Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

An earthquake. Even your post linked details faultlines. In California. San Andreas, to be exact. With the earthquake zone over any faults. Earthquakes often shake a few times. Two Earthquakes shown, they were quite clustered, and localised earthquakes, but both can cause huge fatality. 6.4 and 7.1. Earthquakes have aftershocks, 26,000 listed, they also quake consecutively. Etc. I missed the scale of it. Miles. On the map.

Naval base, speculation it was weapon testing there, why would it? It could be suicidal. Need a bigger Earthquake, next time.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It wasn't a hub that got taken out. Nuclear testing happens all the time underground today. It is easier. Better ecologically. Earthquakes do as well.

Your comment sounds like it ran through a translator. It is autistic.

Hub that got taken out. Autism. Proof of hub, distributing what? Chinese made translators? God damn it.

4chan level novella. The middle earth with Trexs, and the underground Wakandan railroads. The Dumbs are under siege by the cannibals. My dad worked in one and saw the whole thing, he travelled to Australia by the alien stargates in the upside-down World. Fantasy, lunacy.

I am saying they allow bullshit because it's a projection, what have they got. Not that 4chan stuff in Antarctica. But it makes little syfi movies. It is dystopia. It gets you buying the Dumbs. Quick, stock up. The cannibals are coming. They've wiped out the Chinese hub, because the zero Covid strategy failed.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, I remember that Internet. The bandwidth trolled.

And the reason they don't is a bunch of shitty toys from China. Not quite, but the advertising if they sanitised it, would kill off a bunch of crap targeting kids. Besides they never did it to begin with. It's an alien concept. Imagine running it through the shit they got now. Practically needs new platforms for them social media, you tube, etc.

It would give it far more national control on that content. On those services paying no tax.

But it would stop this topic's crappy debates on how to police the rest of the Internet. Now, any children are in no real danger.

Distinctly the locks don't work. They're bypassed on that many corresponding searches by running their hands over the keyboard. It needs another means and connection. Digital I.D, nope. It polices everybody else for no reason.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

He was, ordaining them?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make kiddie Internet. So simple. But they don't want smart. They want children corrupted. At what point wasn't there kiddie only devices and a kiddie only Internet domain. Revenue, nope not it. Because they just want to police everything more.

At what point didn't they make a closed network like at the uni or school. If they were clever it would connect by specific device. Devices only sold for children. When they reg it's a child.

Oh no. Dumb locks. Dumbest locks.

Digital I.D nope. The device gets registered like any other dumbphone now. It links into a clean domain. You know your child can't get screwed? Umm umm.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't watch TV since COVID. It's like pouring bleach into my eyes. I watch old shows, and I avoid almost all new movies, since 2019, think 2019 they just got worse, and whatever I do I don't watch TV. I had to mute most of the commentary of the World Cup, just so I could watch the football. I absolutely have to mute my TV whenever I turn it on. If I don't I get nightmares. If I watched new movies from 2019 I am gonna die. They are so awful. Worse than the black n white movies. They're speaking in a language I don't what to understand. The acting that acting those effects horrible. I get nightmares. What happened today. The bad men came and took all the fun away.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha. Why the fuck did you consent to have your ass cleaned by robot with camera. At what point does a vacuum have a freaking camera, further sending those pictures out. What is it monitoting. How much shit it cleans? Missed a turd.

These people are so dumb and so lazy. Those vac's are a scam. They need a special bin to be automated. It cost more and holds less. They also need a camera with a janitor telling them what to clean, and they still do a shit job.

Why were you taking a shit with your vacuum. God damn it.

At what point? At what point?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Umm more porn than fish today. More porn than gas today. What are you subscribing too. Your fetish. They probably cost extra. Nope, more porn than fish.

Subscription doesn't work. Nobody needs it. It is a bullshit profile that shouldn't exist.

Children need parental locks. If people cared about children they'd make a different Internet for them. Or limit their usage of the internet. It could even be done, as an andriod thing something domain. Although it doesn't work. Children meet older children. But it would be like any other thing for children.

