Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know there's antibotics that are supposed to be prescribed. This is done during the dressing of the tooth. As in they open tooth to get to the infected root. It starts causing regular toothache that you cannot brush or clean through. Sometimes with the brushing you get build up between the teeth. This needs professional cleaning. Or retreating gumline, again there are sometimes gaps in the gumline, little pockets. They're supposed to xray and monitor and do another deep clean with painkillers addressing any infections. But okay when that tooth is open, there are these antibotics to prevent it getting infected, prescribed while the tooth is in a direct risk to food and more bacteria entering the gum directly, when they prep it for crowning.

I agree it takes professionals. These are lacking without good care. With the driller killer dentists, be careful.

They do know some of your concerns, I do the hard way. May God grant me justice. I didn't know at the time. Just went it for the toothache, and all they did was make it so much worse, years of the same problem I went to get fixed.

Even these fillings. Like you lose one, they go you know, only last so long. Suddenly your teeth hurt much worse than they ever did. Dentist it's your fault. Need to change dentist again, after that. Need a good dentist. No, the teeth cleaner knocked it out. She didn't mean too either, nice lady trying to clean them properly with the drill. Facepalm. Unlike the psychotic driller killer dentist, I swear she got wet off my pain. It was like that Pierce Brosnan James Bond, with the girl squealing in delight everytime she did a sadistic act, she poked my tooth causing me pain, and I literally heard her hiss, and then a moan, as she tormented my tooth. Where does it hurt, poke, hiss, there, poke, moan, are you sure, poke, hiss. Ouch ouch ouch. Total difference with professionals, sorry, let's put the pain killer in, and you'll feel a sharp prick, sorry. None of that, immediate needle, bang, no warning, hiss, another needle, hiss. I am grabbing my hands so hard my knuckles are white and shaking. Then Teeeheeee, let's get started, and give you the filling you lost, and this time be more careful. Mouth so numb cannot speak, nooooo. A bunch of psychos. Need another dentist, again. A nice professional.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know this fighting battle against it. Going to court. I will find justice. They lied cheated tried to steal. They were horrible.

Never had a root canal in my life. Immediately sensation. Dull brusing. And a loose crown, it didn't align into my bite. Soon regular painful toothache. These people fucked up my teeth. They tried to say oh new tooth costs thousands they'll fit a new tooth when the xray showed the root still in and infected. They did a filling on another tooth and cracked it. It had to a have a different root canal. They were reluctant to provide the referral to the Hospital, covered. Because only wanted me to spend more on it, on a new tooth. Hospital sent it back to them to clean their own dental waste the imprint of the mold on my mouth as well as infections they left on my gums, these Cowboys were the worst at even that, had to go back twice for this prior to hospital removing the crown and extracting root. When it was due back to get a new crown, still had enough tooth for this instead of new tooth, these guys didn't want to treat it. It had an infection because they didn't even want to prescribe antibotics while it was open tooth awaiting their crown.

Long story fighting years now, toothaches. Finally none. But then finally court soon, awaiting date, like next month or so, or settlement. Have a great solictor, and expert advice. So many investigations. Like pulling teeth getting people to do their jobs. These scammers so hard getting the medical establishment, liable. Corrupt people protect it. But there are people who really come down hard on them. Good people, instead of state funded idiots. Takes along time.

It hurt like hell from years of pain, so bad at times, bedridden. Headaches from toothache, sleep them off. Sometimes lasting days.

All because asshole tried to Rob. Tried to charge twice, bad job, very little root extraction, bad loose crown. Infected immediately started like bruise, and a wobbly tooth I wanted to rip out, then massive pain regular lancing toothache, jaw, teeth, head, to the point of physically sick. Also caused another extraction, cracked a tooth from a filling, just to get paid off the cover.

You think you go to a good dentist. What's a good dentist. These guys are like vets. They pull some shit. Real shit. You hear about this shit. These fucking doctors who are serial killers. You think it will never happen to you. No they make scams to get paid more. Seen it in vets, get second opinion. Teeth hurt you want right. Then you've got this serial killer with a drill. Pulling out teeth just to get paid. Watch out.

I see this topic it makes me turn.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

There are a host of clinical procedures to make sure that the root extraction and any infection is treated within expert professional care. Woe be unto those who are negligent and derelict of their professional duties.

No the infection categorically does not return, if it does, it's a bad extraction, and often negligible.

There are Cowboys this, because they want to sell you it twice. Crown. Then new tooth. Faster accosting even more for their shambolic services.

This article is disingenuous. In that regard.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. Where is the next bounce. If a tectonic plate quakes. Where is the next bounce.

