Krako 2 points ago +3 / -1

"The pot" lol bunch of fucking squares. You know you can just grow your own weed and shrooms quite easily. Especially shrooms just need the spores and you can grow a lifetime supply forever. Government need not be involved. I'm a radical though I think all drugs should be legal and the government should mind its own damn business.

Krako -1 points ago +2 / -3

This is way more nuanced then this article makes it out to be. This breaks it down well https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.opb.org/article/2021/09/20/examining-oregon-decision-to-drop-high-school-essential-skill-requirements/%3foutputType=amp

Actual bill here https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/SB744/Enrolled&ved=2ahUKEwjvq76l3oD3AhU6TjABHbgoBykQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2Q5spbDDYzeMOAFAwn4x69

Basically just takes away the standard test requirement think it was called the ASFAB in CA when I was in high school. You don't actually need it to graduate in most cases. The bill only lifts the requirement for 3 years and during that time they are going to research updating the requirement to something less archaic. You still have to get a passing grade in your classes to graduate so it's hardly like high schoolers are coming out completely illiterate if they get their degree. But of course go off with the racism typical low IQ shit not even researching your own posts.

Krako -1 points ago +1 / -2

This article is horse shit if you want to read the bill you can download it here. Does not say anything that this article is falsely stating, alarmist fake news. https://legiscan.com/MD/text/SB669/2022

by pkvi
Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why go so far back? The concept of countries economically supporting other countries war efforts is incredibly common. USA during WW2 supported Britain economically to a large degree before joining the war in the final years without the Axis powers declaring war. Go back to the revolution of the colonies France economically and sometimes directly militarily supported the colonies without a declaration of war from Great Britain. You are basically describing proxy wars which have been a staple of great powers throughout history. This is nothing new, post comes of as kind of ignorant of history honestly.

Krako 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yeah Corporis is so obviously a Russian stooge posting weak ass pro russia war shit and low IQ red vs blue hot takes. Usually posts a bunch of crap in a row to forumn slide. Should be banned in my opinion.

Krako 2 points ago +3 / -1

Can't agree just not true in my industry, even locally places that pay more are not having trouble filling positions. Maybe the companies in "high end" programming you talked to just suck to work for. Chik filet near me pays $19 an hour and it's highly competitive to get a position.

Krako 2 points ago +3 / -1

Word I didn't say it wasn't bad before just that people had more options because of all the unemployment extra money and they changed industries permanently. The short staffing is changing the industry for sure.

Krako 3 points ago +4 / -1

100% this I worked my way through college working at a fucking applebees and it sucked shit. Pay is way better then other minimum wage jobs though with the tips depending on the place. It honestly motivated me to get through college and get a good job. My wife was doing the same, olive garden though, during the "pandemic" and she never went back after got a better job after some trade schooling. I don't doubt some more people have died but I am just not seeing it in my community nobody I know even tangentially has died could just be lucky. Like you say I think people re assessed their priorities and finally had financial breathing room with stimulus money during covid and many are not coming back to the service industry. Everywhere around me good high paying jobs are in short supply but every restraunt and retail outlet has hiring signs.

Krako -6 points ago +1 / -7

Hilarious that you would post this right after a post about paid shills coming in to make racist or anti Semitic comments to make the user base look crazy. Spoiler alert the gay "agenda" is wanting to be treated like a normal person that's it. Do you even know one gay person in real life? Do you think you can't be friends with a gay person because they might try to fuck you? Sounds like a personal problem if you think you can't be friends with other men because they might be gay. Can men not be friends with other women for the same reason? Unfortunately your whole premise in your other post falls apart because a legitimate portion of the user base is racist and homophobic and proud of it including you.

Krako -3 points ago +1 / -4

OP "Corporis" is a Russian stooge just look at his history of forums sliding pro russia posts. Ignore and move on.

Krako -5 points ago +2 / -7

I mean she kind of has a point no? Shouldn't they focus more time on her history of constitutional analysis instead of like 8 cases all of which they were found guilty and served jail time. If she was a pedophile supporter why did they all go to jail she could have just plead them all out no jail time. Getting a felony is basically the end of normal life in society for most people even when they get out of jail. I just don't get the GOP obsession with this line of questioning. Anyone care to explain it for me?

Krako 0 points ago +2 / -2

Where is this from? Just widely inaccurate compared to what was actually going on in these time periods. Like Roman citizens didn't have to work in 1000 bc is just straight up wrong.

by pkvi
Krako 0 points ago +3 / -3

How many of these people are just doing this for work, travel, event requirements etc? My theory is you keep the case counts high by forcing testing through corporate requirements like this. Ain't nobody sane waiting in line for 2 hours "just to be sure". Even though my work doesn't have a requirement my co workers get a test every time they get the sniffles, crazy wasteful and expensive.

Krako -3 points ago +1 / -4

Yeah this is the point I was trying to make and your position is very reasonable. To say it is a joke was perhaps a mistake on my part. More correct to say keep an open mind and understand that people want to manipulate us on multiple vectors. Checking sources and vetting information is important and often I see users on here believing things outright eith very sketchy proof or no proof at all. I agree with the majority of the user base on lockdowns being bad and I am anti mask/vaccine mandate. I personally took the vaccine but believe everyone should have that choice and anything else is government over reach. So it's funny I actually support the position of the GBR but due to the nature of the signatures am unsure how wide spread that belief is among medical practitioners of the west.

Krako -4 points ago +3 / -7

I will explain the point I was trying to make since you all predictably missed it. This GBR is easy to manipulate that means it can be manipulated by anyone for any reason. If you wanted to bolster your claims of herd immunity being widely accepted by the medical community for example wouldn't it be great if you could pad the stats and create thousands of signatures out of thin air from supposed MDs. Going the other way bad actors (like myself in the example) can file thousands of false signatures under obviously ridiculous names to discredit the GBR. My point is its a bad system they set up ripe for manipulation and therefore is suspect in either redirection whatever narrative you want to believe.

Krako -9 points ago +3 / -12

What is your user but a false identity? I'm just pointing out how easy it is to sign this thing that's all no need to get butt hurt about it. Unless you think it's not easy to sign? Again you can verify this yourself easily. The three doctors that authored the declaration are legit with good credentials but most of the other signatures are suspect because of the ease of signing and lack of vetting. It's good to be aware of the realities of things like this.

Krako -10 points ago +2 / -12

Who the company I work for? I make six figures as a controller for a mid size produce company. Dr butt snacks however makes zero dollars and is just doing it for the lulz. Seriously go sign it right now it takes like 30 seconds you will see what I mean

Krako -16 points ago +2 / -18

The great Barrington declaration is a joke. Literally any chucklefuck with internet access can sign it and claim to be a doctor. I just signed it right now as Dr Butt Snacks a PHD holder and medical practitioner from Missouri and it still went through lol. Don't believe me try it yourself on their website.

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