by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +3 / -4

It opens a can of worms. What happens next time. Next time somebody martyrs themselves?

Throw them in the Brig.

I understand J6. But I am not so naive to not understand the risks.

The same law applied.

J6 didn't mean it, sure, harsh. But this is a can of worms

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

All that added security, how indeed. Throw them in the Brigg.

Of course this is staged. Because the same law won't be applied.

Some dumb leftism. A freaking pandering narrative of complete nonsense.

Either the Senate building doesn't allow public protest or it does

It was brought to you by Netflix

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What if the journos are compromised?

It's the problem with journos today isn't it?

Different laws trying to be applied into national law. Influence from out of state media propagating bias.

In war however the script tightens up. Hopefully not to the extent of Reddit's Ukraine army. More lies than facts. But there's your comparison.

I don't agree with arrests extreme, unless you're the Ukraine, fines are normally imposed, except what exactly is that law and coverage?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You snorted Palestinian butt juice. Obviously. Look what it did. It named you.

But we were talking about Data boy.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

No. Not at all. Cool as a cucumber. Unlike the rest of the autists in here. They've turned woke and gay and Palestinian.

I asked you to think. I am. You're go on? What's it called. Being queer. Telling me I'm woke. No. I asked for simple thought. But there you are deflecting. Childishly. What kind of comment is that. Your bias why. It's obvious.

Back to the topic.

You're suggesting Israel false flagged.

But there's the head of Hamas. Now on a kill list. He has magic beans. Those beans would cause what? Think. He isn't shouting it, as his people are obsolete. As he is potentially dead. As the other side would use it. They are suggesting it to you idiots. But that's not concrete. He has that fact. It had his blessing.

There he is treating with Iran, and every other militant. They're not smart enough to know they're duped, using that guy, who is an imposter?

Dumb and stupid and literally retarded.

Of course there are margins of deception. But you're talking what here, right now. They'd have removed him too and put their own man in. Those beans, he's got, have a guess what that's worth? Instead no. You've got bullshit. A margin of error occurred where I don't discount it became far bigger than any dereliction of duty.

Not all is what it seems. You've got a dumb little narrative. It's freaking retarded. Yet it appeals to autists. They simply propagate which bias flooding these feeds.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

Nobody comments on the obvious elephant in the room.

Why would anybody be arming Hamas for Israel to go and shoot.

If you dumb cunts thought of it, so did anybody else trading with Hamas on that level.

At what fucking point, retards, are they going to risk being compromised?

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

It caused outrage. That outrage provoked security risks as delegates arrived.

Israel didn't do it. Statistical probability.

If by chance they did, it's the same conundrum. Hamas used a human shield to fire from.

But those odds as delegates touchdowned creating huge security risks become. Martyrs, inflamming the region regardless.

Of course statistically speaking odds mean shit. But. The slimmer chance of provoking delegates, cancelling support, or simply causing bigger outrage to completely eliminate it, are pushing those margins into improbability.

Yea warfare the risks are there regardless. One will always blame the other for those risks.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +3 / -5

Stereotypical martyrs. If they're about to go. Quick guys shoot the hospital that will get everybody blaming Israel. Stereotypically.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

The same as yours I hope. It's sky. What another childish remark? Those sweets came from where. Religion, demographic. Who told you to eat them? Come on. You've been eating them so long you're hallucinating? No. Nobody is this dumb. Unless it appeals to their paranoia? But there's more when it's spoofed here non fucking stop by the same dumb actors.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

See. It's these real dumb comments. They prove. Statistics. Tell me the probability. I know you're a monkey. Come on. Math.

You're deflecting like that naughty little kid caught stealing sweets.

You know your sins.

Instead of using rationality, debate, discussion like another free thinker, it's that kid caught stealing sweets. Sourced where, causing. The same deflection.

Literally running non stop shills. I am here to be the other guy. If it goes one way like COVID. I go the other way. It's funner when I have no sentiment. Well I do. I like Israel more. Apart from my other Arab friends.

