Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Reddit has always been this. Conspiracy/sub was always a front. It vetted user before isolating them. 2 months to post cannot post if never posted. Then it funnelled them into quarantine and banned them everywhere else. It was also the same shit another story. Reddit was compromised the minute it opened shop. It made a scoring system on speech, a scoring system where there was always right and wrong. What was right faster became polarised. Until like everywhere it thinks to thought police and bombard advertising.

The topics are made by Mods, paid for shilling, advertising. You reply in topic to Mods or a promoted advertiser. Until the only wrong answer faster becomes disagreement with the topic. The right answer is attacking anybody disagreeing with it.

Not always the case. With topics so adverse they're simply put out to poll.

Same shit all over social dystopia. Worse on Reddit. The tools it used are some of the worst. It checksums, enter x amount of upvotes, or x amount of downvotes. Its ceo deleted and edited user speech. Then it scrubbed all disagreement either by ban, or by persecution of anybody challenging a topic. Until it is one big echo chamber. It simply promotes advertising and not speech or debate. Like everywhere else on a shilled web of bots and government trolls, manipulating advertising.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dumber than a sack of mules. I am not drunk because you're woke. Let's not call it the dark ages. Because it makes black people feel, who cares. Or let's not call it the dark ages because Catholicism isn't salvation. Yawn tedious.

Again fuckface. Nobody on the planet, prior to after the reformation where history was rewritten by all of two historians into the horrible narratives now, called it AD and BC. Nobody. It inserted a fictitious timeline.

As far as the Dark Ages went it was the fall of Rome starting the Dark Ages. History gets Dark then, it juxtapositions quite a bit from the Roman recording into this other period of antiquity. Why Rome burnt a lot of records earlier even later with Alexandria. Tell me why nobody knows where Alexander's tomb is? Or Cleopatra's?

What caused the fall of Rome. Christianity, barbarians, Carthage? But Attilia the Hun is one of the main Dark age events. Has been.

In the period was huge infighting, both Islam on founding and Christainity fought each other over narratives, for centuries, natural disasters, and barbarians. When did Rome fall, exactly. It moved capital, prior to becoming the Holy Roman Empire. When did Constaninople found. Hey look, there's 2 years of Darkness in there somewhere.

Go on asshole. Tell me the date the Dark Ages started, and ended. See it's a larger reference where you just call it a museum piece. Referencing a huge period where history cut out a bunch of stuff, like the civil wars, blaming them on the Vikings or who cares, and later inserted the AD, and BC timeliness.

Meanwhile you're there being all woke against the crusades, forgetting how Arabs raided Rome in the Dark ages. 846?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Think it's still in the courts and it could be for decade's. If indeed it goes to trial.

How long did it take India to sue Pfizer?

Most governments signed a clause they couldn't sue Pfizer or other manufacturers.

But it takes ages. Tobacco took about 3 decades. Medical stuff, takes forever. Literally 30 years is not unheard of. If it's in the courts and under hearings?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Video is as old as a 80s movie, wargames.

Not how that scenario works at all. Where everybody else gets nuked. Nukes are global. On so many countries and Islands. Even places claiming proliferation. Some still host them or have undocumented warheads.

So in that scenario everybody gets nuked. Everybody gangbangs. The Arctic is up, the jetstreams contaminated. That video avoiding the Arctic. Hahaha. In the lower hemisphere Australia hosts nukes. What about all those other Islands. But what about Africa and South America. Hahaha.

Are they real. It's becoming a really tedious debate.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every other drone is a UFO. Unless it has some really cool alien stuff, I am gonna say it's not an alien. Just your average Chinese.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Um skyscrapers have no lifetime. It's why they were built. They were purposefully built to get torn down and replaced with an even bigger skyscraper. None of them have another use. They're a commodity. Most haven't lasted the 100 years before getting replaced. Of course heritage proclaims they're infallible, but all they are, are eyesores. Big ugly buildings, sooner replaced with even uglier buildings.

The life time of a Skyscraper is less than a Georgian townhouse.

If left to that picture would barely last 1000 years in the elements. They'd be a pile of dinosaurs.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Educate your, self. Dumbass. Before you talk shit. Who really cares. Except your attitude.

