of the Jew hate here is misguided. Certainly they have a lot of power around the world and they use that power to further an agenda that they feel is beneficial to themselves but that’s what we would all do if we had that power. They didn’t get it through luck, people have been shitting on Jews for centuries, they worked hard to achieve it. Hard to hate on that in my opinion
Sorta. She was suspended directly due to the mask. If she had left school after being suspended she wouldn’t have been arrested. The mask issue led to her arrest but didn’t cause it. If she left school when ordered to, she wouldn’t have been Arrested at all. I’m not trying to be an ass, just when I first read the title I thought she somehow got arrested for not wearing a mask
I totally agree with her protest and all that, but for anyone wondering, she was arrested for refusing to leave school grounds after she was suspended not for anything directly mask related. Regardless, this is surprising to me to see this coming out of Wyoming.
Well he doesn’t send mean tweets so that’s good enough for me! But seriously so many of these people are being so lied to and misled that I had a liberal coworker of mine arguing that joe Biden is pro gun. I was rendered speechless from the stupidity
Well when you put it like that lol.I guess that just seems obvious to me so I don’t think of it as a conspiracy. Many liberals I’ve talked to admit this is the case but he’s “better than Trump” so they don’t care. The White House isnt exactly hiding it very well
To nitpick a little bit, it’s not really all health professionals, the amount of people working in the medical field refusing the shot is approximately equivalent to the general public, or less. Don’t get me wrong, it’s concerning but there’s many many health professionals who have gotten it
I’m gonna take that as a no, lol. To each their own, you keep believing random memes. I mean the meme even says “official Mars photo” it must be true!