Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why were they paired, if they're separate ads. Why is America fucked?

Your attitude might be. Today is fucked 10 ways to someday. Regardless.

Sure the entire attitude of it. This pandering to bullshit. This lefty fucking narrative causing a bigger divide. It simply profits. Until guess what, it doesn't. It is forced to react because it didn't think about anything else except profit first.

But the problem is somebody like Trump won't solve shit either. He promises something sure. A) It won't get there at this rate, wartime presidents statistically don't change, unless they're retreating and invent leftism, until it's another war on terror, or worse. B) If he gets in, it'll cause it. C) Half of it is promises to get in. When the right rises it's in conflict, recession, etc. While the left have often caused it.

It's no different to the Muslim religion. What's happening now except they're 100x more fanatic and weaponise it. So while the Saudis, whoever, promise this other concept of unity, you have another like Iran arming them. It has to oppose, because there's a big fucking market, like your bullshit governmental parties, opposing the other to get in, then agenda emerges, the same path regardless, and they're far more paired.

Today it's war, a big fucking war. Ukraine, and now another, same problems, spiraling. Peace for 5 minutes political minutes, means 5 years later it's back at it. The only band of idiots being played are that following. Anybody on Top still profits off it, arming any openings, or has an agenda of taking you dumb patsies for a ride.

Back to dumb fucking idiots, the Troon. It has almost nothing to do with them, they're a narrative forcing you to accept dystopia, sooner robot people. Imagine a fucking AI in skin, what pronoun do you call such thing, some cunt, some other cunt starts fucking and marrying? Without A.I Trans wouldn't exist today. The TV certainly started their revolution. But they'd be a dumb little fringe group of such dumbasses, because as soon as you put the Web out there, games, avatars, social media, media, anonymity, it gets confused right? Until it's freaking unnatural and perverse. And rights for robots.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yawn. Soldiers fight what they're told.

Why does Israel need American troops for Hamas. It doesn't. Why does it stop with Hamas. It doesn't.

At what point how can you effectively get rid of Gaza, expecting the same regional build up to cease?

1 problem at a time. It doesn't work like that even if you cut a deal for 5 political minutes.

At this point if you're addressing it, it becomes exactly what?

It stands to reason any regional build up also goes. Otherwise 5 political minutes later, it has built up more.

How many more does it drag into it?

Obviously at this point, it is providing cover for Israeli Gaza ground operations.

I am simply curious why any regional build up idles and watches even if a deal was cut for 5 political minutes. 5 years later it's back to it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Do wartime presidents lose elections?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It doesn't matter much at this point. It will be war soon

All those troop transports if it stops at Gaza. Hamas isn't that target. It would be Hezbollah as well. Plus any other militants.

If Iran gets involved. It gets much bigger.

Oh well War it is.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Because you're a dumb retard.

Look at it.

Muzzle Flash. Blanks don't do that. Muzzle flash. Live Ammo. The two in the very back. See the flash. One nearest too the camera, ducks as the other shoots the balcony. Why duck if fake gun.

The idiot hanging out the window isn't holding his gun properly. The recoil is wild. Watch the arc of its fire. Does he drop it. He definitely hangs his head down, as everybody else is disembarking. Perhaps reload. But that lapse is longer. He isn't shifting back inside, not quickly, just hangs his head down. The gun or communication.

There's a gun in the front window as well. Both the front and idiot side, the camera isn't focus.

Police car is at speed. You cannot see the damage on it, it has sped by.

It could be a Movie. But the muzzle flashes. The duck. The window quickly moving off at the shot fired at it.

No fucking sound. It would confirm language, sound of shot fired, also any impact of those shots.

Now fuck off nigger. Sick of your bullshit. You're not civil. You post non stop shit. You attack everybody else who isn't stupid.

I didn't ask if you could read either. You really can't. Generic NPC autism. You don't process anything except whatever bullshit triggers you.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

They have. How many times these last few years? Current funding munition went to Israel. Yes patriot missiles and munitions. Reasonable occurrence. Statistical odds.

Statistical probability. Put those odds as a probable occurrence. Not speculation. Claimed numerously. Warrant served.

Yes there is fake propaganda but the odds believably have put it in higher margins.

The coin flip becomes fact or false. I am going by fact on the info available.

