HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

They shouldn't have made shit out of Plastic to increase their ""Residual Income"", they probably knew it would come back and bite them on the Bank Accounts later, but still did....

I don't mind replacing Lights, Oil, Grease, Coolants, Wiper Fluid, an other parts that wear out Naturally....

But a piece that should be made of Aluminum, made of Plastic, where I have to pull off the Steering Wheel, Blinker Assem., and then deconstruct the Guts, that's Intentional Mischief....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Soo that's why they scared the shit out of themselves when they tested the Hydrogen bomb....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Although that is true, Jesus came to Fulfill the Law, meaning to End what was, an to set a New Contract with Gods People....

Those that wave the Six Pointed Star of REMPHAN, are not Gods People....

Those people belong to a much different god....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok, now I see that Trump is Trolling some Globalists with the Song....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

You get exactly what you Pay for....

If you know it has ""Planned Obsolescence"" or ""Residual Income"" built into it, then it becomes Your Responsibility to fin it and correct it....

All of this started after the Korean War and was already in full swing before Vietnam, and has gone all the way to the point where even People are ""Disposable""....

I really don't see any possible way to ""fix"" this problem, but maybe, IF we can undo the myriad of all these ""Regulations"", maybe we can improve the problem a little bit....

Either way, when we buy Junk, an it breaks, an we then replace it multiple times with more Junk, that's the Company that makes Money, whereas, if we buy a thing of Good Quality, an don't have to replace it for many years, then that Company is who we should verbally Promote, so it keeps making Goo Quality Products....

Just seems rather obvious to me....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what they Intended to do....

Use the Flu to create a Panic in the Public....

Manipulate the media, put out lots of Propaganda to drive the Fear....

Present a Bioweapon as the Cure....


HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

""Forever"", like shit....

They're just trying to move the goal Posts again....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Best Mouse I've had so far, doesn't have a Laser you can see, it's literally outside the Visual Spectrum....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course, and that's why Gods Command is to ""Be Fruitful, and Multiply""....

I doubt he meant Learn Mathematics....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks Fren, people NEED to read that, and Learn that this isn't just a Game, it's crazy just how real it all is, and how long they've been working their own plan on Total World Domination in order to enslave everyone who isn't one of their own....

IT's a Big Plan, and it looks one hell of a lot like they're using the Book of Revelations as their Play Book, the Rothschilds are the ones who started the Myth about ""The Rapture"", it is Nowhere to be found in the New or Old Testament, through some Clown Preacher, and as good as it sounds, it's all just one Huge Lie....

But just watch, now that we have learned that the Vaxxxines have been killing off lots of People, well, as soon as it hits the News, the MSM is going to start twisting it ans at first will ask ""Is The Rapture Happening"", then they'll start throwing out Numbers of Dead, an never once mention those deaths as being Directly Connected to the Vaxxx, but it'll plant the Seeds for the Normies, and on the heels of that, comes the Number of the Beast/SYSTEM....

It's one Tricky Trap after another these days, but it's looking a lot like the Ten Nations might possibly be BRICS, an the BEAST/SYSTEM might be Digital Currency connected to Facial Recognition an Biometric Data....

We must resist it to the point that it Fails Completely, we cannot allow any of this to pass....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0


Now do the::


Masonic infiltration of the Vatican....

Vatican Infiltration of the Masons....

Jewish Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion....

Infiltration of the Masons by Zionists....

Infiltration of Vatican by Zionists....

How those ALL tie together....

An the Monarchies of Europe, and how they ALL plotted to Destroy America....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem with too many people is they look at the World and see only chaos, as they willfully ignore the Balances in the varied and extensive biological systems....

Where there are too few Wolves, there are too many plant Eaters, which makes plant food scarce, and many starve to death....

Where there are too many Wolves, there are too few Deer, and many Meat eaters Starve to death....

Balance keeps both in play, but when Man interferes directly to ""Regulate"" one or the other, the results are always devastating....

I posit that it is a lack on the Viewers part to look upon the World, or Galaxy or Universe, and see lots of abundance, and yet not see Intelligent Design due to the Balance in all of it....


There was once a King that wanted to know what was the Meaning of Life, so after much testing of his people, he had brought together many of his wisest men, and he built them a Guild, they then wrote Tomes on the meaning of life, he did not want to read them so he had them Condense all of them....

They returned with one large tome, he rejected it and had them make up Tests, to find the cream of the Crop in intellect, they condensed the Tests, all the common and all of the uncommon, and they all took the tests....

Of those who passed, Half were sent back to their Previous lives....

