Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't care what assholes call assholes. They're still assholes. Nothing but assholes today. All they do is shit on everything else. Not happy unless they're throwing their feces at everything. It's the new artwork. Needs more shit and bullshit inserted. Oh shit it hasn't been plastered with it. How to inserted feces everywhere. Needs more shit. It's so respectful. They make nothing clever and instead shit on everything. Nothing clever. Name a single thing today's assholes have made that isn't full of crap. It doesn't exist. They shit on everything. Welcome to the Internet.

You would have never have heard of these assholes and their shit without it. Nobody would've given them a toilet. But there's the Internet and now there's crap everywhere.

At what point did we need it. I don't care what an asshole calls mummification at all. It's still a mummy.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha, there is people very freakish people Indonesia has majority, until it hit the circuts of weirdness, they injest everything. They eat glass for example. It got turned into a freakish fetishism a circus act where they eat whatever, and their digestion will sort it out. They eat everything. Insects on the fly. Sand. Some have been know to eat glass and swallow nails. I cannot think of anything worse, tearing up their insides, this has happened, razor blades removed out of the intestines, or babies eating their cat, but to them raw flesh must be a delicacy. Isn't this how the latest epidemic of black death spread. Mongolia they were eating rats? Perhaps they cooked them first. But who was that rockstar who used to eat them? Bite the heads off live rats? Ozzy Osborne or somebody did this? Now omg poor rat right? I wouldn't advise it. But a heart off a fresh herbivore perhaps. A vegan, right?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course you were. No bear wrestlers today. Except underground. Curiously I don't even think Russia has them anymore, sure maybe tamed. Not much of a contest otherwise unless a fruit bear. It probably still has dogs versus bear. Although I cannot imagine it.

Raw Fox liver disgusting. Dogs have bad shits, foxes, wolves especially. One of the worse on the planet, apart from humans, omnivores, that eat everything, and scavengers. Stick to the herbivores on that. Although they are prone to diseases. Often found in red meats.

But the diet has been proved, although it isn't enough energy without constant consumption, and it is highly susceptible to diseases.

When we are talking raw meat, plenty, but they're cured like ham, or seasoned like Sushi, smoked and salted, blood again tribesmen drink this in Africa by the barrel as a test of manhood who can consume the most blood. It has also been known on pig farms. Raw they eat parts of the kill, liver, possible brain, and the heart, occasionally the flesh, these are primarily herbivores.

Bad meat can kill, outright kill. One of the biggest planetary killers before refrigeration was food poisoning.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Left calls everybody a bunch of names. It's all they do. Worse today with social media. They tell everybody what to do. Anybody disagreeing with being told what to do, sooner gets called a bunch of names, and labels. The left are the biggest trolls on the planet, all they do are call people names, and labels. Since the rise of social media it has provided them with the power to troll and label all opposition more names, because anybody disagreeing with them they want to outlaw completely, like their political opponents, because anybody else not agreeing with their name calling, are sooner the alt right or extremists.

Social Media has been the greatest divide civilization has experienced. Nobody used to tell people what to do. Nobody used to hear a bunch of pointless gossip. Unless you had nothing better to do. Nobody cared. You didn't use to hear about these awful leftists and how they want to cancel, cake, or how there should be tranny models everywhere. The World wasn't woke or getting cancelled. Rudyard Kipling wasn't a racist.

The thought police, policed actual crimes. Instead of trolling social media, for gossip.

Ep0ch 6 points ago +6 / -0

Diamonds are Forever, filmed right away, Capricorn One same decade.

I think they made a moon set. Why no manned return?

Who is downvoting me. James Bond shows the moon set. He breaks into the fake moon set, it released 71. Capricorn One the real plot 78?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But they don't put warnings on phones, computers, televisions a leading cause of obesity, cancer, and brain diseases like dementia.

