by zamlba
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am going to irrefutablely state bullshit, humanity's written history is older. Talos Caves. Minoan Artifacts are also older, their language is still undeciphered. Summerian again details itself as much older. The same with the hieroglyphs. Gobeliki Tepei is older than 5000 years. Writing, and markings check.

What we owe the future, nothing. It hasn't happened. To owe the future is to try too profit off it, today.

There are so many who are cashing in on this fad. Computers have made it possible to store a bunch of crap, somebody else later changes anyway. Perish those natural thoughts that they aren't infinite, and are even more fallible, than any stone carvings, and books.

Do we need to stewardship, yes, preserving the land. Undoubtedly. Europe is a very bad example of this. They tell everbody what to do. Like buy more electricity and whatever rights they claim through their banks. But how many extinct species have they caused in all of a few hundreds years. I guess they're a greater example of how to preserve. Look at their population. Top historical demographic for centuries and now the smallest in a few decades.

But our future isn't particularly bright if corps own more land than Kings, and home ownership is the least in all of history, but somehow they're calling on preservation, oxymoronic, until nobody on the planet is self sustainable. It has been outlawed and taxed and put into computers. I think humanity has moved away from common sense, like at least not feeding themselves and their own nations from the crops in their borders. Instead they populate and blame it on climate change, and then another Corp sells them another gimmick, calling it preservation. I think that it is even the name of an EV or a phone.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

So many autistics

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I can link. But I won't, because I am saying it, in my unique, glib, and sarcastic style.

Use the Internet, read an encyclopedia. Study it, before saying I am wrong. I am not.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stop being a retard. Look it up. You stupid ignorant nickenpoop.

My claims are fact, I wouldn't claim them otherwise. I don't make up bullshit apart from making a joke. It was a joke. But has truth. Shamanism human sacrifices. It does in Africa today. It also has cannibals. Cults in India today and Africa.

Druidic festivals had fertility rights and passages. Shall we go into it. Africa, fgm. But didn't Druids have an orgy, gangbang on various moons and solstice, breaking virginity, and marrying. They also had passages, into manhood, becoming warriors, shaman, etc, trials by blood, ritual, and rights of passage.

As far as astronomy, it was the basis of many omens, and marked the seasons, rituals, and celebrations. As well as other, and it gets messy rituals. Runes bound the trails, land, weapons, and even dwellings. Marked territory, and provided protection, and blessings. These were forged by hand, or slain from beasts, or trophies taken from those killed.

They believed in the spirits, animal, and human, and even from the land, and cosmos. Many communed with the dead, or drew power from the things killed. They used drugs and rituals and conjuring.

As far as what druids believed in, who cares, but it has a common shamanistic ancestory. More or less the same shamanism structures globally, similar rights, passages, rituals, and beliefs. Despite of their differences.

Now fuck off dumb dumb. You're literally illiterate.

I can go deeper into how religion evolved by this if you needed a thesis. But I won't because you're still caught up in new age hippy shamanism instead of any content restricted. They're such nice little savages providing aphrodisiacs, and healing stones, and living off the land. A bunch of vegans. Instead of skull fucking you, summoning moloch, and creating the black sun. Whatever. I am sure some are, today most of it has integrated into polite society, instead of the roaming tribal barbarian hordes of headhunters.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha. But devious. Disrespectful to the actual victims.

The problem is not being prepared. Arriving late still getting the intel. Not having a Q&A prepared. Instead plays a retard. Probably is if he's the transport minister. Watching Thomas.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

It was a devious play, perhaps she stumbled into it. But then she wouldn't be a press secretary.

She played the victim. Avoided all questions. Banned the reporters until a proper press conference. Made none of the coverage liable to answering. Literally fobbed them all off until the police stepped in banning the coverage.

There are easier ways to do this, but none as devious as another victim. Looks like a mockery because that's what it is. However look at how easy it dodged it. It possibly enrages the local people. But then nobody covers them, just this other phony, once she's established a QandA.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Word of mouth. There are some. Some were seized by the church. More was burnt, and at the stake.