When this forum is full of it, I'll be the other guy.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Why is the head of Hamas, still alive? Anybody spot a big problem right now. If Israel false flagged, why isn't the head of Hamas screaming it.

That Intel would cause what kind of global Israeli support? It's the kind of Intel that would have a guess?

He was such an Israeli he cannot, despite seeing Iran all of a few months ago. Why would Iran deal with that guy? If you dumb fucks thought of it. So would Iran, they're arming Hezbollah arming Hamas.

You dumb cunts.

What, it's all, what, and it was to provoke every zealot. Why not? That works.

The brains of conspiracy today run foreign counter Ops. All they do.

Every fucking topic in here. It's become so fucking tedious. Weeeee, Hamas are Israelis, they shot themselves. Yey guys. I mean guys, what? None of them thought of it. Because you guys are so clever. The timing stunk sure, the problems. But when they're all dust. Why didn't any of them, think of it? Truly epic. God damn. Guys put gun in mouth because Israel said shoot. The best.

Autism has reached epic proportions today. At what point is there this shit. It makes sense to retards, I swear.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

You have no grammar. You're a monkey. No reasoning either.

It's no wonder you're a lefty faggot shilling crappy careface palestine every 5 seconds.

Now you're telling this forum. The zealots will charge. What is that?

Let's do the statistical odds on what that means. Now you attack grammar. Ironic

Is it because you can't read, you don't debate the reply. Seriously. Give a shit about grammar on a Smartphone.

It's your fucking repugnant attitude. You're a lefty faggot shill, turned Grammar police? As you scream Palestine, telling me about zealots.

They hearld their own demise. They charge. Go on. Russia can't feed them all. India can't either. Where fucko? The Dust? That's if there's any left.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

How do you spot a shill. Easy. Somebody airing non stop opposition propaganda.

Clearly bias. Clearly a counter OP.

Read their names. They always call themselves something foreign.

Watch these same stinkheads, attack anybody else not following their dumb fucking narratives. They resent any other opinion outside of their stupid shilling.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Haha, it's got nothing to do with that. It's about trade, and arms, and power.

Hedging what? Is its own entity. What does it want. Power. What kind. Nuclear perhaps? Do they arm it?

Joining Brics while trading globally, why not, trade is trade. It's not a war the religious capital doesn't want.

This dumbass forum sentiment on what it calls childish sides? The ignorance in here is laughable. So are its faggot stalkers. Never seen so many dumbasses with inbred autism

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

It would be funny if they agreed for 5 political minutes for I don't know. 5 years later they'd be back to their historic feuds.

You see Mecca, Muhammad's birth was probably originally in Syria. The earliest Mosques face somewhere else, and it ain't Jerusalem either. After they warred for centuries on founding and spread, it moved to Mecca. Even during the Ottomans, Persia again was quite separate. So were many other Sultanates fighting each other over territory and power. The only time it agreed was in combat against Israel, Rome, Mongols, ironically.

Today you'd have divisions regardless. The poor versus a monarch, or elite. A weaponised form and a religiously diplomatic. But even Islam is different until it wars. Who'd be the supreme, and faithful? That would never be agreed, if it does for 5 political minutes, or another golden age.

What Saudis really want are nukes to set that power. They probably have some anyway. Not a stockpile or enrichment.

In any event. You're repeating Dugin.

The World relies far more on Trade than it did when Empires formed. Without agriculture, any population's today cannot sustain itself.

Can you see that problem, the first nukes off, there's nothing left. Not on the equator.

A charge of the zealot today heralds nothing but their demise

Ep0ch -4 points ago +3 / -7

Yawn. They spend more time monitoring than actually policing. It is how ridiculous it has become. In fact they talk nothing but shit.

Those monitored still committed terrorism. That idiot is looking for idiots online posting shit that offends the narrative. While blindly allowing millions from a country they just went to war with.

They call questioning it right-wing. In fact it's the radical left.

Computers have made people practically autistic today.

I know I've been something since expressing comments. For a fact. Seen people about who shouldn't have found me.