There is no accuracy to this. Nobody on this planet can predict this.

After Turkey hit, 2 days later the bounce hit New Zealand. The bounce hasn't stopped. Where both quakes and volcanic activity has increased in our current solar medium and planetary alignment. Where our Planetary magnetic shield has weakened. True North is moving. They're calling this who knows but it's a huge combination of things. But largely cosmic alignment and a solar cycle.

The same plate Turkey has increased in frequency like the rest. Turkey has had major quakes how many times in the last 10 years. Not as big as the current, but how many, almost yearly. What about Iran and Italy, Indonesia, the Americas, New Zealand etc. Increasing or decreasing?

Yes I agree with the article in so much as we aren't through any activity at all. It has increased and quite possibly bigger seismic events are due.

So captain stupid we can call him directs an energy weapon, what has he achieved, that tuning fork is going to keep vibrating, where next? Then what?

If they've developed such a weapon, possible, all they've succeeded in doing is creating even more activity, and they will sooner have no handle on it. It will eventually hit them, their plate, bouncing back. Large enough it puts countless at risk. Volcano. Bigger quakes in large density, oceans hitting coasts etc etc.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The USA using the countermeasure balloons in Iraq and quite possibly Syria. You brought it up. How those balloons don't work. Instead you'd use them like a terrorist with the chemical weapons. Because they're not a first strike vehicle. Despite of painting any targets for. First Strike. The article read can potentially be equipped with hypersonics.

But then you went out of your way to call the article fiction and have this absurd conversation. It's now back to the denial, we were getting somewhere, don't worry it happens after clarity. Then it's sorrow. But I don't think you'll get there.

What did you write. It's not only the autism, it's the memory loss. You wrote it's not a balloon if it has the thrust. It is called something else if a balloon navigates a course, and despite of the Montgolfier brothers, attaching an elephant.

Tedious, tediously. Go to rehab.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are being used as a countermeasure right now. Ukraine. And they were used in recent conflicts, Iraq and possibly Syria. Look it up. They attach reflectors on them for want of better word like jammer similar thing. Now you launch your strike, because the SAM is targeting balloons, and the clown attached to them.

Exactly, long established feature that you're now claiming. Previously you said any glide was a diriguble, or a blimp. How you couldn't put an elephant into upper orbit. Because you wanted to blow the payload everywhere.

Tedious, at least we've done the steps and you're getting somewhere. Don't worry. He can change. Thank God.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn yawn. Mirror strawman. Look in the mirror there's the scarecrow. With the chemicals. They need to glide right, glide, land on a course, hit a target. Or they're doing what. Blowing the WMDS everywhere. So your balloon needs. Thrust.

Balloon can carry how much weight? Science. Like math equation. Tell me. You could put an elephant into upper orbit. There is this cartoon. At least there is of the child and the clown floating. Balloons simply need?

These balloons aren't those other countermeasures, you know they release a bunch of balloons to decoy the SAMs into firing at the balloons now they launch the missiles destroying the SAM. Those balloons blow everywhere. They are very cheap.

A spy balloon on recon, needs what? It needs to take pictures and readings. So it needs a course. It doesn't want to get found either. Or what happens? Therefore it needs, like your first strike biological weapon, tell me this word? Thrust.

No, I don't care what it was, if it was spying. It was spying. Entering another's nation's airspace without permission. Spying. Makes no difference. It's hostile.

But you needed too look at its camera and instruments and vehicle to tell me this? Good for you. I didn't care. It's hostile. Pop it.


Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Aw dito. You can't read is like speaking in a different language.

It was all rather simple until you started muddling it up. If you can't figure that out. Well then.

Zee bio weapons, float balloon full of zee chemicals. Best balloon. Tell me how many do they lose. These balloons blow everywhere, yes. So they have, but according to you, it's not balloon if it doesn't blow everywhere. But you wanted zee balloon with zee bio weapons. Go figure that out dumbass. Tell me if balloon has the spyware, it needs stability, yes, it needs a course. But oh no it's not balloon, because it has got the thrust. At what point. Meanwhile you wanted to land the chemicals, so they didn't hit you in the face. You need very secret balloon for this yes, attempting to beat the radar, you're constantly recalibrating.

Tediously. Still you can't be civil. I haven't attacked your bullshit, with down votes. There you are onking at me, flicking the feces.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are a monkey and your brain works like a fucking retard. Everything you said is gibberish.

I don't need an explanation from a monkey. I didn't ask a dumb monkey.

What radar recalibrated? It's like a lil dumb monkey wrote that. Okay guys time to recalibrate the radar, and it takes a bind spot. You autistic monkey.