Who cares what Canada does. It's a shithole. It's not happy unless it's melting the Arctic, and blaming everybody else. Canada needs a warning label. If you move to Canada you're melting the planet. If you're a Canadian you're a proud sponsor of climate change. If you're a Canadian, you have one of the highest immigration statistics on the Planet, and you've done your national duty to melt the Arctic. Sweden also needs this badge, I melted the Arctic.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the spirit.

But we are talking raw? I dunno about that. But there are some who do. Not just the fresh blood or organs of a kill, or the raw fish or cured meats. Rather actual raw flesh. Unfortunately our stomachs aren't very compatible at all. Same with a raw organic diet. Shits and blood disorders and disease.

As far as evolving into clothing, cooking, and tools went. We do not compete without them. We therefore entered an extinction cycle the minute we supposedly evolved. Making us invasive and not evolutionary. Or we were modified.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they really don't by those numbers. The same people on their commute see it if it's on a main route. Most of the time it isn't particularly. It's another building with a bunch of smegs inside.

So the BBC see it. Did the BBC Air it? No they took the vax, they silenced all opposition towards the vax. Apparently it saved their life. Just not all these other people. There is no grave of the unknown vaccinator, where hills of poppies remember how they died saving lives. There is only contempt for those who died without any other insurance.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1


There are humans who eat raw meat seen it on a documentary. Not simply sushi. Red meat. Not Africans and other tribal hunter gathers who consume parts of their kill raw, the organs and blood. They were otherwise normal, on a farm out in Texas with a chainsaw, no, they needed far more meat to sustain their energy. They had these raw meat shakes and drank milk. Weird. They were rather pale and bloodshot.

There is the raw diet. Fruits, nuts, and other plants all uncooked. Some myth to this. But a possibility.

But human evolution is invasive. As soon as we started cooking and wearing clothes made of animal parts we began an extinction cycle. Humans killed mammoths like whales, hundreds, in traps, and had entire operations of stripping down mammoths and making entire structures out of mammoth bones. So much for a myth we were all attuned. Nope. Evolution in that sense without better architecture doesn't make any sense. Our bodies are far too soft, unlike premium hides, our digestion cannot handle non cooked food well at all. We solely rely on tools. Why would we need to wear clothes, protection, and cook food if we evolved. Nope. Something modified us quite adversely to our natural habitat. It wasn't simply evolution.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn, who passes by the BBC. The BBC does. I mean seriously there's this building for staff, clients. Is it a tourist attraction. No, it's a building with the BBC inside. Who sees it, statistically. God damn it.

Why did you make that comment. Did the BBC air it. Unlikely. Unless it was condemnation.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Unfortunately the BBC doesn't care, because it vaxxed. It can never be wrong for doing so. Because it saves lives. Not those lives. They're dying for the BBC.

Just think if they hadn't died, we'd still have COVID anyway.

The BBC doesn't think, it projects.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Um, but the Chinese?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's an idiot anyway. Coal grows from trees. Electricity doesn't. Consider for just one minute what that means.

Coal is a natural resource. But the idiot wants to use an unnatural one.

Now consider how her products were made. Dumb bitch doesn't think. Millennials really don't anymore.

Ask her where are the insects, and the next chains, migratory birds, despite regeneration efforts are in the same decline at the same rates today. Despite of increasing regeneration efforts. Her stupid technology, all the things she's promoting like EVs, GMO crops. But Cellphones. Since, their rise in the 90s most species have more than quadrupled their extinction rates.

But there she is protesting against a natural resource. Tell me how will they even make the EV without it? The EV made out of fossil fuels.

Who cares about that dumb bitch anyway.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I stay out of these. The camps were often labor camps making munitions and food and materials. One was a bakery. Think the famous one was a big huge bakery. They made food. Another was munitions. Another was clothing. They were often labor camps.

The only thing you can do with war populations is put them to work. Otherwise they create resistances, and get up to no fucking good. You send them to a camp and get them making shit. If they're not, most grateful to do something, then they're beeped. But for the most part they worked these people otherwise they're useless. They needed a huge war machine.