Yet somebody was stabbed a few weeks ago in the town I live. A bunch of people neighbours said shit repeatedly to ignorant cops about a problem in the area. They did nothing.

Yet autism comes along and blames causation? Millions through from a warzone, you went to war with. At what fucking point is there zero common sense. Then it blames crime as right-wing and terrorism as some other bullshit.

Literal autism.

The simple fact is there are nutters right now. Mad fucks. France, Germany, Beligum, Sweden possibly more if that coverage called it what it was. Crime has just increased. What happens when they get organised?

At least they deported Greta. Why did it take that long? Oh wait she hasn't been.

Literal absurdity. Those mad fucks have faster evolved into not using tech, so data boy, won't even. Data boy needs a freaking background. Ignores any obvious background like millions entering. Watches the feeds, trolls online for any god knows. Comes up with they've banned it from social media, and are keeping supposed tabs. Anybody can that's the danger. Bigger I.T departments. Police cannot even stop search, god forbid they firearm. Data boy wants it all nice and lefty better troll X and the chans instead.

Sick of such utter nuance. They probably banned a few more off social media at least.

Ep0ch -8 points ago +2 / -10

Absolutely. The believer believes whatever their beliefs.

It has become an aneurysm today. Hemispheres hemorrhaging.

But the excuses being used are the most ignorant I've ever heard. Why can't they be terrorists. Wahaa the civilians.

It's on a path, there is no other clarity. In that clarity there is only conflict. Then perhaps there's peace.

Ep0ch -8 points ago +2 / -10

It was covered in press it was Hamas there's video footage. The impact comes from the left not the Israeli right.

I am leaning towards Hamas, obvious martyrdom immediately provokes support when the have none apart from dumb militants.

Israel could as well. Sure the tweet. What does it mean, then or earlier? When? The tweet responded to attacks using the tunnels underneath that complex to cause the above anyway.

It's a dumb talking point and it doesn't change anything. It was there anyway. It was always going to happen somehow, some way, somewhere, whatever.

Stop pretending you care about anything else.

They don't. They don't want the refugees either. Just a constant excuse. Wahaaa. Why can't they be such nice little cannibals. Why isn't cannibalism tolerated. It's all Israel's fault, there are cannibals. No fuck off, cannibalism is prohibited.

Ep0ch -9 points ago +4 / -13

You don't know what occurred. There are conflicting reports. It was Hamas's own rocket backfiring. Israel responding to a hospital being used to launch rockets from. Or an interception.

I put forward the question right as Biden is landing why Israel would escalate it?

Immediate talks with the PLO cancelled. Hezbollah are calling for a day of rage. The entire region turning nonsense. Because sure, but that reason applies as much to Hamas. Hamas knowing they are out, provoke the region in support for their maytrdom. Israel not wanting deals escalate it. Who knows. It is what it is, constant bullshit.

Screaming bullshit doesn't change the path it is on. It is on that path regardless.

I am fucking shocked it ever got here. No hindsight in 1947 where you would've evicted it all apart from historic worship. If it was going to be this every fucking year. Simply causing a bigger problem.

But the left don't think. They only profit off it. They didn't think after just warring there adding millions into the population where there are only sides outside of valid verified integration.

We are on for terror no matter what. There is no solving it, only eliminating it.

These dumb fucking talking points don't change it. It is what it is, and that's war.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

She's still drunk

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

When is America not promoting degeneracy? Ever since A.I. the World has gone to shit. Computers or the cellphone has killed the native population. Caused hyper inflation. Household ownership has decreased. Dramatically increased migration. Swamped full of the most toxic cretins in existence and their media.

Obviously Japan are trying to raising the native aging population.

So that comparison is absurd. There would be mass protest.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

The USA is sending 2000 refugees to the muddled East. Don't worry they'll secure a million more

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Eliminate debt

Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

Of course it can. This shit is conspiracy.

If it goes to war, draft, full mobilisation, it seizes assets.

No need to keep economy running, send it to wars.


Outside of it. It keeps printing. More debts

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