posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +21 / -1

The Deep State has a lot of hoarded knowledge they refuse to share. One of them is that:


This means that whatever you perceive the World to be is what you get.

If you perceive the World to be Dog Eat Dog, you experience just that.

If you perceive the World to be full of friendly People, you experience just that.

All options do exist for now just so you can have any experience you want. If you want to experience misery, it is there. If you want to experience heaven, it is there.

Of course this is due to intelligent design from the top down.

What the Deep State does is alter perception mostly through media "programming". They literally program the minds of the masses by bombarding it with terrible media of People doing terrible things to each other nonstop. The viewers look at all this and sometimes assume "wow, People can really be shitty to each other". Now their perception has changed so they run into a lot of shitty People to match their believe because Perception is Reception.

The Scientists admit the universe is a hologram simulation. This is what the simulation does. It just gives you whatever you believe to be true. It measures not only your thoughts but also your feelings. If you say you are lucky and the feeling of joy erupts because you are so sure that you really are a lucky person, then your life alters itself to make you feel lucky.

Later on, when the Deep State collapses as it is surely to fall soon, we will push positive media in all directions to spread positive ideas and perceptions and this will surely alter the entire World in a better way. It is easier to alter the World in a positive way than it is to ruin the World in a negative way.

For now, it is very important to not watch TV or listen to radio and be careful what sites you visit. Even that pol/ site is flooded with evil content. TikTok is also very horribly bad. It doesn't matter how awake you are, if you flood your mind with poison, you will poison your mind. By shutting it all down, you let your mind heal.