Hiromant -1 points ago +1 / -2

And that, my friend, is completely retarded. No offense but flat earthers really should have paid more attention in middle school.

Here's an experiment: take a candle and a sheet of paper. Go into a dark room, close the door and light the candle. Move the candle around above the sheet of paper so that about half of it is brightly lit and half of it is completely dark. That should be a long, fun and puzzling evening for all flat earthers.

Hiromant 5 points ago +6 / -1

Have you ever experienced seasons? What about the horizon? What about time zones? What about tides? What about polar night or the midnight sun? Have you noticed how the peak sun angle gets lower as you go further from the equator, resulting in colder climates? Have you noticed how the angle at which the sun sets gets shallower as you get further from the equator until at the poles it's completely horizontal and it just circles around in the sky for half a year?

Yeah, all of those things are impossible on a flat earth and easily explained and predicted on a round one. Flat earth theory is living proof of the Dunning-Kruger effect, nothing more.

Hiromant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Countries like Denmark and the UK dropping all measures always comes with a vaccination caveat. It's a temporary carrot to get the rest of the world to play along with their plans: "See, if you get the clotshot you'll be free like Denmark." They know they can drop a new strain or fake stats at any time and lock it all back up.

Hiromant 5 points ago +8 / -3

I hate when these guys get so much right but then turn out to be flat earthers.

Hiromant 3 points ago +3 / -0

As often stated, it would be easier to actually go to the moon, then to maintain the silence of the thousands of people who would be in on the conspiracy.

The Manhattan Project. Tens of thousands silent for years, not a peep. Threatening people works.

Also, if the US didn't go, does anyone really think the USSR wouldn't have called them on it? They were tracking it all too.

The USSR was in a famine and traded their silence for US grain supplies.

I suggest watching a documentary like American Moon, all the counterarguments have been comprehensively addressed.

Hiromant 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope when it all starts coming down, it'll be like river ice: a crack, a chunk, and then all at once. I feel for people in Asia, hang in there.

Hiromant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. What's going on right now goes into the very nature of reality, humanity and Earth. A new era is beginning.

Hiromant 2 points ago +2 / -0

There will be no decade-long lockdowns. Milley just got accused of high treason. Things are amping up, stop dooming and start looking at what's happening.

by pkvi
Hiromant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Hiromant 1 point ago +1 / -0

They may do it but they'll also shoot themselves in the foot with it. Without the constant fear and misinformation barrage they'll lose whatever control they have left even faster. They're stuck between a rock and a hard place and it'll be great fun seeing them slowly implode.

Hiromant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting angle. I thought Elon was just a criminally incompetent sociopath but maybe it's some sort of controlled opposition.

Hiromant 2 points ago +2 / -0

By revealing their plans in advance they are getting our permission in a roundabout way, reducing the karmic debt they incur. That's why all our movies and other media are full of this shit.

Hiromant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hillary is getting shorter by the day.

Hiromant -3 points ago +2 / -5

Agreed. It's incredibly obvious and easy to prove the Earth is round, just like all other celestial bodies. It's impossible to prove the Earth is flat - they've tried - and many of the phenomena we witness daily would be impossible if it was. Like you said, it's the powers that be using the Dunning-Kruger crowd to create a narrative that all conspiracy theorists are lunatics.

Hiromant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mainstream media is getting awfully critical of him lately.

Hiromant 3 points ago +3 / -0

In other words: If the clauses in a contract are not formulated in a clear and understandable way, the consumer can revoke the contract. In this case, consumers no longer have to pay off their remaining debts and are even entitled to repayment of their down payment and all monthly payments already made.

According to Christoph Herrmann from Stiftung Warentest, the judgment will help many debtors. "Most of them can now revoke their old loan agreements, even if it has been many years since the contract was signed," he said. The law firm Gansel Rechtsanwälte, which was involved in the proceedings, announced that almost all private consumer loans were affected by the ruling. "The only exceptions are consumer loans with a mortgage, especially real estate."

Well this is unexpected. Almost sounds like the mythical GESARA.

Hiromant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Marek's disease happens when the vaccine is actually effective though.

by pkvi
Hiromant 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybe it'll be what triggers mass protests in the USA as well.

Hiromant 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never knew frogs were such social and intelligent creatures.

by pkvi
Hiromant 0 points ago +1 / -1

After Afghanistan, it's the commies who are 4D coping.

by pkvi
Hiromant 2 points ago +3 / -1

Think bigger. This isn't just about the election or the shots, it's about completely rooting out - with as little violence as possible - a global death cult that's been ruling over us for eons. It's a spiritual information war, moves are being made that may on the surface seem strange but serve a purpose in the underlying picture.

Imagine if Trump had said vaccines were dangerous. He and his supporters would have been blamed for all covid deaths and called mass murderers 24/7. It's possible he would have been arrested or killed which would have led to uprisings and maybe even a civil war. He would have given the enemy exactly what they wanted. He has to keep his distance and play along until the deep state's narrative has been dismantled and that has already begun.

Afghanistan was a trap set by Trump to destroy Biden and he walked right into it. His reputation is in the gutter and it's not over yet. Even normies are seeing what's going on and demanding his resignation.

According to the DoD Law of War manual, the Biden administration is a Belligerent Occupying Power controlled by the CCP. The real US government is in devolution, likely controlled by eleven Combatant Commanders, ten of whom were installed by Trump and none of whom have been removed by Biden (the eleventh is named Flynn). Expect audit results to come out at the exact moment they will inflict the most damage and that's when the fun starts.

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