The rest of the guild were sent to all parts of the Known World, about 2/3rds returned, and no word of those who never returned....

The Tomes they brought back were quickly condensed, and made into one Large tome, it too was condensed several times, into a small tome of only a few pages, which the king, once again rejected....

His top Intellectuals worked in it for weeks, and finally had it down to one sentence, which he also rejected, and they worked diligently for about a week, and brought back a single word....



It is my understanding that here on Planet Man, it is the Responsibility of Mankind to be the purveyors and curators of the Entire Planet, we are placed in Charge of Keeping it, and improving our own lives Individually as we go through our Generations....

We are the ones in Charge of Keeping it Clean, not only for ourselves, but for the existence of ALL LIFE, from the Plants to the Animals to the Fish, even for the Birds....

But there's always one group that is just super Lazy, they want everything to be gifted to them without a Cost, or at a minimal exchange....

They are Monarchs, Emperors, Bureaucrats, Extremely Rich but Stupid, Socialists, Communists, and others who never have put in a single Weeks worth of Physical Labor in their entire Lives....

They are LAZY, and believe they deserve anything and everything Gifted to them if for no other reason than their existence, this is stupid, here, on Planet MAN, Everything has a price, an Exchange, every breath, every motion, every bite of Food, you must use part of your Bodys Energy in order to gain more energy, that IS life, that is Living....

The Challenge is to live better Today, than you did yesterday, and better tomorrow, than you did today, it is the WAY of this World....


The way this Universe is set up, in my comprehension, is that there are Rules for each livable Planet, they range from the Perfect Planets where everything lives in a perfect Balance, with perfect weather, and food abundantly grows everywhere, sadly, it is Boring, and tedious, and nearly no Animals live there....

There's the Midrange Planets, also rather boring, not really much of a challenge, no real exchanges for living better, no really exchanges of Energy, and most of life is provided for in half Measures, there may exist some life, but it's probably Robotic....

And then there's the Death Worlds, Planet Man is one of them, Very Dangerous, very exciting, and teeming with life everywhere you look, and a Challenge to Survive, a struggle to love & Live better each day than before, but the Exchanges must be made in order to pass the tests you encounter daily....


If you cannot SEE Intelligent Design in any of this, you probably haven't Lived, truly Lived, You haven't had any struggles, You don't know what Hunger an Thirst really are, probably haven't ever had to go a few days without eating or without Water, never worked to provide for yourself, etc....

If you cannot SEE Intelligent Design in any of this, an at minimum, not even in your reflection in the Mirror, then you are coddled, and in need of a massive change of life, it is ALL by Intelligent design....

God Exists, it is not Gods responsibility to Find you, it is Your Responsibility to Find God....

That is why we have Free Will, and on this planet, Exchange by Agreement, aka Contract....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe he sees Apple taking a Dive, on the other hand, maybe he sees Apple Doing much better, and some other Stocks dropping, leaving an opening for large investments....

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

To avid another Trump Term, take doubles, like, 1 form J&J, and one from Pfizer....

HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1


Nah, I don't need to ""cope"" anything, My knowledge base is quite solid, and what I said is on point....

If you found it insulting, good, maybe you're just a fan of Lil Bobby Double Plaform Shoes DeZero....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lil Bobby ""Double Plaform Shoes"" DeZero, is that you throwing out your unwanted Opinion???

Maybe go back to Pedowood CaliPornia, the rest of the Country Rejects you....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh no, I found a Flaw....

They'd never call it a Genocide, as long as they Didn't blame it on the Bolshevics, who are also Jews, like the Jews that destroyed the Russian Peoples, and Genocided them straight out of Existence....

And Blame everything on Germans and Americans....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hunter BidAn....

Crack Head....


Rapist of Women....

Rapist of Men....


and some other stuff....

HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Zero actual Sources, just Clips of potential Sources, but we can only guess where they came from....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +3 / -1

No, he didn't, although he is trying to take credit for it, all he actually did is push Therapeutics, but HE had nothing to do with the actual WhaXXXine....

It's Physically Impossible to Make Billions of doses of a WhaXXXine in less than a Year, for a ""Virus"" or the Flu, and properly Test it, get it approved, and roll it out to the masses....

The truth be told, they already HAD the billions of Doses made long before they sprang the ""COVID"" Plandemic and WhaXXXine Bioweapon attacks, and they KNEW it was just the darned FLU....

He can keep trying to take Credit for it, but we all know it had to have been in the plans for a very long time, due to the physical Impossibility of researching, Testing, Making, and rolling out....

IF he gets credit for anything, it's just for being Gullible enough to trust the untrustworthy....

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