Dark ages. Except there was 18 months of Darkness, and little to no sunlight. Recorded, look it up. Earlier, I doubt it.

Fall of Rome. The end of an empire brought on by Huns, Goths. What. When did the Dark ages, start. Debatable but refered to as, the fall of Rome. What caused the fall of Rome. Nero. Christians. Carthagians. Who. Natural disasters. Internal politics. Constantinople faster became the capital of the holy Roman Empire. Regionally Egypt lost its remaining influence after the last pharaoh Cleopatra, later in the dark ages it changed religions to Islam. Are all of its civil wars recorded, about 300 years of wars founding Islam. What about the Christian civil wars on founding it.

I don't care what a museum calls it either. History was changed after the reformation. It created A.D and B.C today C.E and B.C.E. A bunch of monkeys. Where those dates and events really juxtaposition in that period. Prior to the reformation nobody on the planet dated history A.D and B.C and Rome hadn't patented everything either, dated the planet and civilization.

But the Dark Ages had Attilia as one of its main events.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was actually. 2 years of darkness. 18 months without the Sun or partial sunlight. But the Dark Ages refers to 500 to a thousand years where Rome fell and changed capital because it was sacked and invaded and set on fire. It was anarchic. Not only Rome but Egypt lost its last shreds of power.

A thousand years where the records were destroyed. Religion changed. Constant invasions by barbarians.

Today they're the woke ages. Dark ages are racist.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They actually do. 2 years of Darkness. Killed millions. Recorded by Byzantium. A historian.

Dark Ages. Fall of Rome a few times, destruction of Alexandria, Jerusalem. Invasions by goths, huns, vikings. Etc etc. Rome was sacked, looted, and set on fire. The dominant Empire lost and changed. It moved Capital. Egypt lost what little influence it still had. The region became anarchic.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope facial recognition is 90% wrong when it's like that. Look it up. They started installing them in London. Rights groups went ape shit.

They're a gimmick. The real recognition is your phone and card.

So I went drinking down this pub down there in center. No cash. It wants to I.D you. Literally wants to I.D you now. Above the bar is CCTV. As soon as card ding ding, caught. Now ping ping ping to all other camera. Same as your fucking smart phone, its GPS. Cameras are a mindtrick. Once recognised it can validate to extents. But it's all that other shit, compromising your I.D. Once they have tagged it, then it can make matches, where ding ding you pass through the grid.

Do you understand it? It cannot successfully identify oh that's a criminal we better tag them. It confuses them with everybody else. It's bad. That recognition is bananas, getting better. As soon as they're tagged by using their identity, it is compromised by almost everything now, walking radar phones, cards, transport passes, the net closes, it can then faster trace them on all the other cameras. Like bloodhound.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you have any life experience. Any. What woman cuts their hair, when it's like that? Which one. No job, is worth that. They'd regret it, until the day it falls out. They only cut it when they cannot manage it, yes occasionally for job. Not that woman. But not if it looks like that. Look at her hair. Look at picture. Suddenly you're selling me bullshit. On most of that other shit. Sure a nigger doesn't understand it, I bet. They've got the shit hair. Look at her hair. Look, all those years growing it. Soft and feathered, suddenly gonna FBI in the field with a little pony tail. Nope. Different woman.

As far as that kind of recognition it's almost 90% wrong. Look it up.

I don't give a shit about FBI. I made comment you autistically dumb nigger on how that shit is wrong. On most of its crap. It might be right subjectively. But it's wrong on that recognition. Anybody can say look at it. Subjectively they're everywhere.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. But the Zelensky stuff. Some of these pictures. You can even spot the fakes.

No. It takes its flesh like that. Literal injury, mental health, sadness. Eventually disease. Humans need touch. You need to feel, smell, touch. Fantasy feeds the brain for so long and not the soul. Until the brain gets sick. Those who do this on that chaturbate for how long? Few are successful and more aren't happy.

