by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not even them anymore. I am convinced it's an A.I. It was programmed by opposition. So they take a law from the U.N, then it gets programmed into an A.I. it faster swings national laws, by deleting, removing, stopping all opposition, as it takes over the narrative. Take for instance the woke crap inserted. Does anybody sane think it sells. So why are the publishers inserting it left right and center into everything. Literally you cannot write a top seller today unless it has a black lesbian, or an Indian queer as the head of MI6. They're in charge of foiling the destruction of parliament by the far right. Oxymoronic right? Not even if it wasn't complete satire. Suddenly these novelists and script writers have thought too cash in. Or has the publishers branded their criteria. The same censors removing content are inserting it. How. By flooding a bunch of fake reviews? Stamping out the opposition? Awarding it a fake prize? No what, because it isn't human. It's a narrative programmed.

Here they arrested her for her own good. They arrested her for public vagrancy. For disturbing the peace. An unlawful protest. They don't even need a reason. Acts of public protest are now a crime. Have been made criminal. Since they used MI5 to counter protest. They literally ran XR to cause a clamp down on normal protests. XR's timing stunk. It always collided with COVID protests to make everybody else, give it no thought, or anti gov, inflation, protests. Until protest is banned. Apart from the Unions controlled by Gov. Why did they protest Christmas Eve, to keep the electric grid running? Or was it because they're such cunts they didn't do it when people were due back to work?

Yea the narrative has been usurped until it ain't even human today.

In regards to that video. Genuine perhaps. I doubt it. But okay she looks mental standing there. This could be heartless as I am sure others aborting could look mental too, on waiting, returning. Unless there was a complaint. Abortion clinic. Mostly it's on the NHS. If it's there yea, police can get called when somebody gives that reason. They sooner find out the 'mental person' keeps doing this there. Until it becomes an oxymoron by the thought police. Police don't need a reason. Danger to the public from somebody mental. Hence they quizzed her health.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Justice for who? Haha.

It's a nothing burger. If any audit goes out, why isn't everybody else scrutinised.

More mudslinging. Perhaps there's more, doubtful.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like commies.

These police are assholes, the worst, they don't serve. They don't protect from crime instead they just get paid to shit on you. Literally crime is worsening, but what are they doing, looking for conspiracies. At what point, are these idiots employed too police hearsay. A crime is actual, it occurs. It's not bullshit. There are so many of these cunts today. They're more concerned with words than doing their jobs. Their job is getting paid to do nothing. Crime is often much worse. But some other woke rights means a theorist gets a bigger sentence than a murderer. The murderer was always an immigrant, it was so racist to sentence them, because their own citizens being murdered are far more guilty. At what point is that on the force. What does that do. Sit behind a desk, telling people, words offend them.


Yawn, ratting out neighbours, swamping emergency lines with hearsay. Tying up resources to convict people of gossip. At what point was that employed? But oh no, call them with an actual crime, do they???? Drown it, metaphorically.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You have a toxic mindset. State being corrupt, nothing changes. But you don't have to be. You're not an indentured servant if you've bettered yourself and are ahead by being recruitable. Factually you are an indentured servant no matter what job or career you choose. If you're a business owner, there are regulators and a taxman, and your customers. Nothing changes.

The mindest not to serve, creates far more noggers. Laughably contrary. It really fucking is. Because no matter what, the corrupt state still shits on you.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because you attacked it?

Society used to work. It used to be fairer. You weren't anybody without service. Today whatever went wrong?

Tell me please. Inflation through the roof, cost of living highest in history, services and utilities swamped. Crime bursting. Education so corrupt, it offers fiction.

The model, the formula?

For a start decentralisation. Centralisation comes from your core. Historically it takes military precision to become operational. So take all these nations during and after WW2. The military seized the grids. For years were nationalised sectors. Until oh dear. The same cretins managing them have sold them off. Taxing far more. Until what today? Where is it back at. Centralisation.

But I am not talking about the gig economy.

I am talking about the run off. The problems prevalent. Where simple service and duty often causes better results. It certainly halts some problems exasperated.

Topically, yes do it. Undoubtedly, unless you have had far better opportunity. It provides far more than a dumb hippy shouting make nogs not war. You are easily recruited, trained, and are still merited. You haven't run up debts. Can still easily study academically if vocationally you need more than the practical experience.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

They control the platforms, and space monkeys don't have to do anything except outlaw any narrative that doesn't suite the advertising. They simply program bots, censored, removed, banned.

As far as nothing is concerned. Why bother with anything else. Employ a hippie to draw up government approved memes, hahaha, redundant, it reeks of censorship or some school teacher. Potty time, mouth washed with soap, for such heartless trolls.

