Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

COCKSUCKER. Read your name. It says you put cock in mouth and suck it. It says you put cock in your ass and coom. Read that gibberish you wrote is like a Cock fucked your earhole and coom on your brain. It has no other thoughts.

In war who are the first people moved from a War zone. Who did Ukraine evacuate first. Such a stupid job they did, if they left even more for Russia to deport. Ukraine didn't evacuate them, Russia is from which territory, Russian. The ones under direct attack and part of Russia.

Take cock out of ear, ass, and mouth. Use brain to talk, read, and think.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It gives Germany something to do

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0


Russian conceptual theory. Has it been perfected. I doubt it.


Haha. Not the first time I heard of HAARP causing earthquakes.

But the fact is any tectonic ripples haven't stopped bouncing, both earthquakes and volcanoes have increased in their frequency. The fact is we are due bigger events in our current solar medium and cycle, and as our planetary magnetic shield has weakened. Turkey has been quaking big quakes yearly every year for the last few. Indonesia monthly, and many other places.

Topically it's very suspicious they pulled staff prior. But they were no where near to it. Turkey is a very big country.

There is bombs and munitions capable. Again highly theoretical. Even superman had nukes on the faultline.


However can it be done? Evidence points towards it being developed. But unlikely. Normal science still cannot say where or when the next ripple occurs, or when and where the next volcano erupts in any accuracy. Let's suggest the tectonic plates moved and shook in Indonesia, which tectonic plate will next and where. No science there yet. Outside of the same measurements collecting raw data and there are no other meteorological facts. If targeted by a weapon, you'd think they'd know this irrefutably foremost. Obviously any quake in Turkey is going to cause a ripple along the plates somewhere else. The magma flow.

Edit speak of the Devil. What do you know there goes New Zealand today. Except nobody can predict that bounce. Only it will. Currently they haven't stopped. The magma flow is certainly increasing in our medium. We are due bigger events.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They contract. Same as all advertising. In the old days before computers. You'd get this guy to make your logo. With computers it's the same there are entire divisions of they design your website, logos. Promote advertising. Much worse with the press, government, social media, and corporate advertising. Companies selling fake likes, fake reviews, fake hits, fake opinions.

What is that damn movie. But it's in the Blacklist. It's in Person of Interest. They have these troll farms. A bunch of shills, and Trolls, manipulating the feeds, bombarding the feeds with 100s of computers in an office working on a project, projecting the narrative. Until it's George Floyd. That was in the Blacklist almost the same. Not quite. In this Movie it was on this base and it was the phonelines keeping taps, tabs, cameras, drones, and surveillance on somebody. The person did something and every feed was monitoring, the press, alerts, news was all being controlled by this team in this office. And they have supercomputers with A.I using bots, and algorithms. Or that Ceo, literally erasing entries off a website, or simply vetting the post, your is simply queued, shadow banned. It looks real but hasn't escaped the cube.

As far as design went, on the shitty memes, banners, logos, they have them queued, or designed. Software you pick your fav memes, probably queued for next posts, this what those who meme do, many add stuff or not, the next guy, and 100 other monkeys on the troll farm, and then it passes to the editor to pick the winner. Until even the bots are meming.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Bot. Generic learning difficulties. Keeps repeating itself like an infant. Bots have no connotation, and no pronunciation. Very defficent of background. Completely programmed. And your programming is in very dumb repetition.

Convince me you're a human? You've provided a very generic response. You named yourself with CAPSLOCK. Picking out a name only an autist would use. It's some kind of a video gamer. But you think that it's appropriate. You have no relevant background apart from guys guys why is there this topic? He must be so fragile, for laughing at today's ironic ludicrousity. No reverse psychology with the hypnotism that mirror is staring right at you.

Factually claiming you represent an entire race proves racism, you feel entitled to it, privileged when it decrees everybody else is a racist for not obliging in such dumbfounded ignorance, and all because they disliked you. I mean God damn it. But here we are today in the epitome of stupidity and illiteracy. False insertions, absurd notions of equality, ridiculous terminology being thrown around, and incompetent autism. In the midst of the worst diatribe and fiction to have ever hit the media.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a moron. I don't know nothing about the Movies I object against. Of course I do. You dumb retarded infant. Do you have a learning difficulty. Do you. I am not speaking to a human. You're either a retarded autistic foreign delinquent. Or you're a bot.