As far as balloons went, go read the description, before stating it cannot be balloon. God damn it.

Zee bioweapons again, what. You think like autistic monkey. The atmosphere destroys them before they, glad to hear how they don't work. Dumbass. You have brain like monkey. Nothing you wrote is clever. It sounded like onk onk onk.

You have attacked everything I said. Personally downvoting it, being rude. I have tolerated your gibberish and bullshit and hostility enough. You are a monkey.

I don't want to repeat those points. Detected in atmosphere is nukes returned against biological warfare. Not to mention their own citizens hit in an attack from where. But aside any contaminates are in the streams. Unless they're detected by nukes.

Balloon description can cover almost anything. It simply needs a ballooning hallmark.

Radar blind spots are outwitted by a number of stealth systems. But the debate becomes tracking hypersonics moving so fast, even if detected has to intercept and in what time frame. Much less than an object observed and re-entering. The speed in atmosphere forms a layer of plasma beating most radar systems until it's too late. Same as other cruise missiles beating older systems. No reaction time. Better systems are adapting. But the hypersonic is beating most missile defenses currently, and most radar. As far as upper atmosphere objects go they have much less detection, and there are jammers. Without saying. But there is radar tracking everything from asteroids to spy satellites.

Don't you dare mince my words into that other gibberish again.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do you not understand the concept. It can be fitted with anything. You could have an object using part balloon, upper atmosphere, stealth, and part thrust to elevate it, manoeuvre it, and align it, carrying bigger payloads.

I don't really care what it was. Outside of making light of the topic.

Spy satellites are often tracked, out of orbit, easier to spot. At least now where Russia and India and a few others have successfully fired from ground to satellite destroying them, making appropriate missiles, look up those toys. These balloons are often in the blind spot, upper atmosphere. The same as hypersonic glide, which aren't re-entry vehicles. Re-entry vehicles spotted and calibrated by missile defense, on leaving orbit aligning and re-entering, but we'd all hate to actually test it. Hence like cruise, maneuverability, stealth, but cruise are becoming more detected by ground radar, trails and signatures, hypersonics are beating missile defenses, not only by their speeds, but that glide from the blind spot. Where it sooner takes lasers defense, or better countermeasures.

Who knows what it was doing. Except it shouldn't be doing it. Even as a weather balloon wasn't permitted access. And is still spying.

Bio weapon yawn. Potential but not enough to contaminate a continent, and then it hits China back in the face, if the contaminates hit the atmosphere and jetstreams.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1


The chemicals are hazardous, and have serious side affects associated. At least the main volume released. The fishing dead has been reported to the town hall, and governor.

The main concern is saturation into soil and water table, how long do they take to dissipate from natural biosystems, and atmosphere? Has this been tested.

They are hazardous and toxic, but there are much worse.

Was the train bombed, incinerating any potential spread. Heard rumours it might have been targeted? Supposed explosion. This article claims otherwise. The black plume was a further release of chemicals preventing them exploding?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It says can be fitted with hypersonics, read the Forbes. Balloons potentially equip for the detection of mobile launchers, with hypersonics. These are nuclear launchers. Balloons are now for first strike.


Don't open your spastic mouth at me. If you do, be polite. Or I will eat you.

Of course China denies all notions of spying with them. Any hypersonic glide platforms for them are likely still in development. However they're painting targets as spy balloons.

My comment is not impossible if they're sooner equip or potentially can be.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes quite, and obviously how much more is being drunk by the coomers? Enough to cause desertification in places. They make big desert in the Mid East. It used to be very fertile. Did they deliberately do this, yes and no. More was planetary, and their own gradual erosion of habitat. Until impact and eruption.

In any event. It needs a much bigger catalyst to cause biblical existentialist extinctions.

It often happens by impact or nova. While yes nature can fuck us up significantly if indeed we get much bigger eruptions.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Germany making artifical Island to link directly to Sweden. This was impossible in previous history. They made much longer connect by the other bridge. Longer no direct connection through Denmark. Now is going to be multiple lane motorway, and tunnels for trains both ways and service tunnel. The problem is incline, train high-speed don't go uphill. So it needs make an island to link to other island. Norway making huge tunnels between Fjords. Dubai countless hotels on reclaimed beaches. Netherlands massively expanding on reclaimed land particularly its harbour. How much of Netherlands on reclaimed land 1/4? Florida, UK, countless Islands expanding on prime real estate costing multi millions. China's artifical Islands. India considering linking to Sri Lanka. Bangladesh population so big now right on a delta, millions on reclaimed land. So many places this. Now it's every damn turbine. Huge multi billion turbine farms being put up in the sea off the cost everywhere. Huge connects considered in so many places toying with bridges and direct access tunnels.