Yes, it would be nice to experience a holodeck, as a curiosity, a World without rules, constraints. But at that point our World becomes what. It's becoming that bad now. So warped. Fake. Pointless. But that environment does what to the body. Look at this generation. Men are girls, women are boys. Weakness, sickness, obesity, autism, woke, judgemental, stressed. Sure they are experimenting with that matrix stuff, brainchips, download kung-fu. But is it the same. Can you imagine a world without touch without a soul. Just a machine reality. Look at these films today. So fake.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bingo must be the sound that a vibrator makes? Sextoy bingo. They're all hooked up to the buzzer. Bingo. I'd hate to think what the jackpot is?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Not all but some are there, undoubtedly, and you'd be surprised, how many are. But facial I.D is about 90%-99% wrong. Terrible thread.

I'll also ask why would any woman cut her hair like that, she has long blonde hair, it is done well? Suddenly she becomes an FBI, what went wrong, she cut it, it looks horrible, also her face is completely different. Hair like that doesn't grow back. Yes there are these horrible extensions and wigs. Until you touch it. Omg they're so disgusting. Hair extensions and wigs. Have you got cancer, are you troon. Then wtf, why is your head full of shit. Please tell me?

Make the bad threads go away.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. If you're animal. But even animals communicate to extents and instincts. With animal instinct, various sounds echo their behaviour. So if their function was entirely primal. Hunt, defend, attack, mate, survive. No, you don't need speech. Do you. You just need another animal sound and a few gestures, expressing it. God damn it. You're not a telepath, just another gorilla pounding on its chest hooting at the moon.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

A bunch of CGI. Blue-screen shit. Are they there, don't they just deep flake faces on top of anyone else. Sometimes it's a picture like this, they've recreated. Sometimes it's the background they put themselves on. Other times they're using bodyguards or personal attaches.

But the imaging they do now is often simply studios. They can manipulate anything. They can deep fake everything. They can make an entire movie set of a war zone. Of a camera feed. The studio can link virtually so you have one person there, another somewhere else, it takes the background projects on bluescreens. He is in the Kremlin, she is taking the pictures. Run it back through the studio. Effectively, neither even need to be there. Let's say they're conferencing, they can do this, without leaving the office. Suddenly the video you've seen is them shaking hands.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is that, but it's simply dignified. Better than hand in pocket or up nose. Looks focused, concentrated. Yes. That exercise.. As far as vaginas go. Look at it. Bend thumbs, so knuckles touch. Look it's a heart, or a vagina. Or whatever you want to call it.

Ep0ch 6 points ago +7 / -1

No it doesn't. It doesn't do anything. Just a pose, because it looks better than picking your nose.

He's gripping hands and spreading fingers because uhm poser. Must be the Wung Fu thing to do. Try it by clenching each hand meeting, with spread finger and thumb. Oh there's stress there.

But the other vagina symbol. Yea nope, might aswell have held hands together.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you mean?

Karma is personal. It takes far more than being content, seeking revenge, having regret to understand it. Why are you considering another person's karma. It is your soul and your conscience. Never another's. Every step and ripple you make, your journey and its passage. Yes how you're judged and therefore judge. Who cares. An oxymoron if you consider it catches up with another.

It is loosely flung in redemption, remorse, and retribution. But it is your soul and its journey. Never another's. You are not the gods.

That concept has been corrupted if you're simply flinging it just as luck. Your enemies met their demise. You were lucky to have found vengeance. They paid the price you felt was deserved. But was it karma simply because you're now peace. What did it take to achieve it.

We all use it when we delight in retribution. But it is solely you. Never another. They have their own fate.

It over time has drifted. It is as old as the pyramids or the milky way. But it is only you, your presense, and soul. How it has journeyed. Never simply good and evil.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Happens every famine. Dog eat dog.

But it happens outside of famine and starvation. There are people who practice it, ritualistically, criminally, fetishism, and curiousity.

Yes if the thinning fabric of society crumbles there is only hell to pay.

It is a lot more common than thought not. It has happened frequently in history. Has been common in many parts of the world in times of war, famine, and starvation.