When you seized existing wealth and sent wealthy to factories, fiction becomes an even greater source of amusement. When you're putting people to work. What happens is they get separate from their homes. And there are people who don't share that sentiment when they're making shit for the bad guys. But for the most part it's a labor camp. Otherwise it has no use. Literally if it ain't producing something it's doing nothing else. Nothing clever. Workers are anybody who works. Never fiction.

But who knows and who cares. It happened then. It happened then anyway. Everywhere else as well. The only thing is they needed a reason for all of it. Somebody else needs to profit from it.

In comparison I'd imagine no worse than Chinese camps now. Less in fact, war, war makes a population work. But I'd imagine there is some atrocity, disease, death.

Do I agree or disagree I don't fucking care. Then. Today. Get over it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It probably turns into Serenity. Haha. This new technology has no other thought other than profit and control. It isn't eco, it needs far more parts and services. Far more industry. More efficient, tediously profitable. While imposing far more intrusive control.

I think new technology doesn't need people. It is increasingly automated. It wants rich people buying more shit. It is shit. It isn't cheap. It is resource heavy. The most resources go into making electronics and they have the smallest lifetime, but profitable because there are always a newer piece of crap guaranteeing consumption and forcing upgrades.

But said, the people polluters aren't Western. Westerners vaxxed. Whites are the World's smallest demographic. There aren't even a billion White people today. Except they have the competition and the control and set the regulations.

You missed the point of control, and regulation. The vax prompted recession forcing change, the war, a distraction, sooner causes change, supply lines rerouting, fossil fuel demand lessening, agriculture, energy, consumption, recession forcing upgrades. The vax wanted ID, regulations, IDing your very DNA, it's only you. On a pass hooking into the grid tracking all your movement like an ankle braclet. Control buying more of their shit. That country of bongaboo, regulating, buying their solutions, policing their population. All those services, profit, control. It simply caused recession to force change. Any run off now, as food inflation living costs peak is where there are more population. Unsustainable populations that cannot even feed themselves, freaking eaters, shitting them out and everywhere. At what point doesn't a population sustain itself with its basic needs, they were water and food. But no sooner have they come up with plant based foods, automated food, because you cannot automate cows, and any overpopulation cannot even afford them. But the run off is faster where? Where there are more population reliant on being fed. It is simply to get them purchasing which solutions. Regulation and control.

Who knows, except there is more shit being served. It has nothing to do with whether computers grow on trees because they don't at all. It takes far more trees to grow computers and not in a green way. The same assholes profiting off fossil fuels are the same assholes forcing renewables. Nothing changes. It just costs more. The most in history, the most resources used per product crafted. Nothing else. Until that cost is back on you the human.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Genocide, occurs in chaos. This is controlled. Collapse forces it. Or it taxes more and more, also forcing it. War can occur, but isn't it also to force it?

Wealth transfer, it is the wealthiest behind this. Not dumb little school kids, those climate hoohaw.

Genocide what the Ukraine. Hahaha. A distraction, forcing it. Like we going to war? No, distraction is. In the meantime you pay more for it.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Far more profitable. Far more invasive. Far more control.

The profit is astronomical by comparison. Everytime the grid expands as in a few more evs. It's far more growth. More debt on everybody else. Taxation for another poweplant. Gas was a fixed price on the barrel. What is electricity on the watt. It fluctuates. How long does a car retain a charge. Hahaha. Can you store electricity. Hahaha. Like a freaking gerrycan you bought cheaper somewhere and stored the barrels in your garage. Hahaha. Robbed and robbed. You will use electricity at an even greater price. It fails in the weather and now it costs you everything. Hahaha.

Who builds that stuff. Nuclear. Renewable. The banking, all those credit cards buying the charge for the self depleting cars. The grid needing more the more stuff you plug in. Like everything now. Made where, regulated how. Through what Internet, buying what services.

Biggest con in human history. Nothing more nothing less.

