Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

That makes sense. My temperature is also low enough that 'normal' would be a fever.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Iirc the Jewish world encyclopedia kept record of their numbers. But some other people have really researched the stats and particulars, so they can answer you better.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

That doesn't make sense. His life was a misery.

He loved his mother, a poor and modest woman. His father abused them both. He went to war for his country at a young age and was badly injured - his injuries lasted a lifetime.

His mother died of cancer.

The new government hired him to infilrate the national socialists. He did and then apparently joined them for real.

He worked with them for a while, then was sent to prison.

Eventually he won the election but only had a few good years of building before the war. He was in constant pain and stress. Then he apparently died.

He could have had an occult master but It wasn't just that the 'zionists owned him'. He could have been happier as a painter or committing suicide. Compare his life to Epstein or Fauci where they have lived it up.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, and each theory has major flaws. Like the 'no virus' theory. If cold and sunless winter causes illness then why do people in Africa, the middle east, tropics etc get sick?

Even if it is not viruses that transmit disease, something is transmitting. It is not 100% terrain.

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

We live in strange times. I had always believed it was a fake and hadn't looked into the science.
Turns out it is authentic and can't be understood nor replicated.

I've never read the Bible, so I don't know what their official cause of death is. But part of dying on a cross /from a bad beating is heart failure.

Around the same time I came across the Shroud info, I investigated the bloody hosts/eucharist miracles, which is where the white bread that Catholocs eat literally turns into flesh and blood and has been scientifically examined.

The various miracles all have stuff in common - heart tissue, white blood cells that is still living / dead, evidence of trauma / physical beatings, AB blood type, etc.

It really confused independent labs because they thought they were looking at a murder but it was just the bread.

After studying the eucharist, some scientists converted because it is scientifically impossible yet still exists.

And now we have a vaccine that causes heart damage and heart attacks.

I don't know what it means, but for ages there has been a religious focus on the sacred blood of Jesus, the sacred heart of mary, all about the heart.

Here is a podcast, I think by a protestant with a priest talking about the shroud. Tons of good info.


Basically, the shroud is one of a kind and does not show that the body ever corrupted or decayed.

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was some new evidence recently


Even the Jewish scientist on the case came to believe it was authentic , he has a lot of info on youtube https://youtu.be/AyRU-0uH2rw

The Shroud also matches the Sudarium cloth


Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apparently the veil of Veronica and the Divine Mercy painting of Jesus face also match. https://discovermercy.github.io/

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

They chose to carbon date a piece that was patched... So not the actual original shroud fabric. Which was convenient for atheism Inc

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah ffs, I dont like raising chickens or ducks.

Too many predators to deal with.

Hopefully this will blow over.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

A lot of threads do just have people hating and attacking each other rather than spreading knowledge or solutions.


Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Karma doesn't exist, especially if you a psychopath.

Even if it did, the occulists deflect any negative karma by revelation of the method - in other words, they tell you what they are doing ahead of time. It's not their fault if you don't take the warning. Since they told you, they don't get negative karma and you are accepting what happens. Or they throw a low level guy under the bus. It's very legalistic. Like in Judiasm you can't perform certain work so they get Christians to do it. Or the belief that if you continue to get away with crimes then God is with you. If God was against you, you would have been stopped.

Also, people are very good at justifying themselves and thinking that they are doing the right thing.

Look up archons, moksha, prison planet, loosh. Remote viewing moksha.

Most religions have an understanding that the world is ruled by evil. Even in Christianity, the devil has dominion over the earth. That's why he could tempt Jesus.

Think in your life and history - the good guys with a conscience get screwed over. The more high-level evil and damage you do, the more you are rewarded.

Plus, I would guess that since God is mostly absent from the earth, and evil is much more accessible, they believe more in the reality of evil.

In the end time, apparently good will win ... But that is in like a trillion years.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this has been an attempt to dim the sun, this may less more credence to the Diebold Foundation nova + magnetic pole reversal.

Everyone believes themselves to be the good guy and justified in what they do. if they believe the sun will be going Nova, this may be an attempt to stop it + control the sun (and therefore life).

Are there any good schematics for underground LED gardens? Most prepper material is based on the use of growing your own food.

It could be that the hollow earth theories are an important reference to survival.

The Green glow... Maybe people of the future will have to live off mushrooms. Maybe mushrooms aren't just important as a psychedelic but also as the 'mana' for civilization survival.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

The 1960s generation just keeps on giving. Why do they love this stuff so much? Beetles must have been mass brainwashing.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +3 / -1

Researchers: While on their journey, near Seydozero lake, they began encountering smoothed-out rectangular granite rocks, reminiscent of pyramids, as well as what looked like remnants of paved roads, followed by a strange path that led underground. The group didn’t manage to get inside, however. According to their testimony, everyone was suddenly struck by an inexplicable feeling of sheer terror - they’d all lost control of their emotions.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

“This was not a jail but a hospital. The guards didn’t know this but Stephanie was a beautiful, caring person. She had broken no laws and was harming nobody. She had only lowered the mask to take a breath.”

If it saves only one life.

Guards all tried to cover it up and lied to the courts.

Another reason it is important to lift weights and be fit enough to defend yourself.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can add this to the list of ways hospitals murder people. The was probably counted as a covid death.

I didn't know hospital guards or guards in general used handcuffs. I thought that was just cops. Good to learn.

__. By about 6:41 a.m., the guards are seen wheeling Warriner down the hall, her body slumped and legs splayed, not moving. They turn left into an elevator bay and disappear from view.

Court heard it was there that Rojas-Silva noticed something was wrong and started checking for a pulse. The guards removed Warriner's handcuffs as Rojas-Silva called a "Code Blue" and began doing chest compressions.

A coroner's report would conclude Warriner died from a brain injury resulting from a lack of oxygen "due to restraint asphyxia following struggle and exertion," with her underlying lung disease a possible factor.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the spike protein created by these vaccines is the problem, why was it never an issue before?

Some might say it is because the spikes are now being injected into the blood system instead of just the respiratory system.

But the earlier flu vaccines would have introduced spike proteins into the body.

Is it just the order of magnitude?

Or is it another factor - the graphene theory? The 5G theory? or the very mechanism of mRNA tech that causes cellular errors?

Curious what you guys now theorize, having been sorting through the propaganda.

Do normies still think this sudden evolution of the common cold just randomly occurred because of globalism?

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think everyone in Hollywood knows that he got fucked up from some kind of molestation/rape for a long time. This is his comeback. Not sure if he had rejected the casting couch and saw himself be black listed for a while.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

This makes it sounds like demons do a lot of good in the world.. Although working up to a big bad.

I knew a guy who was a ceremonial magician in the line of Crowley. He did sex magick on various ancient sites, as well.

He knew a lot, but even he said occult study is dangerous and has a led many to madness.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

It must be regional specific.

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