I wouldn't state it otherwise. I don't trust Ukraine. Ghost of Kiev. They fucking changed the Chicken. I'm pissed and said never buy that Kyiv stuff again. I don't know what it is. The Russian who made it called it Kiev. Not eating that Kyiv stuff. Get the ham and cheese one instead.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's on the net. Fact. Seconded. The Kinzhal scientists were charged with treason.

Obviously 1+1= 2. Simple probability.

How many who cares. It's irrelevant.

Back to the firecracker and the toaster.

These what? Pop pop pop. Incoming. It's why they hit themselves with them, and why any debris still do damage. Yes.

Leaving it to that toaster, single unit, without an array of data synced into it providing it with coverage is any exercise in getting hit.

Israel haven't been hit, not significantly. Now perhaps more. More are being fired at its systems.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're an animal fucker. Everything is bot. You'd only get real frisky if it weren't. Leave that poor turtle alone.

Do I talk like a bot?

See you're a dumbass. Such a dumbass. It's no wonder.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

They're working for Israelis. Hahaha. You get dumber and stupider by the second

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Are you nuts. Completely nuts. Hezbollah just fired weapons yesterday hitting Israel these were Iranian.

I asked you a question. You have gone completely off topic. Completely.

Why is the guy alive if Israel got him to do it to themselves

He could spill that info across the Muslim World in two seconds. Immediately it would be used. Palestine might get some respite. Israel would be condemned internationally. It would turn into a pariah in 5 seconds.

Duh duh duh dumbass alert.

He is a loose end. On that count.

Yet there he is laughing jumping up and down as Hamas attacked Israel.

Israel have put out a kill order the Americans would probably act on it as well. He is a deadman walking.

He still hasn't spilled those beans. He could apply for asylum in Russia, in China. They'd spill those beans if they exist.

You stupid fucking dumbass

If he's completely Israeli, completely, how are those Iranian weapons getting to Hezbollah then to Hamas? You have this Israeli actor, just meeting the Quds, and travelling to Iran, all of a few months ago. Whatever. Why would this imposter be being treated at that level?

It's a redundant notion. Work out that probability now.

People are using a counter op on here suggesting it. But there's just your dumb conspiracy

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

The other possibility he's completely Mossad. If doesn't matter. Except the region would know this. Actors like Iran/Russia.

The probability becomes what here? Explain

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

He is in Qatar. But here's the fucking thing. Qatar was the first to normalise with Israel. Now who knows. It like the rest of the Arab World have to call it off, publicly. Their religion. Have to appear not normal.

Why the fuck would you if you hit yourself leave this guy alive? He can potentially spill the lot. You'd kill him first. Not put out a kill order afterwards. Which is what Israel have done. Put him on a kill list. He's dancing as it occurred. Besides he was in Iran not long ago. Last year. Early this year?

Not all is what you cunts have assumed. The other guy isn't in the USA.

Something stinks. Not the fact he's in Qatar. The fact he's alive. If he can potentially spill the lot. Wouldn't he be shouting it? It kind of protects him. He'd immigrate to China right? They'd protect him. Further using it.

Or the Arab World isn't what it seems. Qatar does host the Largest USA base in the region as well.

But why the fuck is that guy alive prior to this if you hit yourself? He's a massive loose end anybody like Russia or China can use.

Now he's a dead man walking. Kill list, order. But it's too late if they ordered it on themselves. Sure they'd disappear him. Not when every Israeli wants a confirmation.

Explain it. Explain

Didn't Hezbollah just fire Iranian/Russian weapons at Israel? There's this guy still alive. If they hit themselves. He'd have wired that tape straight out across the region. Especially if he knows he's dead.

Dumb forum is fucking dumb. Something stinks

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. You're a nigger. Fantasises about your Penede in Mrs Obama. Who else would have such a username? I mean seriously, you insulted me. But you're a cliche. Somehow you still think to lecture me on grammar. Read your username. If it was another conspiracy, it would read Penede'spenede. Not how you wanted to fantasise. You dumbass.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Search Google. It has been claimed a number of times x6.


It's in a number of press I thought it was 4. It's 6.

There's also a YouTube doco

You don't need something fast enough. You need to detonate an area as it's incoming. Or have a laser. They used missiles. There are other tech solutions. Potential fake targets. Decoys. Dunno how if that works.

Whatever happened I don't trust Ukraine. But the fact is the scientists developing were charged with treason.

