Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Appropriation of cathedral architecture culture

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair Christians conquered the world, including the Vikings and ran the Muhammadans out of Spain.

A variety of pacifying things happened during the last couple hundred years that would take too long to explain. Including the Scofield Bible and the loss of Papal lands because the pope had adopted and converted a Jewish kid so world media attacked him. And the British conversion to Protestantism because the king wanted to divorce his wives and steal land.

But Jesus was a rebel and said he didn't come to bring peace.

I get where you are coming from. The modern Bible doesn't give much info on how to live life, it is all about the afterlife.

We are definitely missing something in the modern day.

But, life is very short and the Shroud of Turin appears to be real. So maybe we do need all of our time to try to get through the archon net.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bergoglio is just another anti-pope and Peronist Jesuit.

Benedict was more likely to be the real one but the St Gallen Mafia (Swiss banks + gay) got control of him, made him 'resign' but stay prisoner. Made him take the vaccine and starved him. It looks like he was the last pope of the set, according to St Malachy and his death date.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

You will note in comment sections, a huge effort to convince people that her dad was the good guy and that she deserved to be in a conservatorship.

She isn't really in full control of her IG, and there is an effort to make her look crazy. (Yes she is damaged, but she should be free). When she was first 'freed' she said she wanted to help others and put her family in jail. She was obviously not allowed to do any of that.

She might be 'crazy' now, but at the time, there was no justification for what they did to her.

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

"I think she's displaying some sense of humor here. For good or bad, she's poking fun at influencers, so there just might be hope for her. As someone pointed out in another thread, by 2023 standards, she's only rates a 5 on the 0-10 crazy scale."

She might be trolling

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

She has to speak in code a lot. That is how she got 'free'. Not sure what a Rollercoaster is.

She actually does seem healthier these days.

She has had a random English accent since she was young, maybe as a stress response or MkUlTRA.

But it is sad that she has to make her own dresses and is on a Shein budget. She loves designer clothes.

She said she was put into a weird MRI type machine for hours and hours. She was terrified, they wouldn't tell her anything and she thought she had cancer.

Also, she was probably given electroshock therapy. Definitely given high doses of lithium which destroys the brain.

She was forced to work in a facility every day and stressed about people seeing her naked, changing clothes... since she wasn't singing or dancing I have my suspicions about what type of work she was doing.... maybe making a specific type of videos for clients? Or in person?

She talked about her 'ID tag' that she has worn for years which is a cameo necklace, usually in the photos/videos.

Like many trafficking victims, she often has nude pictures taken in 4 seasons hotels....

She has obviously been heavily sexually trained. She had tons of cameras and hidden recording equipment, even in her bedroom. Her lawyer who works for CAA conveniently let the statute of limitations expire so she can never get justice on any of the crimes committed against her.

She got married suddenly apparently like 2 weeks after a 'miscarriage'. She basically said she was drugged at her wedding. The day after 'she' bought a new mansion, which her hubby has claimed as his own and will get half in a divorce.

At the rate they are going through her money she will probably have to perform again or else they will release some old music under a new label like they did with Elton John. That 'new' song was recorded years ago, at least on her end.

I feel bad for her. If you watch any of her old music videos she used to be an amazing dancer. Now she has so much trauma and nerve damage... plus she thinks her only worth is as a sexual object.

I wonder if she got the Frances Farmer treatment.... they had her in an institution and let any guy rape her for a few bucks. She would have so many rapes all the time. She was also given a lobotomy.

You might notice that her wrist is often covered... apparently they took tons of blood and it kept her weak. They might still be taking it? They take it from the wrist which is more painful. I wonder if there are people who would buy or use Britney Spears blood...

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

A post on the tunnels overlapping disappearances would be a good one.. hmmm

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

German trains aren't that good. they are canceled all the time with no customer assistance or alternatives. I might rate Italian and German trains equally as far as dependability.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

What were the 3 parts according to Caligastar?

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cyber attacks are a convenient way to blame any mismanagement, especially the fallout from lockdown cascade shortages

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

They own all the gas stations, corner shops, pizza shops, etc.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Might be due to Britain taking over India making some kind of alliances with the local upper class and bringing some back to the island.

Iirc, the current leader of Britain is some Indian billionaire banker like Macron. And his wife has deep connections.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't crypto companies based in other countries still do staking?

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

What does it say I'm not on tg

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this a test run to the yellow gas that lasts for 3 days according to various prophecies?

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it is a big deal, they will probably start scrubbing articles about these chemicals and making everything seem normal.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

it's kind of hard to believe we'd fuck around with dangerous chemicals and nuking a whole town essentially because we just don't want to pay for maintenance on a train. I have personal experience with this. I used to work xraying rail car bolsters. Tge problems started after they began outsourcing them to Mexico. I remember some of the inspectors showing me x-rays that had every known casting defect all on one photo. The inspectors were saying they can't even figure out how they could make something that bad if they tried, because some of the defects were from having the metal too hot, others too cold. How do you manage to get it too hot and too cold all on the same casting?

One casting line we ran we failed 90% of the parts. So the engineers rewrote the specs and now we failed 85%. So they rewrote them again and again until they were passing parts that would break apart in your hands.

You have no idea how shit the safety standards are on American industrial equipment. Profit is number one and safety is irrelevant.

A lot of it comes from the federal law that created Amtrak. Basically, the federal government pays for all rail disasters, even when the company is at fault, so the company doesn't give a fuck. Maximize profit, if something goes wrong, someone else pays

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some other comments

It is also strange that the community this happened in is called east Palestine town

I realized this morning that arresting the journalist is to give the media an out. we didn't report because we were being intimidated by this low level stooge in a government position. he's been fired though, so you can trust us again

Exactly. These journalists are being protected from their own stupidity. If these measures were not taken, these same 'journalists' would cry about how they were freely allowed to go near a toxic site without any checks and ended up LOSING THEIR HAIR AND TESTICLES

Its amazing how many idiots protected for their own good bitch and whine about it

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