Which is it?

You're obviously autistic. Read your name. It was written by somebody retarded. It isn't a word, or a name. But it was written in CAPSLOCK. Somebody foreign. A dumb young idiot with learning difficulties. You want to be heard. But look at the way you write. It doesn't comprehend. Explain, explain. Then all you do like a stupid retarded child is repeat the same thing back. Nobody else is that fucking autistic. Except a robot. A robot programmed by a retard.

Which is it? Are you a young retarded foreigner with language difficulties. Or are you an autistic robot?


Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Simple, If a movie is called 12 years a Slave. It profited off Slavery. It won an Oscar for slavery. It repatriated the Oscars until they're selling even more slavery and trying to profit. I think they called this Metoo.

I know that Women cannot be King's. That woman was a slave trader. The kingdom was destroyed for not abolishing slavery. Where the king sent out raids like in Apocalypto, enslaving the local indigenous tribes. The young women, the most numbile, many were enslaved, he broke their virginity and through rituals then became his elite harem and personal guard. This kingdom did unspeakable atrocities, and were leading slave traders selling to Europe and the Mid East. Until being annihilated for slave trading when it refused to abolish the slave trade.

As I said does it contain a content label?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't watch woke media. I make my own jokes at the irony. It is ridiculous. It's like a dumb fucking hypnotist. It doesn't work. Reverse physcology of the infantile. You're the racist because of. No, fuck off you onary cunt. Racism is in fact when a single dumb cunt represents them all. It's the definition of racism. One damn fucktard representing an entite fucking race. It's being racist right. Yet there they are, claiming everybody else is racist, because they're not buying it. Buy slavery, if you don't you're racist. No thank you. It was abolished. Stop profiting off of it. Obviously it presumes for the gullible, and for so long until what. It faster swings. Until it finds balance. We had balance. Now every joker is at it, demanding magical plot armour, and hypothetical insertion, until it is wearing real thin real fast. But OMG shatter the fragile. It is fragility am I right? This other demographic constantly expressing it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hahaha fragile.

I haven't seen them either. Why would I?

Woman King's are racist

12 years a Slave profited off slavery.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

You has the fragility.

The irony is the entire programming is reverse. One day people will wake up to it. Sooner, the more they push it.

It so ridiculous it's comical.

The fact is where is that fragility. The person/people screaming racism every 5 minutes. Demanding reparations from centuries ago. Clearly fragile.

This is how ironic it is. Will the Woman King get a content advisory label. Stating; These thoughts and opinions aren't reflected today. It's clearly a racist movie. Woman King's is also misogyny.

What about 12 years a Slave, winning an Oscar for slavery. It literally profited off slavery. Some kind of reparation. It must be.

Fragile, profoundly stupid. Keep pushing it. Where is it headed. The programming exploits a divide. Literally reverse psychology. When the hypnosis wears off. What happens.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's a video game, Fuck Off, Karen. Don't care what the content is in a video game. It's not real. What is wrong with you retards.

It's not racist to kill Chinese people in a video game. Like who cares if you kill Zelensky in a video game. It doesn't have to be politically correct. Hell I'd play a video game you killed Zelensky in. Because it's a video game. God damn it. The pixels hurt your feelings. Poor pixels. No empathy for pixels.

So many Karen's today, wahaaaaa. God damn video game.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lump face. Ever heard of it? It was a play on words.

Regardless there's possible swelling on left eyebrow.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Her face has lump

Ep0ch 1 point ago +4 / -3

I dunno think made not want the sex. When in doubt blame it on something. Stereotypical. If want the sex, there's always the bj or the anal. Think it's the excuses.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's like that Wicka from Copenhagen Cowboy? Supposed to bring the luck but just causes carnage. That series was nuts. Full of style. Not many pull it off as well.