Until there are heaps of books today. But none of them tell you very much. More is new age hippy drivel. What does it do. Not a lot. Maybe more if you want to learn about it. I don't. You can read a book yourself. Still you wouldn't know much. Unless you put on a robe wore some antlers and sacrificed a virgin in the pentagram.

It's the same as shamanism which I've described to extents and reasons. Not all shamanism is the same rituals. Today is different as rituals are banned and it integrates.

I think that the psychologists should be burnt at the stake for practicing the satanism. But there you go. And a bunch of mystic faith healers.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shamanism. You dumb impolite piece of human feces. I didn't start calling you names.

Shamanism, has most of the same foundations, as druidism, despite a few minor changes, beliefs, and rituals. But dumbass. What did you state. Tell me this. You said. Druids were wiped out. So how the fuck can you state, they're different. You have no idea what they practiced.

But it's the oldest Planetary religion practiced, based on astronomy, drawing power from water, stone, metal, fire, or materials like such. And it uses blood rituals. It takes spirit walks, communes with spirits. It communes with nature, animals, elements, the sky, the earth. It Fortune tells. It believes in omens and it makes predictions. As far as any basis.

As far as its rituals go, who the fuck cares. They're all different where it is practiced. What is practiced. I don't know. Some is very dark, but for the most part it really isn't. It's another grifter telling you your fortune, and blessing or cursing your crops, promising to heal you.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is the witch trials. Held in the late 1500s and early 1600s. Tortured all over the UK, male and female, occultism. They weren't for Catholics, they were purged until the late 1800s, and they were given even better torturers. But the druid society established itself in the 1700s.

Where did they go. Late antiquity, yawn. What. Shamanism was still practiced in Scotland then. The Vikings killed them? The Vikings after conversion started killing witches, they had tortures for witches. But many Vikings were from the Druidic culture, runes, earthen magics, shamanism, and blood rituals.

In Scandinavia it again was practiced until Christainity became much more widespread, and that didn't occur until the 1500-1600s? Despite their much earlier conversion to Christianity. But it again never left Scandinavia. Like it never left Eastern Europe.

Because it never left culture, any tales date back for centuries repeated over and over. Despite many places supposedly going after any satanists and pagans.

Any supposed incantations, medicine, and lore still exist. But I think more is far more esoteric, passed down, or knowledge of the few. The rest is largely hocus pocus. Nonsense. If it held power, real power, nazi secret witchcraft bases and black sun creeds. It has been silenced. Many books were burnt at various historic points. On this topic there aren't many. It was largely word of mouth. Because it was purged. Purged for far longer.

Has it left any other places in the World? No. Africa. Prevalent. India. Prevalent. Americas. Etc etc. Despite some practices outlawed. Many other places assimilated parts of past shamanism into culture. Like the Day of the Dead.

It's part and part perspective. The seance and palm reading, fortune telling, is very old occult shamanism. This bloomed again in 17-1800s becoming a fad, until today is everywhere. Many Christian celebrations Christmas, Easter are pagan holidays. The structure and many traditions of Masonicism date back far older than Christianity.

What is it, often a belief. Who really cares? One belief is often as ignorant as the next. But what do any rituals do. More to those who practice them, but to everybody else they make little or no actual difference. Everything is corruptible, and everything professes power, more power from those who believe. I just don't think they've summoned Satan. Because they haven't Christ either.

Ep0ch 6 points ago +6 / -0

These people are retards. Is the press Secretary but is camera shy. Very dumb press Secretary. She cannot respond without a list of questions in advance. Happy to talk off camera, and then she doesn't need the questions in advance. Press Secretary thinks cameras are aggressive. Arrives and is not Press Secretary, doesn't want to speak to the reporters for the press outlets.

Somebody fire retard.

Literal diversion tactics. Clever. But fire retard. It's okay to talk to press. She delays reporters, stalling them. In a single dumb move managed to absolutely refuse to answer any questions proceeding to make the reporters give her another interview at her leisure.

It was her mannerism, it was retarded. How can that be press Secretary if it talks like that. Not a commanding presence but a devious dishonest lefty retard.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They didn't and they did.