No I.D needed. Just a safer Internet for just kids. At what point today? I've suggested it for years and the only thing they got is child locks. Yawn. Hell there's revenue off the catered devices. Phones, tablets, Pcs, TVs. Routes to childproof domains. Instead of a bunch of other locks.

What they got is Google for everybody and it simple puts some crap lock on. It works until they find a different search button.

Instead what that dickhead is suggesting is everybody else gets profiled because of the kids. Porn, is hardly that risk either, with kids. It's a bunch of other content as well.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Goodie at least we're getting some snows. It must be the ice-age approaching. No, just storm. Need storm this year, it helps all the crops. Next year they cost even more, like the gas. Don't worry. It's the ice age.

Ep0ch 10 points ago +10 / -0

Civilization collapsing. Fall of every civilization starts with an incompetent workforce. The fucking Internet doesn't provide competency. This bullshit back n forth. Not our job it is another department from Timbuktu. Write email, use App. Not one innovation has been better. Least of all the service. It's hell bound.

But these rats today are an epidemic of catastrophe. A plague of stupidity. Nothing works well or does the job better. Not one automated innovation. They just get more expensive. Because it simply shoves more rats into a box bursting, services inundated with worsening services, regulation taking corrupt backhanders as a means of advancement or rent, but couldn't manage shit on a shovel, as a bunch of rats scrape away for a piece of cheese cannibalising each other. It all starts teetering.

Purposefully perhaps more stupid Internet services. No, fuck off. I don't care what Timbuktu has to say.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn. Take your mower and park it somewhere else.

Who uses twitter? Stop it. It is pointless. The media do. All I need to know.

As soon as those cunts calling it free speech used it, it has none. It was their vetted and approved schizos. Until it became bots. Now it thinks to get free speech back. No, it just wants to keep policing what you say.

Take a fucking hike

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nuclear testing facility. Or an Earthquake.

That book is about 100% nonsense. It uses truth and then inserts thousands of lies.

Might as well watch or play a game I suggested

There are various facilities like with every military and science programs. Let's take enemies of the West. Iran, NK building that shit. How do they operate that. Camouflage. Core. Top secrecy. No differently. Maybe without the public execution. Haha what's it like rotting away in military prison? Like GITMO?

America has a bullshit problem and it has done for much much longer. A bullshit problem. This shit posted is bullshit end of.

Read Pale Horse it has base there yes? Better description than this horse shit off 4chan. Even it isn't factual, just another mind trick. Hell any author could write that better with the Half-life Cannibals and the Trexs in middle earth, how they made a Stargate to Australia.

Instead of this other great big dumb underground railroad.

Stalin did that, huge bases, nuclear facilities on the Moscow underground, command centers, fallout shelters. It linked by railroads to other cities. Had a nuclear proof train. At no fucking point did he make an underground to St. Petersburg. Same as London. It didn't make an underground to Dover.

At what fucking point has America? It is practically impossible. The funding of it. Decades moving miles. You're talking thousands. All the extra facilities needed to power it. All those people needed above, sworn into secrecy. Look at the cost of the Euro Tunnel of CERN etc.

They aren't linked although a few might be, and they obviously have them. Going down a long ways, think about an elevator descending a few 100 feet or whatever.

Your reply could be anything. You haven't linked it. It isn't proof. I could look it up. I prefer to know what you meant.

by dukey
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It isn't actually. Plenty who don't. But that is probably like the cheapest and nastiest you can buy. Look at it. It's a scammer. Flea street brothel type, holed up in a chav hostel, where her mum is also selling services. A scam. Look the mum is sitting across. Gypsies. Not whores. The ones that say that shit, are probably shit to everyone. Because they have a cock problem. Ironically.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

Yawn. Who cares? Who cares anyway. Not like anybody else uses Twitter. Except bots.

Not like Twitter has any credibility and he proved it. He couldn't manage it how he liked. Couldn't restructure it. What is Twitter. A giant asshole. But he'll get some hits off starlink. The remote Twitter users. Only people frequenting it are the shills.