Nobody checks the Internet before making spurious projections.

Lastly that science doesn't work like this. As any ice melts in cycles precipitated by the Cosmos, our plates rattle more as the planetary tilt true north shifts, and when they do we are due bigger tectonic events, enough to eventually enter periods of cooling brought on in the solar mediums. Are they enough to cause cascading oceans, possible if large enough. But to threaten land completely in an Iceage by much higher water, we need impacts, polar shifts, or novas. Not bullshit projections.

Humans feel climate change, they're so fucking dumb, volcano erupts and they populate right back ontop of it with brand newer EVs. Don't worry guys until next time. The EVs has caused it to be dormant, don't worry. Population feel more weather effects, because they populate into them changing and remodeling the land into suitable habitat. They do not change our rotation, or our seasons. Much to the dismay of the dumber soothsayers cooming away and predicting and bribing the harvests. They will always need more sacrifices for the harvest. And the weather still changes anyway. While obviously nature strikes them the more they coom into it.

But this Ocean shit, is utter drivel. The ice melting needs to increase Ocean rise because soothsayer predicted it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha. For the balloon shooting gallery. They do this in fun fair yes. Pop the balloon with airgun. Win a Rupert.

But these guys want to put nukes on balloon instead. Balloon is very stealth weapon. Don't ask them how many Balloons they lose, shit, gone and bombed Greenland. Balloons have a very bad record. But they're a very stealthy weapon, harder to detect if they float the nukes there, and it must be worth arming them, China loves their lanterns, and then it can release thousands of balloons. You're all gonna float. This is what the prayer laterns are for.

I mean, what? Something sounds like clown world. Real clown world. I mean balloon technology must've advanced significantly if it's now making the nuclear balloons.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Coomers, coomed? 8 billion later and rising. Coomed, not doomed. More inventive ways to stack them even higher into even more invasive dystopia. The latest is moving all of Africa into Europe. It's not even racist. One African represents all of Africa. They don't even have countries over there. Just Africa. No it's not racist to hate Russians, and probably the French. French people don't mind get hated like the Germans. They liberalised being hated, where they only hate themselves making it crime to hate anybody else. Because they moved the Mid East into Europe previously, and it has only really dented Europe. The Mid East and Asia are happy to provide them with even more because they simply don't want them either. 5 minutes later they've tripled their populations, especially with Europe helping them, it gives them a bunch of repatriations, cheaper baby factories, these factories make babies and sell even more services off the cheaper labor. Until those nations have more than enough population, but Europe keeps buying it. Because Europe only wants to climate change, they're constantly on holiday, somewhere else, and even lil Greta is wearing the I melt the Arctic badge, offering it to everybody climate changing into Sweden. Very important to get this souvenir when you visit and migrate over there, because you've changed climates and are helping the Arctic. Helping the Arctic, tax, buys the badge, and all proceeds will melt it. Europe obviously notices the weather the most. Especially everybody climate changing.

Coomed I tell you. Europe's growth was lacking. Now it's melting.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I struggle here to understand this.

Google Ocean Level Rising compare it to Reclaimed Land. You broke the fucking retarded Internet.

The fact is irrefutable that the most Planetary reclaimed land and beachfront, riverfront real estate is to date in global history. There are the biggest structural engineering projects to date taking shape, some advancing as we speak making artifical Islands, bridges, tunnels, and are reclaiming land from Oceans, Beaches, River ways, Floodplains, and Waterways. The biggest oxymoron are wind turbines being erected along the coast.

At what fucking point are there these false messiahs. Where is the data. Anybody would assume global stupidity whenever we hear this term compared to the multi billions investing into reclamation.

Pakistan is prime example of what not to do. But this wasn't due to the Ocean's rising rather its colossal population boom where in all two decades it added 1/3 of its entire historic population into its populace, and the majority settled along its main national waterway which historically floods. It added more then the entire population of countless countries into it in two decades, over 70 million people in two decades, settling along the prime real estate of the Indus, and it has flooded repeatedly in history, more so when the floodplains are full of agriculture and real estate. The entire river spills its banks because there is no run off, it's been populated into.

But at what point, Fear Porn are brand new turbines gonna cease function. Are artificial Islands purposed with some of the most costly homes and hotels and military installations gonna sink. Is engineering building bridges, harbours, tunnels going to be threatened.