Their history is weird in England and the UK, of course there was the destruction of the druids by the Romans. But they never completely vanished and not in the later witch trials in the late 1500s and early 1600s. Because by the late 1700s were back and fully established into high society and culture. Until today some have held senior positions in the Church of England.

For the most part many are grifters. But any origin and traces never completely disappeared. They keep popping up in history as advisor's to the crown. Even prior to the witch trials wasn't John Dee an occultist advising Elizabeth the first?

There are a bunch of places and people who believe it now. Whatever it is. Who cares, when you see that. It looks like a bunch of actors in a very bad dress rehearsal. Whatever they believe in, not buying it. Dressing up doesn't do naught.

Is that even druids, or nuns and priests and a choir? What is it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha feral people. There are myths and have been some cases. Not that long ago, and even in America. India, Jungle Book. But no. It's probably an animal and some shit with photography.

There are a lot of people especially Mexico with a host of exotic animals. The saying about a decade ago was there are more tigers in Texas than in the wild. Wealth buys this, they have huge land, and they keep everything on it in countries with no regulations.

Forget the website but yea tiger cubs for about 1000-10000, lions and lepoards were cheaper. It sold everything like bears, and monkeys.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know. There are explanations for it. Logical explanations. That's an animal. I don't know which. Monkey, lepoard, lion, bear, etc.

The camera however takes a picture, but the light, the print, the shading, etc, causes an abnormality. Then the picture is so bad it gets turned into folklore.

Are there demons. Are there aliens. Not the way either work.

If there are aliens, they'd conqueror us, simply put. Otherwise we are no concern because we can't conquer them. Why would we see aliens, not even accidentally. We'd sooner be an agenda for conquering and controlling. Monitoring why would they let us identify them. Freaking radar. Because you're an agenda yes, for conquering or controlling.

Demons not the way they work either. They control those who let them in, and then they manifest as an evil person doing evil.

A freaking demon alien shitting in the woods. Come on, what's it doing? I shit you not. It's shitting in the tree. God damn it.

But it's the Mexican predator.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

CGI. It looks like the rendering is still inserting the pixels. Matrix one coot or two.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It look like a monkey

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn that's not the point on whites being the former record holders.

So dumbass, if they hypothetically removed the black demographic from competing in white sports. Hypothetical. Then had Whites versus Africa. Who would win.

I would go far as to say. In all of two decades whites would be back to breaking world records. The evolution of sport demands this. It becomes training, supplement, support etc.

It has nothing to do with blacks in sports. It's a narrative. All it is. Genetics unless they're manipulated have almost nothing to do with it.

It was narrative that used heroes for acceptance, then thought to provide role models. Until now it's the biggest hoax on the planet. A revenue stream for investors ripping off their fans. So they need to sign and transfer. It causes what? Constant stream of revenue, money, capital. Loans, services, merchandise. Then they open investment by providing services, training programs in Africa selling merchandise and a host of products. It becomes laughable when former sportsmen become presidents of African nations. But the entire time sport is no better, it literally just costs more.

Your comment is fiction. Completely fictitious.

Of course the individual becomes uniquely adept at their skills and expertise. However take the crutch away, that support, training, and narrative. Where are sports at? It's not Science. Simple history, for centuries whites broke records faster, better, stronger etc etc. Then they inserted a narrative. It has you believing in fiction.

Sports evolved the sportsman/women.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's literal bullshit. Nope they're not. It's factually that they're promoted so much more.

Also there has been some manipulation. But the narrative was mainly to solve integration issues. Create heroes causes acceptance. Nothing more, nothing less.

Prior to the 50s whites were top spot in everything. Everything. Do you not think if it was exclusively whites, in those training, entry, programs they'd be defacto, top. Yes any times and scores would be beaten. Because sports have evolved into a host of science and chemicals. But getting the training, tuition, has gone where foremost today. Because of this other narrative.

A narrative inserts its icons. It hasn't got a lot to do with much more. Sports are almost completely bent.

Many dope anyway like Usain Bolt.

Today many are even being enhanced prior to birth, gene manipulation, and insemination. This has been going on for decades.

