Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can link that dogma, and stigma all day long. These self appointed racism experts where everything is racist, white people foremost. Unless they buy it.

But it never gets aired that Blacks are committing the most ethnic genocide on the planet today, and are still enslaving their own. Outside of Asia. However it is in far more African nations to date, today. Ethnic cleansing and genocide and slavery based on the exclusion and persecution of minority. Looking into it, has been since the dawn of civilization. Egypt etc.

What has changed is this notion that any description a particular demographic dislikes precludes to racism. When in fact prejudice and privilege abound. It will never change.

What do you call a Black Cleopatra. A racist? Entitlement. No, what? A stripper. See you're a bigot. Now bow.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a narrative of give a child candy it will keep asking for more. Until it has nothing to do with racism, ethnic genocide, slavery, anymore. It's simply a proclaimed insertion. You're all racists for providing any description I dislike. Literally. Until it is guilty of the very prejudice it incites, and always has been. Even more so from presuming to be an authority on it. Where it simply demands the status of some kind of feudal overlord. Do not address them or you're guilty.

Buy Black Cleopatra, or else. No, she's a stripper, not a queen. Wahaaa, you're all bigots.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

How many aren't the media telling you about.

What's the ratio of Trans committing sex crimes of every description, and then further the ratio of pedophilia?

It is in what percentage? Tell me this figure. Sex crime? Top percentage. More than half.

They're mental at 70%-80%. This statistic is claimed by the Trans community. It has been penned repeatedly. The shooter.

Sex crime is now what factor? Average is what. I think you'll find it in the majority.

If the legislation rules on rape non consent. Trans not saying their sex, prior to consent like intercourse, or sexuality. It is how many committing sex crimes? 90%+.

No it's not conjecture simple probability. It is alarming. It is why the legislation is....

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1


The Women regress while birthing, their body is producing estrogen. Not all Trans males can birth either. There are huge risks. In fact it should be criminal. There is more that can go wrong than right.

Testerone isn't estrogen.

They can't breastfeed either. Most have had mastectomies.

That statue is bullshit. Completely ignorant.

It's worst than a cigarette advert. These have been banned art with the cigarettes. It is promoting tell me the risk and numbers which can birth? Literal stupidity.

Never mind that art is 100% inaccurate.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That picture is bullshit and inaccurate.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Jacob's ladder. That concept has been completely fornicated. Because it's occultism. Until it got reformed into the stairway to heaven.

It has nothing to do with remote viewing either. Ideology. Paganism. Mythology.

It's ancient, long before the bible, Summerian. But was used in the old testament. It's not a rope. Stairs. Summoning circles. He's added that in because of the viewing. Which it isn't.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha. Who voted for that guy.

Shouldn't migrants be jailed then. They're clearly denying changing climates. If population is to blame for climate change. Migrants should be jailed? They're directly affecting the weather.

See it's an oxymoron. The entire narrative is fucking stupid. It's literally ridiculous.

Instead it just wants to sell electricity and it has nothing to do with if weather hits more population causing it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha, it was sarcasm.

Runner beans are a different variety. I imagine in the Quiche is closer to a Spanish Omelette, with the rest of its vegetarian delight. Some Quiches are with the peppers and onions. Haven't looked at that menu. Quiche ugh. No, not terribly delighted by it at all. I'd go sweet in that line up, and that menu is notably better.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

God damn it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Positively disgusting. I only like the bacon one. Not very fond of the Quiche. Toad in the hole, if we're doing eggy bakes.

Baked beans on Quiche. No thank you.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

We had April Fool's already. It's not the coronation either. God damn it. Earth porn weekend.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was a fucking air raid siren on my phone. It's not the approved Samsung alarms. No. It was insidious. I picked up the phone. Trying to turn it off. My phone was on silent. No alarms or alerts set.

I read blah blah significant loss of life from Storms. Yea never in the UK unless you're Scottish. Never in a Century. I didn't read all of it, I was angry at it.

I text family. We all had one as well. Since when. Since the government? Today.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Horrible, utterly horror. I swear that isn't my normal alarm. Because of Storms? No. The Government.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Government just sounded air raid sirens over my phone. I nearly broke my phone. Never heard that shit before. It was awful. Storms. Yea fuck off. Storms don't call for that shit.

