ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only target that matters is the source of the mass formation psychosis. Like the 1984 commercial where they guy throws the sledgehammer at the theater screen.

ItsOkayToBeWight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ignoring it has worked for a lot of issues. If the media doesn't cover it, no one riots over it and everything keeps chugging along.

ItsOkayToBeWight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now consider: How does such a cartel grow to be so big and remain cohesive? Money alone would cause it to fracture and split due to infighting. They remain cohesive because they are extremely insular and only let (((certain))) people into their midst. Blood and spirituality bind them all together and keep them mostly in agreement.

This (((cohensive))) group naturally has a lot of traits that the average person dislikes and would reject if the truth were widespread. Thus they mimic this ostracizing effect with their gentile golems. Enter Pizzagate. For those not in the inner circle but still need to be recruited, they are inducted via a ritual that would make them just as reviled as the inner circle were the truth known. By this way they can be controlled to do the cartel's bidding.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've never heard of this "HIV doesn't cause AIDS" narrative until recently. Is this another one of those big narrative shifts priming us for something like how the anti-vaxx narrative was strong in the late 2010s to prime us for the mRNA jabs?

ItsOkayToBeWight 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not that scientists don't believe in truth, it's that the machinations of society has filtered them out. Truth cannot be leveraged to generate wealth nearly as effectively as lies can.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +3 / -2

Why would anyone buy GME now? The original goal was to take advantage of the big hedges putting a ridiculous amount of put options on it. The stock has little intrinsic value due to poor fundamentals and by now the hedges have moved onto targets with less eyes on them.

ItsOkayToBeWight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are you familiar with the origin of fractional reserve banking?

Coins were a bother to exchange so they would write a slip of paper giving a person a permission to withdraw money from their bank account. Basically a check. People started trading these checks and were hardly using money. Banks wisened up to this and started writing their own checks because in the rare event someone does try to cash out, there was plenty from other depositors to cover it. There was more paper money than there was money in the bank.

THEY are probably up to the same shit again. Today it's all just numbers in a computer and it's trivial to adjust them. Except this time instead of a bunch of people going to the bank and coming home without their gold and silver, their dollars will simply be worthless.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Politicians are just a kind of mafia that are big enough to call themselves the official law.

by pkvi
ItsOkayToBeWight -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's not an easily disprovable con. Most people had no exposure to any other narrative because of the evil fucks silencing any discourse about this experimental cocktail. The Trusted News Initiative is responsible for this shit and the blood of every jab death and injury is on their hands.

by pkvi
ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

If AIDS is not caused by HIV, then why is HIV and AIDS overwhelmingly present in the same group, primarily homosexual men?

ItsOkayToBeWight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reddit has a huge hardon for the number 100k. There are a ton of empty "pro narrative" subs like /r/esist that magically have ~100k subscribers but hardly any posts/comments and the "users online right now" count always was way below the more organic and more fun subs. These numbers are all gamed to hell and done to fraudulently sell advertisements and/or create an illusion of group consensus.

It's obvious because they're so awful at making the numbers look consistent. They'll fuck with the subscriber count and vote totals, but not with the online count and they can't possibly keep up with the actual submission/comments to make it look nearly as active as the sub count suggests.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sometimes the controlled opposition is being the only allowed candidate to run with the idea being, "This person is so awful, no one would actually VOTE for them." That's how Trump won 2016. He was supposed to be the bad guy setting Hillary up for an easy win. They just had no idea how much people hated Hillary.

ItsOkayToBeWight 4 points ago +4 / -0

You should "liberate" one of those packets from them.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Magic is real, but it's merely applied science that's beyond most people's understanding. It is very difficult to explain why MK Ultra techniques work so it's easier to claim they're magic.

by pkvi
ItsOkayToBeWight 5 points ago +7 / -2

2 more weeks!

ItsOkayToBeWight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Malcom X knew. Problem is the rest of them are so dumb that you can tell them what's happening and they won't care.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +3 / -1

That's like blaming Samuel Colt for the shit niggers are doing today.

ItsOkayToBeWight 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm not saying that there's a conspiracy to undermine and destroy western nations and genocide white people, but if there was, would they be doing anything differently?

ItsOkayToBeWight 9 points ago +9 / -0

It used to be very hard to destroy evidence. You can burn libraries, but some copies of records will survive and a lot of people kept journals with various viewpoints and we can piece together a lot of history using this information.

In the modern era? Most 'journals' are on facebook and other sites and can be vanished. Modern sites change their information all of the time, including removing past articles that have become inconvenient to the narrative. And then there's the sheer flood of information. There's so much of it that sorting through it all is extremely difficult. Many people, myself included, resort to using search engines and other curation tools to try and better target content and these tools can steer people towards specific information.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most people don't know that reddit is a "gay bar" and keep going to that commie site.

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