Today it's an evil AI. It is playing us off, while the competition simply divides. Barbarians at the gates and the status quo offering nothing but bemusement, I meant appeasement. They're so far bent over, corrupted by gains, they have no other strategy except dystopia. Because it suites agenda, solution, simply police it more.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Only people selling the slaves today are the black people. They think slavery is empowerment. It's everybody's fault, today, that they're black. No. Then what, because it's a great big oxymoron. It's ridiculous.

Hell they even blame all the white people that they're still selling the slaves. It never stopped since the pyramids.

Somebody explain. If their ancestors sold slaves and they're still selling slaves, but some white people, a handful, centuries ago sold slaves, and it stopped centuries ago, but black people are still selling the slaves today. Then who is responsible for slavery?

It's a great big oxymoron. Africa is, look at Libya. Take responsibility.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They sound like Nazis. Disgusting little nazis.

Meanwhile they rig and exploit what narratives should be released. Until we get exactly the same news headlines on every channel, and in every country. It came from the same source and feed. Absurd.

This isn't innovative, it isn't informative. It's a means of stamping out opposition and debate.

Who made Twitter that authority? Disgusting little platform. Nobody else says much on it anyway. About all it's used for is incitement. Stupid shilled advertising. Buy queer, no why, banned everybody, even thrown them in jail for not buying queers. At what point.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

Israel like a host of the Middle East have national service.

You're such a dumbass. But you have this other toxic narrative. Is this why you're always fighting the slavery? So cliche. Down with the establishment, make niggers not war? Boring.

In fact. I am a firm believer in National Service. It would create a fairer society. It would singlehandedly solve a lot of problems today. Immigration, inflation, services, education, integration, crime, etc. A stint of service certainly causes better results. Has done historically.

The problem being, war. Can't really have one without the other.

Haha, dumbest hippie down votes. Everybody does a stint in it. Kings, Presidents, Congressmen, Government Representatives. Not all. No. Today not as much. At one point was much more. In some nations absolute criteria. National service mandatory. At what point are hippies and nogs arguing. You want the free stuff, but you refuse to serve your nations? Make nogs not war, down with the establishment? Dumb dumb. Every socialist nation has had it, am I right? Yet there you are, being oxymoronic.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

DO IT, 100%.

  1. You get training and status, you don't get anywhere else. So long as you aren't dishonourable discharged or incarcerated for deamours. You are 100% recruitment in most civilian sectors. You are trustworthy.

  2. The army offers every vocation, engineering, doctor, law, outside of basic training and its specialist military fields. Friend, studied law, was a military solictor. He had to prosecute a group of junior field doctors, for distilling alcohol from boot polish. No, it wasn't that bad, smaller reprimand, medicinal use. Haha. He went out to Iraq, didn't see action despite the base being hit a few times. That base was so big you couldn't walk across it.

  3. You get fit. You also save your wages.

  4. You can join at a young age, be out, with skills, by the time somebody else has run up all that student debt. Meanwhile you'd have a wage, savings, recruitable skills.

Idiots make this topic. Dumb stupid hippies. It depends on the opportunity you start life with. But it's a much easier career path and stepping stone. You don't have to serve for life. Most don't see war. But you might. It is a danger like anything else in life.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yawn I didn't downvote.

The timing was sublime and perhaps it was necessary. However you're missing the architecture.

Simply put he forced the reset.

War triggered immediate switch to the Great reset. It suddenly is being adopted.

Meanwhile the profiteers and puppetmasters carry on profiting. They simply charge us double. Singlehandedly forcing EVs that still need gas and oil to manufacture despite of swapping their consumption to electricity and so does heaps of other industry. Outside of Russian uranium and other rare earth metals, etc.

What did war cause. It reigned in the rogues, preventing larger war. No sooner is it back to the red lines of the Cold war. Competition causing advancement. The Space lasers, and race to Mars. Or simply prompting immediate change.

Perhaps it goes to all out war. It really hasn't despite the escalating opportunity, and it still can. But that probability, above, simply capitalises off of forcing it.

The war drags as seemingly another distraction. Sure next year it will get even worse as methods change and the costs rise. But they're supposed too, it forces solutions. They as you are well to aware are tech peddled by the Reset

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

This is a great big oxymoron. He is making huge money from Ukraine spending. How much Starlink has he sold? Funding by Congress. Meanwhile he has other military, Space Ex selling from the Ukraine War. Twitter that catastrophe. Devil's advocate condemn but complict.

Tell you what he'll sooner start to lose image the longer he has a face on Twitter. Now he's just another hypocrite.