It was every phone in the UK, getting the air raid sirens. Because they're testing to see if their alarm works. Get to the bunkers, the storms are coming. The phone wouldn't shut up. Hijacked for seconds. It made the most god awful sound I have ever heard it make. I nearly threw it at the wall.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are UFOs. They are top secret drone programs. Aliens I think not.

There are several sphere drones. UFO shaped. Although some of the most famous triangle shaped objects are drones and next gen planes.

Next gen is using drones alongside its fighters. Both formations, and swarm.

Meanwhile the flight isn't conventional, reaching hypersonic, and can manoeuvre at almost every thrust and angle reaching upper atmosphere.

The gen after are likely re-entry vehicles.

Like yourself everytime I hear about the aliens. It gets fucking tedious. Most are hoaxes. People fucking about with the cameras. Some are next gen, and many are drones.

Simply YouTube. You can clarify all of the above.

These dumb enthusiasts are profiteers off a narrative of SyFi used for their own gains. Or it's simply projection. But all aliens have caused is advanced weapons and dystopia.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Looks like a projectile, missile, shell, editing has removed the trail. Or it's literally shit on the lens.

Ep0ch 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why do you follow it. It gets more ludicrous by the day. I have given up on everything sourced by the Ukraine, talking about the Ukraine.

It says the same things.

  1. More funding

  2. Accusations against people not funding them or are otherwise still neutral

  3. Absurd propaganda declaring victories. Or feats of valor. When clearly they're sustaining losses.

The Ukraine narrative has only been used to justify huge profits by food companies. Like why has the Bisto gravvy tripled in price. None of its ingredients were sourced in the Ukraine. Why does bread, milk, etc, etc, keep rising. None of it came from the Ukraine. It didn't need gas, that's cheaper than any electricity. The stupid electricity we are supposed to be using because it costs infinitely more. Eggs never came from the Ukraine. Nothing did. Simply an obnoxious narrative used to justify inflation. Until all it has done is cause astronomical profits for people conning up the price driving inflation. Food, energy etc etc.

I have since given up on the same things Ukraine says. It's always the same bullshit. Lies.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a narrative selling an agenda. It is a white lie that has an aspect of truth. But it is bullshit.

Humans are the cause of their own stupidity and decline. Yes. Implementing a computer won't help them solve anything.

The climate change narrative, Oceans are rising, buy more wind farms in the Sea. It sums up how stupid these people are. Stop using plastic. Buy more plastic cars, phones, and electronics. These upgrade daily and are the most wasteful solutions on the planet. The most resource heavy products in history. Since have sped up any supposed existential decline. But buy more. They'll fix it. Because don't worry it's just what you eat. Computers don't eat, don't worry. They just tell you what to eat. Animals blah computers cannot automate them. They eat what they want. Computers exterminate them. Look at those birds and insects etc. But somehow these electronics will solve climate change, by using more electronics in a solar cycle. Electricity being the first thing affected in the weather.

Getting more immigrants to change climates really helps, by increasing populations directly populating into the weather. Weather affects population the bigger it is. Look at Pakistan. It therefore must be man made when humans populate on top of a volcano, or on the flood plains. This is humans fault, not Pakistan's, hell no. It's the West's fault. It didn't sell them the satellites providing a flood warning. If they bought EVs it would stop the Indus river flooding. Hell it would stop the Rhine flooding. They stop volcanoes.

Please do your part. Buy the I melted the Arctic badge. Every time you change climates you need this badge. Right??? Surely every migrant should wear this, I climate changed? It makes sense. If people cared about the climate change and it's man made they should stop changing climates? Canada and Sweden and the Arctic should cut immigration to a minimum or they're melting the ice. Awe it's not man made is it?

It's a stupid narrative.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not many that I know of. Quite a few didn't take it, and protested it. Originally they were strong armed, but I think more than just a few held out. Like other places in Europe. And many complied.