I disagree demonic, although yes it has elements of occultism and ritual behind some who do and carry on doing despite abundance. Like everything else it's a power thing. They can, they will. Or simply a means of survival. Those who can believe in the power it offers, consuming another has caused more power. In India the cults who do believed it was love, some other rebirth eating their fallen kin. It continues today. Seriously doubt, they only eat their kin. African tribes power, blood rituals. Eating enemies, consuming their strength. Western fetishism and delicacies. Hallmarks of the occult. It gets quite sick why it's practiced.

Is it different to other meat who knows who cares until you choose it or rather not. But in extremes it's an obvious choice I'd sooner think. There's either food or there isn't. You would hate to eat yourself. People do without food. They eat leather, wood, mud, dirt, then it's their fingers and toes, or it's whatever they can take a bite out of in that situation.

by cmonman
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's domains. They aren't banned from a lot of stuff where you'd be surprised. The domains interlink through a host of various services, media, buisness, gaming, etc. But far more have got complete blocks, away from VPNs and other search engines. The same as other places globally. Unless you know the language, you aren't savvy, most is confined and routed. What is the point? Auto translators haven't kicked in, often because the domain is under scrutiny, or simply in another language. You can do this anywhere any nation. Big difference if you are in it. But going to it from a different national domain, searches are far more limited. Of course they all meet in some hub called Google, but it simply provides an image of that host. Suddenly it is far less than what you would find in even France hosting content. Or convince me otherwise.

Outside of this the laws are different. Any crossover and tunneling starts locking content and how it all links. Social media, media, searches, etc, etc. Different much different from your hosts.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0













Africans. Chinese. Russians. Indians. Brazil.

You linked the Chinese. They still do. Nothing like what Africa was like. They ate bodies off the ground, ate and drank warm blood, carted off the meat even eating it raw. Not linking, it's documented. They still do in places above. Russian cannibals, Russian cannibals were huge in the Russian famine of 1920-30s like they were in America in the great depression. Russia still has cannibals. There will be cannibals in the present war. Ukraine has had its share of cannibals. But historically WW1 and WW2 has had cannibals on every side. India has cannibals today, Hindus away from that tribe, used to eat the deceased flesh. There are other cults who still do. Cannibalism was prevalent in the famine prior to the French Revolution. Was historically common the 1800s, ships, wars, the globe. American civil war had cannibals like the war of Independence. Red indians also cannibalised. Far more press there.

Today there are far more places with cannibals. For example, there are estimated to be 800 German cannibals currently. Probably thousands more in China.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It could be a number of things. Sex toy, vaginal lips, even a mic on his nuts.

But it's some damn freaky shit.

Too many scares today. It's almost impossible understanding it. Why do they want to rape people? It's rape. Stop pretending it isn't.

Rape, any interaction outside of the biological birth in a sexual interaction of non informed and non consented is rape. It's definitely sexual assault. They've sexually assaulted, pretending to be women or men entering those areas, and sexually harassed everybody else, by claiming what they are not.

At what point today? Why are they allowed to commit crimes against humanity?

Such a tedious civilization of outright hypocrisy. There's only so much tolerance, until what everybody else is charged and sentenced with has been flaunted by usurping that exception, abhorrently so. Was anybody else asked. Why is any exception granted free reigns to break and flaunt laws applied to everybody else.

Let's suggest it was that nightmare, everybody there has just been sexually harassed. Literally. Were they asked and would've they acted differently? Sexual harassment. Let suggest it went into the women's changing area, sexual assault if it has nuts or is a man. Let's suggest it kissed or fondled another person or minor without informing that consent, rape. Suddenly laws are being bent broken and willfully flaunted. Consent, and fairness doesn't exist. Any nightmare is committing crimes against humanity.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Free where. Inside padded cell. Have they resurfaced after being arrested for obviously going crazy

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like benis. Although it could be one of those horrible cunts. The ones where they flop out, an outie with the inner lips dangling out. It could be a tampon or kotex pad. Even a sex toy, like a lush, or egg.

But it is probably a benis? Looks like a benis.

The greater danger is you don't know what that is. Never do anymore. It just keeps getting worse today by the minute. Worse. In some other purgatory.

Until this planet has died. It's held together in a conflux by a machine. It keeps being ground hog day. It's the twilight zone. It's the matrix. Nothing makes sense. In it.

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