Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a suggestion not a fact. A premise.

Where I do not believe the poll is accurate either.

But there is a concern. It cannot be written off with an excuse.

BLM has also been equated with hate groups. It takes two to tango.

The fact is by promoting one it cause the other. In the meantime the media divides and has been the more it tries to fix it. The only fix it imagines is bigger numbers and more services further abroad until the only thing bouncing back is opposition.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Vegan leather stinks, but it's okay on wallets. Not jackets and upholstery. Leather has also become waifer thin, crappy faux. Or mm not half a cm thick. Unless you buy premium hides of horse or cow. There are some who still make this. The classic bomber jacket. Or the all terrain leather jacket. Or motorbike jacket. Or the classic leather jacket. Suddenly it gets pricey fast. Never used to be like this a couple decades back, even for a hide jacket. It's what happens when China or Pakistan start making it, instead of the tannery. At least shoes and boots are still made with class. Forget about the worsening trainers. These have disolved, literally falling apart the minute you do a walk or a jog in them, and have become overpriced. Some dumb dumbs thinks they're stylish. Instead of being an eyesore.

The fashion look on leather has often become tight fitting today. It hates the WW2 bomber. Unless selling a faux rendition made out of vegan parts.

I'd wear a jacket made out of vegans. Little ivory vegan buttons with their ears sewn in. 100% vegan leather, I am sure somebody can make this? PLEASE.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand it now, your mention on another thread. It was an opposite demographic disagreeing. I wonder how many in the same demographic, today, would as well. They literally pulled it from social media. Calling it racist for it to be okay to be white.

However I don't agree with this clip. It's a staggering percentage who disagreed or refused to answer. Not a matter of being funny, or didn't know. There is a much bigger bias being supplanted today. Peaking by both content and media, dividing sides, inserting and turning everything into race issues. Also from any hashtags BLM or this. I disagree with all of it.

Any imbalance is fueled by social media and the media. There was a time when we didn't hear people with shit to say. Today every idiot has got an opinion to every problem. Problems are gaslighted to police and enforce solutions. Narratives dictate numbers or think to impose solutions. The entire time it just makes it worse. Until all we hear is shit we shouldn't. More of it is bouncing back from abroad, dividing, and opposing influences meddling, inciting, until all we get is dystopia and do gooders making it worse.

Peak clown world.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did 25% percent of any white people, disagree, with it's okay to be white? Go jump off a building. There.

White people hate themselves the most. Probably even historically, well at least since Christianity.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. North Sea reserves are supplying, same with the liquified premiums being shipped, until they're even potentially opening Greenland's fields at today's rates. Finally to sell the electricity, and EVs, and faster the newer reactors.

Hell even New Zealand prospects made windfalls. Shares went shooting up, since, and in many places with potential fields.

Gas isn't going anywhere. It just got more profitable in any shortfall. Because the largest irony is all the super oil and gas corps have made record profits, after disruption.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Don't worry it's because white people hate themselves the most. They have made it legal for everybody to hate them, and illegal for them to hate anybody else. It's actually quite ironic. Most nations criminalise hating your nation. Not white people, they've legalised everybody else hating them, because they often hate themselves more.

Somehow I think they call this the globalism. Hate yourself, go somewhere else, and let everybody hate you, but whatever you do don't hate anybody else except your nation.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't downvote.

I am curious on that law. He is running for a third. But is there a loophole on serving three terms. If per chance he skipped them consecutively, and then entered again consecutively? The conditions were for two consecutive terms. Not potentially applying for office, and there is no limit on the amount of applying for office, rather serving indefinitely by consecutive office.

His odds good are still clawing at a win which would be otherwise remarkable.

He has to lead the party, front runner, and beat a sitting president in the height of escalating geopolitics. An unpopular president perhaps, but still within majority if escalation occurs.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could he potentially serve three terms, if this topic, running again, if after winning?

Isn't the rule on serving two consecutive terms, not serving the third?

But irregardless it's largely speculation until running next year. This topic is campaigning but it is still speculation.

It could be underhanded by conflict, emergency protocols, and significant natural disaster. Anything affecting an elect and putting the serving president back into office in crisis. Where they don't tend to change, winning an easier majority.

Although any current favoured odds of another Biden term seem remiss.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The masks look like CGI. Notice the whitening on one side compared to the grey on the other. It doesn't match the clothing. Also it is raining in the photo.