Does anybody see Twitter doing anything else? It has lost its market and appeal. Who still uses Twitter? So important we hear the fake tweets, of the standard sanitised broadcast typecast. God forbid anybody else had anything else to say. Not even worth looking at it. It brings almost nothing to the table. Somehow it still thinks to manipulate the market? Does anybody use Twitter to look at that advertising? Seriously, press, products, businesses? What about independents? When you read your paper, who cares what Twitter says. Nobody does anymore. More trouble than it's worth. Do you even look at it for business listings, next products? What your celebrity is doing, they have blogs and websites?

The only people using Twitter are the media and Gov. They think to manipulate advertising. How many users are left. No more users just a dumber left. Radicalised speech until nobody is speaking. Enjoy your fake media.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

This is complete bullshit. They'd have tunnels to Argentina and Alaska. If that above concept worked. It doesn't. The fact is there are existing DUMBS and some are connected. I significantly doubt the majority are.

We are talking about a cavernous civilization. At what point doesn't it break away. All other human civilization has.

It would have to be deeper underground at least a few 100 feet so as not to be targeted by fallout muntions. Not giving away its identity. Some of the best camoflauge is underground under existing cities. Look at how metro systems are used. Look at Ukraine. It joins the rail network overground it connects to Europe by train not metro. They use it as a bomb shelter, their Metro. In other places there's Odessa with catacombs.

Most bases from the Cold War, were mostly single bunkers. Like in Terminator 3. Or the vaults of Fallout. No connection like in nonsensical Half-Life. The new Total Recall is 100% Syfi. There are the Russians however Metro 2033, that is quite real within extents and reasons. British have also used their Metro system. Cities have this. In bigger cities there are some bigger underground facilities. Possibly almost like Resident Evil.

FFS why did they make that Denver Airport if they fucking take an underground train? Because today there's the hyperloop. Hahahaha. How much did that cost? Wars are cheaper.

The truth even our ancients have a better conspiracy when it comes to tunnels. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2022322/The-massive-European-network-Stone-Age-tunnels-weaves-Scotland-Turkey.html. There are bigger cave systems spamming continents. But they don't connect. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/longest-cave-systems-in-the-world.html. Utilised, takes huge feats of engineering. Digging subways today, cost how much per foot.

But as always with this shit. It's a great big projection.


The above are mostly civilian. Military are off record I suspect. But they contract who to build their stuff. Then they'd right, connect into it. Or put it on a base or in a mountain. Not make up a fucking metro system poka dotting the continent somebody else would have knowledge of.

People actually believe they're all connected. Hahaha. So why does the Potus fly? He could take the underground railroad. He could hyperloop in much less. Or bullet train quicker than the cost of a flight. You dumbasses. At what fucking point? It's so top secret the Potus doesn't know, and they don't fly. Hahaha. Retards in here make retard topics. Real retard topics for retards. So sick of the frothing retards monkey posting this shit. Autism at a level of full grade spastic. It makes no sense to anybody else.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It does. Black people sell slavery to be free of slavery. It's like psychologically defeatist. The slave trade ended like 200 years ago. But there they are still living it. I don't want to point out the obvious. But it definitely needs pointing out. They suppress themselves. Everybody else has like no idea

WTF do they mean. What do they mean? The World went and changed. But there they are, still selling slaves.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have everything to do with it.

The only people selling slavery are black people. Despite it being abolished. There are indentured servents in the Middle East. There is illegally, human trafficking.

But the only people selling slavery are black people. Factually. It was abolished over 200 years ago. Europe. 150 years ago America. Nobody is alive today from a vastly different era where black people were largely complict. Not the slaves of course. The tribal and various hierarchies capturing and selling them on. The same as they were since ancient Egypt.

Somehow today we need to be reminded every 5 minutes of slavery which doesn't exist outside of crime in the West. At what fucking point do I need to hear it?

