Umm more porn than fish today. More porn than gas today. What are you subscribing too. Your fetish. They probably cost extra. Nope, more porn than fish.
Subscription doesn't work. Nobody needs it. It is a bullshit profile that shouldn't exist.
Children need parental locks. If people cared about children they'd make a different Internet for them. Or limit their usage of the internet. It could even be done, as an andriod thing something domain. Although it doesn't work. Children meet older children. But it would be like any other thing for children.
No I.D needed. Just a safer Internet for just kids. At what point today? I've suggested it for years and the only thing they got is child locks. Yawn. Hell there's revenue off the catered devices. Phones, tablets, Pcs, TVs. Routes to childproof domains. Instead of a bunch of other locks.
What they got is Google for everybody and it simple puts some crap lock on. It works until they find a different search button.
Instead what that dickhead is suggesting is everybody else gets profiled because of the kids. Porn, is hardly that risk either, with kids. It's a bunch of other content as well.
Make kiddie Internet. So simple. But they don't want smart. They want children corrupted. At what point wasn't there kiddie only devices and a kiddie only Internet domain. Revenue, nope not it. Because they just want to police everything more.
At what point didn't they make a closed network like at the uni or school. If they were clever it would connect by specific device. Devices only sold for children. When they reg it's a child.
Oh no. Dumb locks. Dumbest locks.
Digital I.D nope. The device gets registered like any other dumbphone now. It links into a clean domain. You know your child can't get screwed? Umm umm.
Yep, I remember that Internet. The bandwidth trolled.
And the reason they don't is a bunch of shitty toys from China. Not quite, but the advertising if they sanitised it, would kill off a bunch of crap targeting kids. Besides they never did it to begin with. It's an alien concept. Imagine running it through the shit they got now. Practically needs new platforms for them social media, you tube, etc.
It would give it far more national control on that content. On those services paying no tax.
But it would stop this topic's crappy debates on how to police the rest of the Internet. Now, any children are in no real danger.
Distinctly the locks don't work. They're bypassed on that many corresponding searches by running their hands over the keyboard. It needs another means and connection. Digital I.D, nope. It polices everybody else for no reason.
Umm more porn than fish today. More porn than gas today. What are you subscribing too. Your fetish. They probably cost extra. Nope, more porn than fish.
Subscription doesn't work. Nobody needs it. It is a bullshit profile that shouldn't exist.
Children need parental locks. If people cared about children they'd make a different Internet for them. Or limit their usage of the internet. It could even be done, as an andriod thing something domain. Although it doesn't work. Children meet older children. But it would be like any other thing for children.
No I.D needed. Just a safer Internet for just kids. At what point today? I've suggested it for years and the only thing they got is child locks. Yawn. Hell there's revenue off the catered devices. Phones, tablets, Pcs, TVs. Routes to childproof domains. Instead of a bunch of other locks.
What they got is Google for everybody and it simple puts some crap lock on. It works until they find a different search button.
Instead what that dickhead is suggesting is everybody else gets profiled because of the kids. Porn, is hardly that risk either, with kids. It's a bunch of other content as well.
Make kiddie Internet. So simple. But they don't want smart. They want children corrupted. At what point wasn't there kiddie only devices and a kiddie only Internet domain. Revenue, nope not it. Because they just want to police everything more.
At what point didn't they make a closed network like at the uni or school. If they were clever it would connect by specific device. Devices only sold for children. When they reg it's a child.
Oh no. Dumb locks. Dumbest locks.
Digital I.D nope. The device gets registered like any other dumbphone now. It links into a clean domain. You know your child can't get screwed? Umm umm.
Yep, I remember that Internet. The bandwidth trolled.
And the reason they don't is a bunch of shitty toys from China. Not quite, but the advertising if they sanitised it, would kill off a bunch of crap targeting kids. Besides they never did it to begin with. It's an alien concept. Imagine running it through the shit they got now. Practically needs new platforms for them social media, you tube, etc.
It would give it far more national control on that content. On those services paying no tax.
But it would stop this topic's crappy debates on how to police the rest of the Internet. Now, any children are in no real danger.
Distinctly the locks don't work. They're bypassed on that many corresponding searches by running their hands over the keyboard. It needs another means and connection. Digital I.D, nope. It polices everybody else for no reason.