Who knows. Perhaps explaining the extra grip to the face.

There are reports they were worn in places then. But that picture is posed. If it is displaying a mask. Why in the rain?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. You're a nigger. Just admit you're a little slave, and that you have no functions. Nigger. It was all rather obvious.

You get extra points for kneeling.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excuse you. I have no idea at all about your abnormal tendencies. Or how somebody else finds you useful.

It was easier suggesting a use for you. Clearly it is the right one. Suddenly you're articulating.

It was also obvious. And previously. You're sooner admitting it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't want sex with you at all. No chance. Sex is for humans. Not slaves. Slaves get sold. They have no other use. They're too dumb to think for themselves. Anybody else has to communicate in a language they understand. Whatever the fuck that is. It generally means not speaking, and your imagination. Because they have nothing else to say, apart from their strained inaudible cries and dumbfounded repetition of making no other noises. The only way society has a use for such types is in somebody else's barn. Somebody else might find them useful, god forbid. Because anybody else profits off their uselessness.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you're a nigger? How am I obsessing? I am calling you a nigger. Not everybody or anybody else.

It makes you a nigger. Admit it, slave.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. You're a nigger. It's a word. An insult. It isn't a race. Is there the nigger race. Nope. Africans come from a bunch of countries each with their own histories. And blacks come from a bunch of continents.

You however are a Nigger. You're too dumb to be anything else. Every single time you open your mouth it's like you're waiting for your tongue to get removed, and a big gimp ball marked with slave shoved into it. Hell and then somebody or something might buy you, and you might be useful. Otherwise you're far too dumb.

You're an autistic chat bot. You have no depth. Your parameters have no method or means to learn by acquiring raw data from easily functioning sources. Your arguments consist of endlessly repeating the same points, and no matter how many explanations you keep repeating them.

What are you?

If you're not a Nigger, there is no rational or human explanation. I don't have a fetish. No sir. Straight up human.

What are you?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No you're my slave. See what I did..

I turned you into the dumbest slave on the entire planet.

You're so dumb you argued against multiple Google hits a mongoloid could find. So dumb you're completely illiterate and argued against the definition the entire time.

Such a fucking slave. The dumbest slave. Completely inept. All you're good for slaving away to your betters. It had nothing to do with being black. Just the fact you're a dumb useless slave.

Still you try to make pathetic little arguments. The only fetishism you got is being a slave. Nigger. You're probably an autistic chat bot anyway. I honestly struggle to comprehend anything else as dumb. It also makes you a Nigger.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nigger look at the dictionary definition of Shaman before opening your Nigger mouth.

All you spew is garbage. You are the dumbest nigger to talk shit on this forum.

The definition is the first place to start. Then type into Google druid or celtic shaman. Look at those hits. I didn't claim anything nigger, those are the first 10 hits.

Here is the definition you illiterate Nigger.


One who resembles especially high priest sense.

See druid. You fuck dumb nigger.

If you needed the Google definition it's there as well.

You aren't clever, you're a nigger. Again not racist. Just the first insult derived at this dumb shit for brained retard. After all the shitty brained retard has done is talk out its ass. I gave it so many opportunities. But it's far too dumb.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think anybody cares. Been there done that fuck off.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're a dumb nigger. Why do you post. Honestly why do you post. You're a dumb nigger. Your name reads like a drugged out spastic. Your thought process is as unreasonable. Every single time I explain, it's the simple fact that a dumb nigger with a drugged out spastic brain doesn't understand it. Despite of me explaining it so many times. You're such a fucking dumb nigger you don't even use the Internet. Why can't you use the Internet nigger? Because say it. Nigger. Sick of retards. So sick of stupid dumb retards. You bring nothing to a debate. You're a dumb fucking nigger.

Are they different, slightly, hardly. I tried to explain in my last post the difference. Between a priest and shaman. And the post previous. Today druids claim more than what they were. What they were nobody can profess. Today however they have an established religion. Then there are only erratic claims. Stonehenge is a hoax. But they had a forest temple, grove of trees, destroyed off Wales by the Romans. Otherwise Celts had shaman. Although the word shaman is loosely attributed with tribesmen, and wandering nomadic clans. Where there are multiple terms describing the medicine man, spirit walker, etc etc.

They aren't my claims







Anything else look the fuck up. You dumb fucking nigger.