The same fucking point Slavery has not been told. Europeans enslaved their own populations for far longer. Papillon. Middle East far worse slavers than anybody else.

White people factually haven't done anything. The only people doing it today are a great big oxy fucking moron.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

They did that with whaling. Except it wasn't adrenochrome. It was whale oil. In the 1800s. It powered almost everything that coal didn't. But you must be thinking of whale puke. It is liquid gold. Worth millions. Back then you had to beat it out of the whale.

As far as the film, on my not to watch list. It looked fake and gay and narrative infused. At what point. They're on land now it's the ocean. Omg stop it. I am watching a Syfi. Not bullshit. Woke crap.

I watch a different Disney for the ocean. One with less CGI.

I mean so the first film had this stuff they were mining. It had a reason. This time let's do the Ocean because ecology not story. Did they finish the story. The miners aren't coming back to get the valuable ore. It's ocean time because I mean. Is it connected into the fungal grid, bet they made the coral binary. Or simply because sell some propaganda. Cash in on the hypocrisy. They're dredging our oceans for stuff to power his avatar.

Idiot down vote. You liked it so much. I don't even want to watch. You made a gay dumb topic. Fishguts are worth more than the brains, amino acids. The blubber had oil used for soaps and paraffin. The vomit makes perfumes of the richest kinds. They have been fucking with various stuff like the topic. But it's experimental medicines, and it hasn't turned up shit. They keep doing this, Deep Blue Sea, the sharks. Others like that Disney this year with the snakes, alzhiemers. Or there's Covid. But it syfi today is done by mice. If perfected by mice moves up to bigger livestock. Until they replicate it chemically. It isn't adrenochrome.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're very autistic. Literally dropped on your head.

The slave trade ended over 200 years ago in Europe, and in America 150 years ago.

The only people trading slaves today are black people and the same slavers that existed for millennia, the blacks and middle east. Outside of this is criminality.

Blacks by fact are the only people selling slaves. It is a generic fetish. It must be, every year, 200 years later when nobody is selling slaves, there's these black people, reminding everybody they still sell slaves. Because somehow they think it is empowerment. Not once a slave always a you know. Cos I don't. They suppressed themselves.

So you go build these wells and donate to the well and the only thing you get back are the slave traders. It seems.

No other strawman. Simple facts. Ironically.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actors playing the current royalty ugh. Getting awarded for presuming royalty. I cannot think of a single thing I would rather not watch at all. It's unwatchable. Has been since its start. Cannot think of anything as boring. Accuracy nope. A narrative.

They're not saints. There was god given tradition. Henry the 8th. Stopped all that. He fornicated. One wife to the next. We have since fathered a culture of divorce. The worst on the Planet. It in turn trickles down becoming what it is. He wed, somebody already married. Anybody, but he chose a narrative. An awful narrative. If you pause and think about it. Often becoming a dysfunctional family. Think about all those households without dignity. The kids, their parents. Hell.

Who knows what that status is today. Who cares. Why would you. Who cares what he does. He does it anyway. It doesn't make him anybody else.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's different if you're the president with dementia.

Frank was a German name. Must've been real difficult pinning that on Frank's chest? America could've had a lot of Frank's. But Germany had far more. Frank beats the Franks? Valorous. Or ironic.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franks https://www.germannames.de/wiki/Frank

I think on a side note, a very common German name, surname. In top percentages.

His story would become almost impossible.

In any event dementia isn't a crime. But it's unelectable.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

They haven't, it's all black people's fault.

Real simple. Who is alive from then today.

Nobody genius. Stfu. Stop selling slaves.

A fetish. You have a fetish emancipated into your psyche. A permanent psychosis, you'll always be a slave. Then you often go and prove it. Ironically. Only black people are to blame for slavery.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

They didn't and it's all black people's fault. All white people do is pay more for it.

Seriously that slave trade happened when, and like a fetish. It is a fetish. It's all we hear about over a 100 almost 200 years later. But no different than the millennia before, black people are trading slaves again.

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