Suggesting a lot of what you see is BS with actors playing the parts seen in supposed news footage.
While this is true, it would be nice for OP to include links to sources because so many people make shit up these days, often to discredit legitimate issues.
I suggest copying the url and pasting it in a private browser so that it doesnt associate a view with a youtube account you may be logged into.
Other than that, use a vpn if you can so that the ip address isn't tied back to you.
While I was reading this, my brother, who is in town chatting with my sister, started talking about Manson. What are the odds that they would end up talking about Manson while I am reading your comment discussing Manson? So freaking bizarre.
If space was real, like they portray, I have always thought we must be inside some higher macro order of a biological organism. What if what the see as black holes are just veins branching off and space is really some kind of fluid?
I feel like they do a good job of disproving virology, but the explanation to replace it feels a little week. That is fine, because not knowing is part of the game, but it would be nice to have a solid replacement theory. Toxins can only explain so much.
Sheriff Lou Vallario said a message was found written on the wall of the women’s bathroom where the man was found, which read, "I am not a killer, I just want to get into the caves."
Sounds like broken programming on this one. Maybe millenials are in charge of mkultra now.
I'm not finding sources with reverse image searches. Can you please provide a sourse for these?