Since Kinzhal's have more success on certain targets. Were they used on the Pepsi factory? Or was that drones? But they've been used recently.

HAARP is in use so it must be a success? But it has a few functions like coms over distances. As well as detection. Possible weather manipulation. Aside it's an example of an early warning system.

But there are flight trails. Yes. What about something breaking that speed causes potential readings as you suggested? How about a trace from any guidance, chips, operating systems?

I don't know, but I am suggesting there are signatures.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't believe in Canaan, sorry. At all. Who knows what it was called? What was what was where is an exercise in dinosaurs.

Tell me why the Greeks destroyed Tyre but the bible says it wasn't Alexander the Great who did this? Why wasn't Tyre Phoenicians either?

A book of fables is erroneous. It has vague assertions most have been muddled up completely. They aren't facts, just a glimpse at certain possibilities. Those it renamed claimed and rewrote.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No reportedly 3 times maybe 4. Repeated. Of course we didn't see the fragments. Only the hoax. But the fact is it was claimed. More than once. It caused, below.

We are in conspiracy. What happened to the design department. There was a error. Yes? It stands to reason. That error caused a trace, causing detection. It should've been impossible, unless it had a lock of sorts to pair into trajectory.

It is do with on these guided, glides, it's some kind of data, or otherwise signature, pairing into the radar, causing the ping to detect, and countermeasure.

It can't be the bird, that launch could go anywhere, even the A.I can't predetermine that target in quantum processing too many targets. So it's a signature.

There's jamming indeed. There's also supposedly stealth missiles as well? These are probably more hyped.

Isn't the problem the more tech in stuff the more detection it can fault. Like microchips, and aren't there irregularities in atmospheric readings. Etc. Hence those arrays like HAARP.

I really don't know how it all works in this topic. It is an interesting discussion.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I really think it got out of control. It wasn't just the British, Russia was in there, and the Frogs, and Yanks. Carving it all up. After WW1, and again WW2.

There was a heap of politics then, and the World was mad with its ideas. These ideas aren't as foresight, instead evolve into solutions, reacting.

Wasn't it Palestine that turned offers down and has done repeatedly since. But as conflict rears it just gets smaller. The problem are its rockets.

I know what an Arab and a Muslim is. I can name a lot of Countries and Capitals. I am struggling with Palestine. Honk.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

No. Israel is a country. Palestine isn't. It's a domicile.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I know the argument and counter argument. The casing fragment was suggestively faked. It was a different munition then the Kinzhal on the pressed coverage. Until it happened repeatedly more than once. Then what happened to its designers?

They have possibly since been refitted and I've seen their kabooms, recently, possibly. Like the former Lviv's Reddit army. However there are a lot of missiles being shot down and also getting through, and in warfare they need rearming, and more systems on failure or destruction.

However we are talking about suggestive signatures. Yes many systems use their own radar, obviously, it needs a ping, to fire at, and they also tie into larger arrays, syncing the data in realtime, so there are radar facilities like HAARP? Satellites, and etc etc? They're synced on a variety of evolving coverage, yes? Codes, parameters, detection, traces.

I'd fucking hope so, anyway? Instead of leaving it to the toaster. Fuck that.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I do but it spread as historic reference on the Ukrainian Jewish website around 1300 AD. It is speculated between 950-1300AD. Christianity spread prior. The Khanate were there far longer.

It isn't a hoax wiki.

Their reference and Wiki was created recently, last few years. These supposed Khazars. It became a big hoax hitting the Web during the Ukraine conflict.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I haven't got any feelings. Unlike yourself you've turned into a liberal.

We are in the wrong topic. We are talking about missile defenses. Not your feelings.

Those feelings amount too, Arabs can slaughter and kill each other, but as soon as you put Israel in there wahaaa what went wrong. It's so very unfair. It's all Israel's fault Arabs slaughter and kill each other. They should kill Israel instead. Wahaaa.

No, feelings common sense. Keep that shit away from me. I get along with both, obviously, because in England we have large communities of both of them. I don't wind them up. What's the point in that. But as a discussion there is only common sense. It is Israel. That's that country. Arabs have billions of others and they don't all get along either. As far as Jerusalem it's a religious city of diverse religions and their pilgrimages. It cannot function with terrorism.

But the difference is you're prejudice. One sided.

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