But irregardless. The statement is false. They're promoted. It's a narrative not a fact. If the promotion stopped, and it inserted somebody else. What's the result? You'd find the records were also being broken as frequently when it was somebody else.

It would be remarkably curious. Literally if the training sports programs went whoosh off for all of one or two Olympics, World Cups, any major sport in a period years. I bet in all of a decade, and it exclusively changed the demographics, would anybody else make close to those times, place holders. Shape it for two decades, you'd have record breakers.

It's a narrative, and a little lie spun. It has nothing to do with genetics, unless they're also being manipulated.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be so peaceful. It would be tranquility. It would be wonderful. If every TV, phone, and computer, Exploded. It would be that other time that humanity forgot about and only dreams of. Right in the superbowl.


The cyber pandemic is from an EMP? Or from dodgy batteries.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cyber Event. What's a cyber pandemic? A bunch of dodgy microprocessors and batteries explode? The Anti Virus software is the virus? The Sun sends out a nova emp'ing all uninsulated tech?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. But survival dictates numbers. Not megalomaniacs. I know these type soldiers, follow orders. Yes that command goes through without question. No matter the odds. They do it with a smile, some wait for this. But will it.

Proable math. Puts a tactical nuke strike high. Especially on jets and long range missiles deploying and further conflict. Russia cannot be pushed back without a larger war occurring. If indeed they use them. No plans currently, but an increasing concern, and with rogues, and more entering. Very tricky position now. Retaliate with nukes becomes suicide. But those odds have to gauge will it go there regardless if not retaliation. Odds on use increases with use. What retaliation? If not nukes a bigger conflict can occur anyway as more enter. They will on any strike. So the talk is hard and the support harder. But math still holds it in restraint, and could on that kind of strike, even after occurrence. It is not Cuba, it is worse today in some ways, not much wiggle room, and it's a hot conflict, and still adjusting. But there are also other agendas and politics. Although like Cuba can yield, find ground, but when there are much wider geopolitics perhaps some things will break first. It isn't just Ukraine the factor. Nations arm, and others will, others seek agenda, others want stability.

However for this topic's imminent prediction, it takes math and it isn't near to it. Near as it's in a deciding postion, still posturing. But that posture isn't suicide. Never was. It's largely political and territorial. And still carving up gain and agenda. Suddenly if indeed, it isn't localised to Europe or the Americas either.

Fiction. It sells.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is WW3?

It seems we've been in global war for longer. Since Iraq.

But a hotter conflict this year, than the previous year/s? Debatable but not impossible.

WW3 nukes, tactical, or all out, or full conscription of a few powers. Dubious.

Another book selling? Fiction. Historically isn't that start date. Unless Western conscription, or declaration.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uranium is not radioactive. Until tinkered with. Uranium 235 is.

Uranium on its own isn't. It is weakly radioactive and is very common.

Somebody else might describe this better.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But nobody is completely suicidal, when their population is at stake. Nukes going off, where. They haven't yet. On that basis are still unlikely. A last resort. If a tactical strike occurs. What indeed is that response. Suicide I think not, despite the fact they ultimately will again, and easier. Tricksy button to press. Why it hasn't. Besides any support sooner wavers if indeed they're released. While counter support faster rallies.

The only way there is a 70% reduction in population is if nukes are involved.

Not in any documented pandemic, collapse. It takes a disaster, of existential proportion, or historically war to cause that drop.

Anybody can make predictions. But it hasn't got statistical math generating it. Despite the greater risk of a larger conflict, or the use of tactical weapons.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It means nothing. They were already at it. Now they're publicly at it. Will China move personal into the Ukraine or just further equipment increasing production it was already manufacturing some towards and supplying. Now a lot more, with bigger potential.

The year will get more interesting, but it was due too anyway.

Is a big Russisn offensive due. It sets more of what happens next, if or what deals form as a result. Now further armed, isn't going anywhere except further in. Ukraine similar. Are they getting jets, tanks, and mid range missiles, and more air defense.

In any case it's back to the Cold War running hotter. Chinese involvement will see sanctions, and more trade interrupted globally. Then it gets riskier as another hotspot erupts.

But no surprise this being granted.

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