Better who cares. The money off of it, is its only attraction. If everything is plugged into a single source. It's far more profitable for anybody controlling it. Like the railway barons. Once everybody used the railway they charged what they wanted, right, the stage coach failed, no competition. Literally. Once everybody used Facebook. Right. When everything uses electricity. Okay. No other point. Instant growth, huge profit. At your debt. These charge points. That usage on your meter.

Invasive, switched off, forced into purchasing, placed on intrusive grids.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn, don't care until we get there, and when we do, it all changes anyway.

This modern diatribe is redundant. It is almost 100% fallacy. It makes no sense to anybody else. All it is are pointless theories. None of it is fact, proved, or indeed observed.

I don't know why they teach it to idiots, but they do. They teach idiots a lot of things. It stops them being smart. Then other idiots control them.

But in all of an evolutionary hiccup, these theories have wormed their way into thought. All of a few decades. In those few decades, we haven't gotten much further to them being factual, observed, or proved.

But believe what you want. There is no point in claiming any of the above. It will change one day, when it is fact, proved, and observed.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

Their government told them too. They thought everybody else was stupid for not listening to their government. When has the government lied? Every single time it gets elected. But oh no COVID is so different. A disease their government told them to be afraid of. If they don't take a shot never even tested on monkeys first, then their granny could die of COVID. Take the shot or their government will throw them in prison. It must've been worth it. For their government.

Oh well just die already.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it was a shithole prior. Like Reddit is a shithole. One Mod doing what. There are 10 others on that sub. That sub literally funnelled people into a site quarantine faster banning them from everywhere else after it stole their IPs.

The system it is using, dumbass, is at fault. Why don't you understand that.

If speech is voted on, it means what? Speech will always be wrong. Now why is that? Censorship. Literally a dumb fucking monkey aren't you. You call yourself something you don't understand. You're promoting everything you hate. The left, wokism, fact checkers, trannies, censorship. It spawned from. See how that works. If speech is wrong, but look at that other shit, is right. See what's happened. You dumb fucking cunt.

Axo couldn't change that. He simply caused it. Reddit is the problem. Like Twitter. And Facebook.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn you are so fucking retarded.

Who cares when he later, centuries, inserted Christ's assumed birth year. It happened to fall on a millennium. So it is wrong. It wasn't historically adopted globally until what point you freaking retarded sack of human excrement.

Why was it? It has nothing to do with Christ either. Nothing at all. It is a much larger conspiracy on claiming that period of record, being those record holders and therefore writing history, and faster destroying all other records.

Nobody on the planet, globally, referred to that millennium as AD, until much later. Everybody living then would've called it what they did. It wasn't the start or end of anything else. Today it is. It means everything before it has a use by date of a few thousand years. Because they were monkeys and civilization didn't exist despite the records.

You freaking dumb cunt, quoting me Google. You're literally autistic. Cannot add things up. Just want to tell me I'm wrong. No I am not. It wasn't adopted until much later on. Despite some monk inserting it into the timeline. And it is wrong. Christ wasn't born on the millennium. Neither was Caesar.

If the obvious conspiracy on the timeline is wrong. What is correct topically?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No AD really wasn't used as a historic reference until much later on in history. After the reformation. Created, who cares what they called a millennial change, I mean 6 centuries later. It wasn't the beginning of an era which makes no other sense to the rest of the globe. Ah that's what Romans are calling it. It wasn't Julius Caesar's birthday. He didn't mark it as AD or BC. What the fuck. Christ speculative. No evidence of him exists. So nobody then would've suggested history dated back 5000 years. Because it didn't, from that one point, you dumb retarded cunt, later historians have made a fictitious timeline. Dating civilization. That happened when it was reformed.

Carthage perhaps was partially destroyed. No, it wasn't to the extents of Jerusalem or Alexandria, Libya no. It retained influence for centuries after the Punic wars. And it was that Roman Empire's final downfall according to most, look up that usurper. Your argument is moronic where Rome was burnt, sacked, and also supposedly completely invaded and put to sword. Nero, Goths, and another invasion force. Then there was later Arabs 846, and then much later Islam.

You're a retard.

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