No one is claiming that the Korean war was fake!
Fucking learn English!
The Korean war was a problem between North and South Korea. It literally was not our business, and they didn't start that war because they hated America.
You can't just bring shit into a conversation that has literally no fucking bearing on it!
Irony: Trusting the government when it tells you that North Koreans hate you while not trusting the government when they tell you to get a covid vaccine.
Exactly how much LSD do I have to take before that statement becomes true?
Asking for a frenemy.
Sound like bullshit prophecies.
The dude wrote books, he was probably the Alex Jones of his day, making shit up for money.
That is so cool!
The Craft: Legacy was a really fun watch.
It isn't as good as the original though.
It's mostly grains that will be hit. This could be good for the world. Just turn the farm land into grazing land for animals and improve the human diet.
Instead of eating too many grains, which contributes to diabetes, we can eat meat and vegetables instead.
Interesting. I can see it going that way.
I agree, not on the obvious moral grounds of capitalism's every man for himself problem; rather, because as you point out, capitalism requires constant growth, and this is not sustainable on a planet with finite resources.
Don't get all butthurt now princess! You butted in on a conversation that didn't include you.
You're dismissed.
Well good for you, you can speak retard.
Guess it's a second language now.
Fuck your retarded!
Your inability to form your thoughts into an organized coherent thread is telling.
What the ever-loving fuck does the having of flood insurance have to do with your OP.
Is it fearmongering, or are you now pulling some tarded bait and switch to rant about Pakistan?
That's not fearmongering!
That's an actual devastating flood!
Wow, that's a good find. It literally tears apart the Christian condemnation of transgender people.
LOL, you losers are never, and I mean NEVER, going to do a damned thing!
It's just in your nature to be subservient, obedient, and docile.
Leave the real thinking and acting to your betters.
If more dudes would wear rubbers instead of being retarded the population wouldn't be an issue.
Well, it's only half-trolling.
I do see the phenomena of queerness being like a blunt force weapon against religion. I mean, gay marriage = exist already, and transgender priests are a thing. How much longer before the current world religions fall into myth like the ancient pagan religions?
For example, the Bible says that God roasts fags with fire from heaven (Sodom and Gmorrah). The longer queerness = exist without their invisible angry sky daddy killing them all with fire the more the hold of religion will erode.
I thought it was a cool idea, and I wanted to present it in a fun way, and when I say fun, I mean fun for me.
We don't have to pick up hammers because we're smart enough to get a degree and get better jobs.
Don't hate the players, hate the game.
No one's forcing a religion on you, but your religion will no longer be used as a basis for forming laws, societal norms, or the dominate worldview.
Every day religion is losing it's hold over the world's people. You're on the losing side of history friend.
What proof is there that any Freemason actually said or wrote this?
This was a good read.
Yes, the Christian religion has caused real harm to women by forbidding contraceptives and the use of non-procreative sex for about two thousand years.
Mankind is not anywhere near going extinct, while an extinction event is happening as we speak, let's not get too alarmed about it.
The world is changing, and that's a good thing.
Go, be retarded somewhere else.