Probably another grifter. Rub gold to get gold. She said so. Didn't think it stuck there.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. Pretty sure we're born to die. There is nothing you can do when your time is up. Just like that. Did you control your destiny. You're walking along and bam, there's nature. It has nothing to do with destruction. It's just an occurrence, the result of circumstances. Create what exactly. More humans listening to this shit. As top of the food chain certainly it's our job to thin the fucking herd, or it is all at risk from the nature of both our own, or the result of continued expansion. But I am sure we'll figure out how to stack ourselves on top of each other, 10 more ways to someday. In doing so we are more destructive, the result of being individually different. In your rather ignorant and naive mindset you wanted to create some other World. They're all at it. Welcome to dystopia. Television. The Internet. Or another way of stacking us all on top of each other in these smaller boxes they call safer spaces, where a bunch of idiots tell everybody else what to do. Then like that something else goes wrong. Creation is destructive. You put a baby in the world and it has destroyed how many countless species by the time it's 5. More than a cat multipled by 100s, 1000s, tell me? Figure it out. I am not wrong there. Only you like platitude for pointless words telling everybody else how you're so creative while singing them about some other serenity? Ironic ain't it. Tick tock, the clock chimes. What nature comes first?

Don't you dare read that the wrong way. It's hypothetical. But obvious. Populating like complete idiots I might agree. Until there is nothing except a countdown to stupidity. It has naught to do with anything else, because both words are the same force and resistance to it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

If perchance it wanted to kill banking which it does not, it relies on banking to buy and generate its shittycoins.

It would grant everybody a free account generating any coins off their usage. All they'd have to do was be online and they'd be making bitcoins.

Look at that, banking is dead. No. The banks would sooner kill the Internet.

It offers nothing else

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mate. No freedom. Hook, line, and sink. By people even worse. The type who leave you high and dry. They care nothing for ethics. Just for profit. On a system needing far more to exchange and manage. By the time you have, you've lost out, or are also scamming something. It's another investment opportunity and very volatile and high risk.

My bank is accountable. Yes it makes a mint. They're all corrupt to their core. But I am fundamentally protected. Unless it all goes to shit. I have a heap of regulations and regulators behind banking and the protocols they enforce.

As far as this. Tedious. What does it buy, anything else legit can't. At what point was it worth it. At what point are you moving your cash into it, for a payday, hide it, buy some moody services. Haha. Look at it, volatility. Transfer taking the longest in history. Any exchange straight up conning, on no fixed rates. Sure you can, loophole, until these are closing. At what point was anybody else dumping millions into it. Haha. Dumb. You'd spread and keep spreading if you're that guy, proxy, shell, the next and the next, hitting profit, not all eggs in rotten basket. Otherwise what's happened to those guys. Millions deleted like that, stroke of a key.

So no, buzzwords, buying memes, and skins, and Internet points. As far as useful went. Volatile investment. On an Internet faster tracking, anyway.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heat stress from sunflowers. Go be a Nancy somewhere else. Nobody asked for it.

How do sunflowers become triffids. Insert the carnivorous pathogens and claim human crossover.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0


It rattles my bones. Dunno why. It seems unnatural. It seems like so many parts for a simple exchange. An exchange that simply costs more for less. In an age of consumption serves little else except feeding the beast. As more goes online we lose more of ourselves. Our freedom. Now I know you'll tell me decentralised coin base and fighting the establishment. Buzzwords. Hook line and sink little fishes. Look at how it's turned out. Until you're tagged and bagged.

Lastly I struggle with what I see today. It makes no sense. Hell I hate the institutions controlling us they're all bent. But when they have the power to Fuck with you it grinds my gears. They can Fuck with you more, the more you go online. Sure that other guy can rob you. But unlike those other guys who can just turn you off and delete it. Like that, simply purged. You'll profess what. It has been nothing but volatility. Yes there has been profit and loss. But it's a gimmick.

Cash is king. It will always be King. Never some other investment scam.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because Musk didn't invent something for defusing the balloons, or capturing them. Either need to capture the Balloon, incase it has the nerve Gas in it. Because if you pop the Balloon it releases the nerve gas. If your craft is detected trying to capture Balloon it releases the nerve gas. Have to be very careful and give balloon what it wants, drift everywhere. Or you have to use the correct missile and incinerate the nerve gas.

Who the fuck knows, why the balloon was allowed to drift everywhere?

by qclick
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0


Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The balloon flu. I bet

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gold, silver, food, water, metal, etc. etc. Never a coin stuck in a phone. A phone that doesn't work. Battery dead in 3 odd years.

There is nothing clever about a shitcoin. It's only value is investment. Until look at that up and down like a yoyo. Costs you more for even less. A gimmick. Go away. You're like travelling salesman, buy the snake oil, give me money, I'll give you the shitcoin. Yep, NOPE. I'll keep my money thank you very much.

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