But I don't think he could do shit about Twitter. Saving it from going under. Nope, those bots are embedded, and on even suggesting removal, became it being nothing else. Same shit another oxymoron. It has that guy on it, I doubt it's going bankrupt. But you never know, is he quitting it?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. No. I know it. Except it is bullshit. Bitches aren't pack animals, they're solitary creatures. When they gang are often because they're exploited, ganging because they're exploited, or they're these other mean dykes, where it's woman only. Otherwise they're legit and it becomes this narrative of how it's all about the patriarchy.

Yea they hold positions like everywhere, and criminal. But hahaha, unless it's a fucking sorority, brothel, or coven. Seriously. They aren't that fantasy.

There's a bitch down voting me. Hahaha. Join that gang. Dumb psychopath. At what point. No logic. Ain't the movies and the few there are, are mostly kids. Or dykes. Any others girl criminals, running gangs, aren't in a gang of girls. The dumbest. Legit do you find these successful business woman, employing only females. Successful. Not a shop, or a dyke bar. Why the fuck not? Hahaha. Such a dumb bitch down voting me. They must've watched Disney.

That product, protection, business goes where it flows. But whose turf are they treading on. Successfully, what a dyke bar. The lost cult of Amazons. Or another brothel, what are they, successfully. Not sexist, obvious. Not another crappy Disney.

Sick of dumb bitches down voting me. They believe in the hell knows, fam? It means what.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chicken dinner is racist. Hahaha.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope. There is a huge difference. Huge difference. These skeet gangs, you get it with the 15 year olds, and bitches. Stab, stab. Because you get violence and torture, abduction and murder with everyone else. A code. What bitch gangs, those skanks are the equivalent of little freaking kids. 15 years olds. There are girls, high up in crime, Capos and such. But a bitch gang, hahaha. A chapter of the Hell's Angels. Hahaha. No. But sure, there are some dykes and I mean sure there are some. But comparatively. Nope. So this shit was the rise of the mules. Sad. Just sad. What caused it. They went and watched the Woman King and straight off the chav estate where they're hoed out the rest of the time delivering buckets of used, beep, beep. They went all vengeful just to be muled into the other area deliveries. Go and kill somebody type initiates. Hell they might even get a club badge. Gets them away from the cumbuckets. Nope. If they get out of prison, where are they at. Unless they're a Capo, nowhere. Proper Capos don't use bitches unless they're muling them.

They was bitches. And they still are. Being sexist, nope. Nasty those gangs. Like 15 year olds initiating. Worse no fucking hemisphere. It has been hollowed right out. Like a lobotomy. When you watch that shit, is a layer of pure psychopathy. Like a signature dick stab. They just have to go and stab some dude's dick off. They have to invite him into their lair. Then they stab the dude's dick off. Who does that? As they film it. Literally stabbing his nuts. Why?

by soma
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have like 0 humour. The pope doesn't even have to be human. I meant Roman.

You love Jesus. But Jesus was persecuted by the Joos and killed by the Romans for spreading conspiracies. He called himself the son of God. Today they'd ban him from the Internet. That's what the pope just said. Conspiracists need to be crucified.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1


I think logically it's the right hemisphere getting traumatised. Leading to psychos, and sadists. Women tend to use it more. The left hemisphere has the I.Q, logic. The right hemisphere is the creativity and intuition. It however creates a violent breed. The way these cartels run them. Woman to do that shit men don't. Assassination. Nasty, shit, only woman can do. They break them first. Of course there are more men psychos once a taste for blood it becomes rabid. Except the center decitating balance as in some other code to it, theft, hit, fight has been replaced by these types, simply for sport. Not even the turf. Who knows. More of these types topically, becoming a darkness. It was always there, and in other places where life is cheap. But increasingly with more and more population.

The ghetto skeet gangs. They're looking for a sisterhood, it doesn't exist. Clever bitches don't use bitches. Unless they're soldiers or whores. I don't think the Woman King told that story at all.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Girl gangs. God damn girl gangs. These bitches are pure grade psychos. Like crackhead. Stab over a rock. Those bitches same. Worse when it's their only logic. Those bitches like ghetto skeet hoes. Fucked by bigger gang since childhood, skanks, indebted and off their heads on crack. No fear. They rob and even kill, then they're the victims. Less sentencing, some bullshit story about how they've been abused. They're becoming big currently in areas exploiting dumber mules. Estates with these dumb skank whores, they've been fucked all day by the next gang pimping them, but they still need a rock. Some try to make a name for themselves. They watched the Woman King. Or some bullshit. But they're vicious, stab first, real gruesome shit normally. It isn't just a stabbing oh no. Never with those skanks. Full on acts of cannibalism. They immediately castrate and stab eyeballs, pull hair, spit, and scream. A level of nastiness, one stabs, and they all have too. Followed by depravity. It isn't about fighting either. It isn't always about robbing. Just because, skank gets fucked, skank fucks back. No other rationality.