The problem is that policy is still absurdly operating on its COVID restrictions. Telephone consultations and appointments. Still being dulled out foremost. They're not a solution but the problem. They're okay if it is a separate service, operating on another phone line, Internet page, like 111, and can prescribe, leaving the GPs and doctors to triage. Instead of them turning into con artists. GPs are a franchise. I'd hate to imagine those audits but they cook the books. More money phoning, it cannot diagnosis, but it can prescribe, then having to triage and disgnose because a phone cannot, neither can any bullshit pictures uploaded, they need a hands on opinion. If it's a separate line of contact, yes, it can help. But the entire system is backlogged. GPs are closing left, right, and center. They have been flooding A/E hospitals, emergency, full of people with athlete's foot, or headaches, etc. Because they're operating on phone consultations. It takes an average of 20 minutes to contact my GP by phone before I speak to a cunt, they don't even speak English, they tell me there's no appointments go to A/E. Three times last year. Even ignoring 111, telling them see me. Had to fight just to see a GP a stone's throw away. Literally the next street over. I get there, they're taking on new patients, money, but were offering no appointments. Madness. It got resolved after raising serious complaints. I don't want to even ask until sick, don't want to ring up about my health, unless on a deathbed, it's not nice. They employ horrible foreign admin, horrible assholes, you're a problem not a customer. Literal fucking idiots. Never come accross so many of these today. You're the problem not the customer. The GPs are nice but try getting an appointment, they'll phone you first, then have to go to the Clinic. By then it's weeks later.

This is starting to improve, but that damage is done by COVID. The service is diabolical. The backlog over a year to see a hospital for a consultation after the GP referral.

The way around it is not use dumb GP. But this is hard. Because one way or another you will still use them. Despite using health insurance. You still use the NHS hospital as well. There isn't much jumping the queue, even on private care by insurance. You can somewhat but it's the same backlogs. You still need a registered GP.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is directly the Tory government and its bullshit. Its inability to provide the support, training, and funding to British nurses and doctors. Instead it has continually axed programs and allowed foreigners to take positions. Aside from this has been policy. Not enough commitment to that care. It is across every public and national service and utility. They are disastrous. All they've managed to do is increase the costs.

Because it has been running them all into the ground. It has sold and privatised increasingly.

Since the last decades of their government, it has been adding millions into the population. Compounded by their own disasters of governance, Brexit, COVID, and the constant change of policy between resignations which have seen 6 tory figureheads do nothing but fail this nation.

Don't get me wrong I have liked some of them, including the current head, at any other point would've been a better PM. But enough is enough of them and their failures. They have served nobody else least of all our institutions. Which now have an attitude of cannot, it's somebody else's job.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. Topically boring if you don't understand that evolution, its potential.

Unlocking human potential is putting little chips and stimulating the circuits in their head. It triggers their brain synapses implanting artifical memory. Innocently of course not.

Tell me about 6th and 7th gen augmented reality, control? Tell me have they put chips into pilots heads yet?

7th gen is still unmanned. But 6th gen, tell me this?

Tell me have they done this with bionic implants?

Can't visually see at that speed. It triggers hallucinations, and other losses, impairments. Causing heaps of concerns. The control is fully augmented but it also causes stress factors, to the point of AI take over, but it still needs a pilot under current law, and public concern. Microchips are faster being fitted.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

If it sounds like bullshit. It's because it is.

The cult of leakers sat on discord, leaking Intel to each other, ritualistically. They intended no harm by it. They were just gamers. They thought it was a game. I've got the best secrets, no, meeeee, no mine. It was simply strategy.

Until it has been turned into a spoof. Utterly tedious. Go away. Put some child locks on it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't know why she couldn't be senator.

And I don't know why it needs to be another woman VP again if they don't do significantly more than a narrative.

No preference in either role, but aren't those odds too soon?

I think she'd be good in either position. Senator is probably more realistic. But you never know?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not if it's firing the lasers, or charged projectiles, and these have a much better range, stopping power, than normal guns. And it also has replacement charge packs.

But yea at what point is there that gun, topic?

Imagine relying on it. Outgunned.

It needs to charge the gun, like a phone. Damn damn damn missed missed. Waits an hour to fire it again. Damn damn, shoot me already.

Idiots make this shit because idiots think it's innovative. They can sell sand to the camel. No idiot. The gun advanced before you made it even worse. Make a new gun firing something else or you're outgunned by everything else as you shit there trying to work out why the gun doesn't fire. Can you even strip that gun down? Camera broken. You invalidated the warranty.

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