Trying for that. Rural, no phone, faraday cage built into my roof and walls.
Oh no, sanctions.
Some were control, but there is no way to know how "they" set up their experiment on humans.
This kind of post makes this forum less marketable than flat earth. It's the truth, it scares people away
Well, all the cradle of civilization and the whole Egyptians were tan colored has completely brainwashed even the most "intelligent" anthropologists. The ones who want tenure from the board of their corrupt institute.
All people are familiar with germ theory, but yes, I have read books written by scientific investigation journalists ( doctors, sciencetists, engineers, journalists who knows how to read scientific studies). They debunk germ theory through analysis of studies. How much do you believe and how much do you really know is true. If u are honest with yourself, you'll notice you believe you catch a cold, or rabies is well understood by "science" and other urban legends
Correct, don't be daft
This means it's time to fly your drone
Satilites are a hoax, glorified routers are just hanging from glorified balloons
You know space is a hoax
You're so gullible
Space is fake, you retard. Stop categorically covering your ears when people like me try to tell you why it's obvious that space is fake and the sun and stars aren't the same like you have decided to believe
Now that I have read several book debunking germ theory, I feel bad for brainwashed doctors who are killing people.
As long as you believe others, you will be deceived
You will feel much better when you start researching. Content is out there, mixed with fake stuff. Use your judgement. Nuclear power is real, but the math for nuclear explosions is pseudoscience.
Any expert on nuke bombs is still part of a compartmentalized institute of knowledge. No one person knows everything, and the government and cabal use esoteric knowledge as power
Read "death object". By Akio Nakatani. Truth isn't funded, so don't expect corporate publishing house, good luck waking up from the deception
Pretty much every image on that cover is part of the narrative. Fake nukes, fake virus, fake globe, fake space, fake politicians,
They can predict a script by reading ahead, so what.
They only thing you need to do to make peoples detectors go wild is spray radio active dust of planes above area and wait for the dust to fall. Nukes are a hoax. Hiroshima was carpet bombing, all ahold videos are faked.
Government knows they made up nukes. People are gullible
Newks are fake ass hoax.
All mushroom cloud means nuke..der der der
Nukes are fake!!!!
1 and 2. And then again, and then A stronger come back that stays up. Untill...a bigger 1. And 2 won't even have a chance to matter.
nothing they say is true
That's not how logic should work. First ask questions before trying to come to a conclusion.
No, I know this isn't some stupid evolution planet, we didn't come from here, we aren't just sacks of meat, we have a connection to a soul, which is connected to love, truth, home. God is a made construct to misguide you from your connection to your spirituality.
Dogmatically, Christians, are programed to reject this as heracy, sad egotist lost on their consumption with their self. Something like that.
Do you prefer to believe or learn the hard way?
Oh, but not this time. This time we will go up until Jan 18, it will start to slip and be blamed on inauguration
Fail. Christianity and the devil are both psyops.
If you were smarter you could see that the earth isnt a globe and Elon is just a puppet for a grand deception to keep us from thinking we are trapped and there is way more land, because space must be a hoax since the stars can't be suns. So much that people have to figure out. And they just assume it's some belief system like heliocentrism