I have been patient with you. You're an unreasonable nigger. All you do is insult me. You have no fucking brain apart from trolling shit. All you've done. That's because you're a nigger. A nigger that's too stupid to use Google, a nigger that cannot logically process data. A nigger with a nigger name.

No I am not racist. I gave you every opportunity. But you are a despicable deplorable individual. You aren't a race, you're a nigger

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is bullshit because it was supposedly detected in the sewage, waste water from earlier than when it hit Wuhan. It was detected in France and Spain samples from early 2019. But there is the possibility tests are bullshit. They were on so many different cases and on testing of many different materials. However it being found in excrement is why the Chinese started anal testing.

Again it was released in a few places for the spread to have affected so quickly. It had 3 weeks gestation but it was already well, well into Europe by March.

Again it didn't hit South East Asia as badly. Despite even more Chinese commuting between.

This is the original strain, I refer too, later strains were more infectious, less gestation and bigger spread, end of 2020 and 2021, and less deadly.

It was a much bigger narrative. Lockdowns, fuss, testing, numbers, protocols. However factually there are many anomalies that place it at one point of origin.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You dumbass you just pulled a name out of your ass. The line of the wolf. Some mortal kombat character. Nightwolf. At what point.

Not whether or not druids had a common shamanistic ancestry.

Any claim I made that the Druid society reestablished itself in the UK in the 1700s look it up. Further was John Dee an occultist, he certainly dabbled in pagan objects and was an advisor to the crown before the UK witch hunts. Has the Church of England had Druid deacons. Yes.

Both Vikings and Picts had shaman ancestry like the Native Indians in Canada, Greenland, North America, the Aztecs, Incans, Mayans and etc etc etc etc. Why didn't tha drudes. You tell me reeeeeetard?

The difference you cite is established religion instead of the tribesmen often nomadic. A priest versus a shaman. A priest is somebody who recants from a publicicised manual and worships a founded religion from a temple, versus somebody else who doesn't write it down and lives out in the wild. One has laws and regulations and scriptures, and a founded construct behind their claims. The other, god forbid, are from the wild with their headhunters, cannibals, barbarians, hippies, and vegans making it all up as they go along, but of course it was passed down from their elders or rather not.

Obviously today tha drudes have claimed some other established practices. No I don't know what they are. It's probably the dwarfism for all I care. Although they're in league with Satan and are attempting to open the Dark Portal. Because Society has become inundated with the devil worship, and the hippies, barbarians, and vegans are at the gates.

You fucking dumb retard. Pulls a shaman out their ass.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Siberian, Mongol ancestry? Or otherwise Indian's reindeer herders?

Line of the wolf. Sounds like a cult.

Siberia is huge. Nomadic at one point in history before the railroad. Although it has had cities and villages, of tribes people. Largely Mongol influences. Also reindeer herders. But there are many other various tribal peoples. Lot's in fact.

However shamanism is how I have described previously. Not everything I described, and differences. But loosely my description?

Or explain the difference? What did you learn. Wolf, do wear skins, teeth. Do you hunt. Do you herd. Do you use astronomy? Largely self sufficient. Are you nomadic or in a village? Now they're trading instead of making all their own stuff. Seen some of these guys over there with satellite dishes. The nomadic herders.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Real shamans. Ohhhhhhh. Hahaha. Real Shamans. Which tribe or culture? What did you study? If it wasn't word of mouth it was another hippy. A hippy charging you far more for their self guidance course. How to be a shaman in 5 easy steps.

Please do tell? No I'm not a Shamans. Insert typo. Never said I was.

I bet you learned some hippy shit. Real shamans. Ironically now I understand your name. Omg! NOOO. The Shamans.

by zamlba
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't it very easy to make Amazon books. It costs like a couple hundred bucks, 200-500, to publish, sometimes less, and make your own Amazon book. If you have a story, you can even pay an writer to write it for you. This can cost as little as about 500. Although often gets pricey, and publishers often use their own editors, especially on renewed copyrights. If you sell an Amazon book, you might get a few hundred bucks more. Mostly those kind of books, Kindle books, break even. Some gain monthly revenue off successful hits.They like today's movies and streams, have become a modern blight.

The greatest danger today is lurking. AI faster writing novels. Not released yet. But imagine it. Don't, there's kindle right there.

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