JohnSmith1882 2 points ago +3 / -1

Not only did they fail that part, they misspelled "a lot" and "losing".

It's a testament to the public education system's effectiveness when so many people cannot spell basic words.

JohnSmith1882 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is not real. Kyle's legal team was shooting this down all day yesterday. They have not filed any lawsuits yet.

JohnSmith1882 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. That makes sense to me.

I saw a post after making that comment that said something along the lines of Trump refusing to do the same thing with Pence when he went in for the same type of procedure. So, I guess it does happen more often than it seemed.

JohnSmith1882 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is there are precedent for a sitting President to invoke the 25th amendment themselves while undergoing routine medical procedures? Would that even be necessary to do? If the President becomes unable to continue his duties as President, aren't the mechanisms already in place to transfer power good enough?

This seems to me like a way to introduce the idea of Biden handing power over permanently to the public.

JohnSmith1882 1 point ago +1 / -0

No problem.

I only chimed in because I am noticing a huge increase all across .win of posts and comments that have stripped out context, or are flat out bullshit. The top comment that you replied to is a good example. The facts and context are clearly stated in the post yet they still made that comment. The fact that it is the top comment is a little alarming. That shows that people making conclusions that are not even being presented and then circle-jerking over these conclusions. That was/is a common occurrence on Reddit.

Keep an eye out and you will see it too. The number of posts that are just screenshots that are cropped in a way that hides the publication and/or context. Post headlines that are editorialized in a way that contradicts the text contained the linked articles (if the OP even bothers to provide a link). Old stories that are presented as new, often with an editorialized headline that changes facts about the original story. Satire and parody presented as real stories. Top level comments that are perpetuating false narratives. This last one is very common on r/conspiracies on Reddit.

This sort of thing happens on all forums from time to time, but there has been a very noticeable up-tick in these types of posts and comments over the last couple of months. It would seem to me that the various 3-letter agencies along with the Media Matters/Share Blue/etc., type folks are operating on .win in an increased capacity. Not all of these post and comments are being made by nefarious organizations of course, some people are just stupid, but it is common enough these days that stupidity alone doesn't explain it.

JohnSmith1882 2 points ago +2 / -0

You must have missed it during your "search", or failed to notice that the name of the person is featured in the headline of each of the articles in this image. These are not two photos of the same guy. Ian Hill, who is 70, is the guy on the left.

JohnSmith1882 2 points ago +2 / -0

The dude in the photo on the left is Ian Hill, who is 70. Richie is in the photo on the right.

JohnSmith1882 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Daily Beast, NPR, NYT and a few others had virtually the same headlines. They are at the point where someone says "I like cats" and they write "Man says he hates dogs".

by pkvi
JohnSmith1882 4 points ago +4 / -0

I gather OP is using that instead of just spelling it "I". It is fucking obnoxious regardless of the reason they spell it that way.

JohnSmith1882 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't she also the one that said on live TV that anyone that called in sick (I believe she was talking about schools) that didn't take a covid test would be counted as being part of any outbreaks? Then the Alberta government released a statement denying she said it even when the video clearly shows her saying it. They can't even keep their own bullshit straight.

JohnSmith1882 1 point ago +1 / -0


I remember Marilyn Manson saying something once in regards to fans dressing like him. It isn't a direct quote or anything, but he said something like fans dressing like him are missing the point of his message of individualism. Even if the artist is genuine with their message, a marketing firm will capitalize on that message and sell those ideas as fashion statements. Rage my very well have started with pure intentions, but that stopped mattering very quickly.

JohnSmith1882 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was in high-school when Rage came along. One thing I found just as amusing now as I did back then was the kids that were into that band and wore their shirts all the time were not the metal kids, or punk kids or the alt-rock kids, etc. It was the rich preppy kids. While I can appreciate some of the stuff Tom does with his guitar, the band as a whole has always been phony poseurs that appealed to phony poseurs.

by pkvi
JohnSmith1882 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of coincidences going around these days.

by pkvi
JohnSmith1882 19 points ago +20 / -1

It is a total coincidence that Youtube announces a new policy to ban any video that discusses the negative aspects of the vaccine. Purely coincidence of course. Do not attempt to put two and two together. Doing your own research as we all know is a sign of extremism. And that is terrible.

JohnSmith1882 5 points ago +5 / -0

"We have investigated ourselves and determined that we are innocent."
-- NWO Spokesperson - Bohemian Grove, Ca. Sept 9, 2021.

JohnSmith1882 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of people, media especially, made this out like it was some savage attack by some rock throwing assassins. When you see the video it looks more like what you see when someone tosses rice at a wedding. Trudeau was halfway on his bus when it happened too. But that hasn't stopped the "it's the violent far-right extremist white supremacist anit-vaxxers doing this" rhetoric getting pushed by Trudeau and the Canadian media.

JohnSmith1882 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah. I am sure there are plenty more that could be added to that list.

JohnSmith1882 4 points ago +4 / -0

r/conspiracy has been one of the most AstroTurfed/ brigaded places on Reddit for last 5 years or so. When the Share Blue/ Correct the Record/ Media Matters people invaded Reddit in 2015, that sub seemed to be affected almost as much as r/politics was.