I am sure like Pakistan there will be idiots. But to suggest the mega billions being invested into currently are doomed, suggests ignorance on a global scale of sheer ineptitude, or rather it's another coomer frothing away at the spit they spew. There are divisions of these gullible who cannot simply break the Internet by comparing the raw data. I struggle to think which is it, false messiah cooming away on the fear porn, or the multi billions of current and projected investment taking shape, reclaiming?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thomas the tank engine doesn't fix the tracks. Track maintenance requiring the lastest censors. Japan operates bullet trains these tracks are kept pristine, how. Most derailments are from faulty tracks blocked by debris or collisions, sometimes it's signals, or the trains. Least percentage is the driver.

I bet it's failing infrastructure subjected to weather. Not enough track maintenance on the thousands of miles of track. Who knows except Thomas.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're putting nukes on the balloons. God damn it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Umm shooting balloons is like shooting ducks in a pond. How fast is balloon? How fast is F-35. Balloon tracked on radar. You could even fire surface to air once the radar has locked.

But okay for the sake of it. They released the stealth balloons. Exercise search and destroy. Find the balloons. They're all floating. How many kills.

Umm I don't know why balloon is really dangerous. Nuclear equipped balloons sound real stupid. Put nuke on balloons and float it. Yesssss. I mean why didn't the Germans try this?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Coomslurper. What.

I support any effort to evacuate children from a warzone and a threat to their lives.

I think this is the case in an active conflict. A conflict of which there are competing claims to borders, territory, protection, property, and status.

It means emphatically children should be protected from active combat. Otherwise why does anyone fight? Obviously far more reasons then just that. However.

In this case that land historically was granted its status by Russia. What it means today is competing interests and conflict.

You have no argument outside of pathetic musings and propaganda. Factually children should be evacuated and offered haven and protection from war. By those claims towards or claiming territory.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obviously, it is a bigger boost on a debt driven economy. It starts turning over profit, that profit is becoming astronomical right, World's richest man, eventually generating far more economic growth. The price tax y'all far more it. Despite the tool being one of the historic worst. In fact I am struggling to think of worst boondoggles. The EV is already this. An incredibly poor comparison in every conceivable way, except by quicker acceleration. The profit however is the only motive. Because y'all must buy this.

Quite the partnership, heavily invested into an awaking dystopia.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hang on is this the same WH whose fleet of rented secret service vehicles burst into flames. Batteries explode.

Buy EV. They're so reliable. Oh well. Freaking con. Buy EV the mileage costs you twice as much to fill up, and inflating, electricity costs far more, and it drains x4 times quicker. Buy EV it breaks even quicker. Don't worry folks, everybody needs one. If everybody buys EV it fixes the weather, despite those emissions skyrocketing, and your car breaks in the weather. Don't worry the weather has fixed it. They're so unreliable no army, police, or ambulance will use. They are not reliable in an emergency. Um the refill take how long, it drains twice as quick, start stop, and all electrical fittings juicing. Brand new cars cost how many resources comparatively. All of sudden y'all must buy one. Hang on if everybody buys this, how many emissions have y'all just caused. Your EV is far more polluting. Those resources cost so much more on our immediate environment. Not to mention the juice has just strained the grid costing you how much more.

Anybody selling this shit is a con. The worst con. How many models has Tesla had, and recalled. In all of a few decades. No other maker to date has been as poor performing. Literally one of the historical worst for this. Outside of the revenue stream. It's probably the highest despite the obvious issues. Now why is that, y'all must buy it, because no shit, seriously. Look at how to turn a debt ridden economy, tax y'all even more. Suddenly there's another inflatory revenue stream, increasing productivity and turnover. With EVs they are all becoming this. No guarantee you'll get the mileage, or your battery and car will last. Or any other dedicated warranty of more than a few years.

The only guarantee is higher bills.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

How do you speak with Cock in mouth and eardrum. Hell its probably skull fucking you too.

You obviously have no other concept. Rationality, history, geography. Instead there's the media with its cock in your mouth fucking your lil brain.

Border wars are the easiest conflict in history. They have been the cause of almost every war. This is a fact not a debate.

At what point do you not understand history? The simple facts of war.

War has always in modern history evacuated children and women first. Even prior to the elderly. Ukraine did this. Until it stopped allowing women and started conscripting them. In past History children were eaten. They were also beheaded and impaled. In WW1, 14 year olds were soldiers.

So how is Russia, same reason. But why didn't these children leave, if Russia is doing the same, on the cause of almost all conflict, borders. Children in a war zone being evacuated. Not bullshit facts.

Shall we both speculate why they didn't leave, borders, one side say Russia, other side say Ukraine. They didn't leave and are protected by Russia its border claims.

Take cock out of mouth, ears, and ass.

This topic isn't a conspiracy. It's opposing propaganda. I don't buy bullshit. Facts not crap.

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