I remember when I first went to the hospital for pancreatitis - I was already a bit worried about it because I had no idea what was going on...it just hurt like hell. And it was late October 2020 - So close to ended up with a doctor that woulda force vaxxed me just to be treated.
I remember seeing this pretty detailed blog/rant/whatever you want to call it, I think it was back on Blogspot or maybe even tumblr before that site went to total trash.
Anyway, they provided a pretty strong theory that a huge majority of the hollyweird "sex symbol" (music industry included) women are not actually women
Jennifer Aniston for example. Halle Berry. Or the Hermie Jamie Lee Curtis.
The depiction of Baphomet has titties. just saying.
You know, im about to be 36 and my introduction to the label of "conspiracy theorist" when I was barely in high school. (9/11 Happened when I was in 7th grade, Then I got introduced to Immortal Technique's music, and it spiraled from there)
That said - when I begun my dive into David Icke - the whole lizard people thing sounded farfetched. But, like - Fish, Trees, hell... Bacteria. There's "life" way beyond our comprehension so the idea there's a species out there thats Reptile and "intelligent" enough to control us shaved apes.... well, It's one worth questioning. Hell, humans cant even understand other humans
there's more than one video out there where will was being very predatory kissing his (clearly uncomfortable) son on the lips. Not long after, his son went off the rails.
Also - the daughter is named willow (will) and the son is named Jaden (Jada). Theyre both definitely hollyweirdos
The movies thing is one of the first little peepholes in the wall I found, before i ever went full rabbit hole. Even as a youngin, I started to notice if I tried to look up real things (ie: Philidelphia Effect), If a movie was titled that? It would absolutely clutter the results.
And thats back when search engines were still pretty reliable at giving you actual results.
lets just go back to a barter system
if i need a porch built but i dont know carpentry and such - but, i can make some fire food.... you help me build it, and i fire up the grill
fuck this whole game where people break their back for a few pieces of paper or numbers on screen that we believe have any value
You familiar with Rare Of Breed? His music is all about giving it up to God. Here's one I enjoy, it helped me during a rough time.
Independent acts should still be seen, its how alot of underground/non-industry folk survive since most music is consumed via streaming these days. But,
The whole huge arena thing? Especially someone like Swift? Nah. That's not entertainment that's rituals.
tbh you should have just made these one post. The feed on here is clogged with your posts about the same thing now, and I feel like that's deliberate