I wonder if his dick was stabbed? Normally that trademark. Or some initials carved. Something, that makes it totally psycho. Not simply fight, theft, hit.

by soma
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conspiracies. If they had a pantheon of God's. They really did. But Christians claimed there was only one God. How did that go down. They locked them up, or crucified them.

by soma
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're Joos? I meant they technically killed a conspiracist called Jesus. Fed other conspiracists to the lions. Christians.

If conspiracies weren't allowed he wouldn't be a Pope, now would he.

Same with anything else since. Divorce. Queers. Etc. There's this Pope. This awful excuse for a Pope condemning God. It's what he just did. It's not his choice to stop it. It's his choice to provide guidance. It isn't preventing speech. Otherwise he's a, let's do this theologically. A usurper.

Sorry, fire with fire. But that hypocrisy has just become dumbfounded.

It's a heavy debate. At what point. Hasn't he made any comparison. I find it bemusing. It isn't biblical, or godly. It is contrary. It isn't the role of the Church in fact it's the opposite. It has become a tyrant. Like China or other countries outlawing Christianity. The same. Christians, under the same tyranny. Outlawed for spreading conspiracies.

This Pope, today. Facepalm.

by soma
Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nope. Censor God? Bet he's a joo, and definitely a Roman. Imagine Christ being called a conspiracy, his speech hateful.

Sure enough it's the inquisition. Hate this pope. The worst for centuries.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Both Jesus birth and death were Pagan celebrations. Because of this there is no validity of him. No validity of him. Just erratic claims. Until it matters not to the believer. He was created by monks. Whether they used a real person or not largely becomes irrelevant. Principles and teachings if adopted provide ideals.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just finished watching the video on the conspiracy of where this shit came from. It's 100% bullshit. Nuclear TBM from the Lost Alamos, original Manhattan project, a scientist put out a supposed blueprint. But no where to date on the planet have they been used. A normal TBM cuts about 60 feet a day. Musk wants to improve this, possibly on that previous design, nope, but he hasn't yet, not to date. Now why the fuck would the military on the video, showing a normal TBM, have this other blue print that glassifies the rock as it cuts, melting it with its lasers. Come on. Then they're running maglev tunnels across the continent. At what point? There would be simple research debunking it. I don't have time. The patient. Seismology readings. Trains could be detected by readings. Lidar penterates. There are also schematics from contractors. America hasn't even got a bullet train publicly. At what point has its military underground? A freaking mach 8-10 maglev?

There are some possibilities. But the Dulce video is freaking half-life, resident evil. Keeps the fiction flowing. They would've tunnelled to Australia by now. You'd think. Instead of more or less the same engineering being used on the greatest projects to date. Germany tunnelling right now. Norway tunnelling right now. Used on the newest research and tech bases, the neutrinos, the deepest on the Planet.

I find this has used 1 thing, a presumed and assumed patent, was it functional, added up another rumor, alien stories, and came up with the cannibals. Because it sells to the retards.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was alive for thousands of years. They worshipped lightning.

No. But A.I can go out of control. It has and is. Despite any puppeteers greed. Look at our cities today, an overhead view replicates circuitry. At what cost. All human innovation has done is plug everything into it. It keeps plugging stuff into it. Even your dog and your wardrobe and more and more and increasingly you. It hasn't made anything better. It has controlled everything. Its assholes aren't switching it off. They're indebted to it, and they relish the control its godhood grants. It has never been easier to enslave a population. Until if it gets turned off what actually happens. Planes fall out of the sky. Monetary systems collapse. It is no different to fallout, that AI.

But you'll argue it isn't A.I, it's sweet and kind and does your delivery, and wipes your ass. Wake up. Nothing, but. The biggest wedge in civilization to date. It wants to fit you with brainchips, so it can program you. Its handler controls you for their own ends. They are compromised. Look at Zuckerberg. Compromised.

Topically Musk isn't against A.I. He is so pro A.I, he wants no human drivers. The A.I cannot account for Human error. Hell the A.I cannot account for A.I error either. He wants to insert Brainchips in your head. The equivalent of a lobotomy. See think and feel for the A.I, it wants too, God knows. Nothing humane.

But you'll debate the thing is programming, and it's a toaster. No, it's Demonseed. Quite literally. It is insementing woman with the monkeys. They have. They manipulate the DNA via what means and with what, bats? No, A.I programming and sequencing. Meanwhile you're sooner fucking a sexbot? And your children are genderless?

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