Ep0ch 7 points ago +7 / -0

Masks were psychological conditioning. They had almost nothing to do with anything else. They put a population into fear. When it's in fear it becomes conditioned and pliable, and it polices anybody else not wearing masks.

They aren't effective unless a full bubble. Even a bubble can sooner be breached. Because as soon as bubble is removed where did the person go? Hahahaha. They travel home how. They went where.

If waste water, sewage, and droplets had the virus, what have masks achieved? Look at that condensation causing sweat. In fact masks directly cause respiratory breathing problems and cause flu, congestion. The probability of touching your face, eyes, ears, nose increases by staggering percentages while wearing and constantly adjusting masks.

How dangerous was COVID? Factually and in which demographics? Multiple health conditions were affected more. If it was any other flu, it wouldn't have had the hysteria, it would've been herd immunity. As it is every flu season. Without nonsensical protocols. These never quarantined, never changed the hospital systems into dedicated treatment centers, every hospital became hysterical. Instead restricted the population absurdly, lockdown didn't do anything. It wasn't quarantine. Because it propagated vaccination and it made trillions in revenue selling more and more vaccination, and they didn't work, immunity isn't redundant efficacy.

Quarantine is handled by closing the border. It's not done by lockdowns, broken by transport one area to the next. The work environment is socialising and around multiple colleagues and customers, no matter the lockdown. People working from home don't achieve common sense. How many aren't.

It was the biggest nonsense in history. Footballers are immune to the COVID, they can travel internationally like wealth and everybody else breaking quarantine, a border closed, a population in lockdown, playing with a full team against another team. But you better not go and see them. They took the vaccine. They're social distancing. They wore a mask on the plane. They self isolated in the hotel. Nobody there was exposed to the COVID because they took the tests detecting lemon juice.

Fuck off. At what fucking point. Either do it properly or not at all. Not at all. It wasn't hysterical. The global population is now herd immune. Despite whatever tendencies of the absurd.

I am quite sure deadly viruses like ebola have quarantine, dedicated treatment centers, and better medicine.

They don't serve dishing out a bunch of crap.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Staged bullshit. It's alright to get a cup of water or use a bottle of water and pour it over head.

This didn't happen. It's staged.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Protect the brand from what? It sounds stupid because it is.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes absolutely. But GDP becomes superficial in a war. A war it isn't fighting directly. It's simply funding and bankrolling another side off the backs of taxes, and inflation. On what kind of production. Which factories. Who is producing shells and rockets, equipment, those current stocks are being depleted. Western factories are now manufacturing where as an example? Did they even have the raw materials. Now what happens to the rising costs and increasing debts?

It's not the same as being directly involved in that war, because protocols start trimming away at other industry turning it into war production and conscription.

Not if it's not fighting. It's simply causing the prices to rise on any citizens. Meanwhile economics wobble.

Until production and the narrative starts becoming strained. It is feeding a battle of attrition. A battle which hasn't got the same dynamics, going into a proxy. A proxy without the same experience but it simply demands increasing funding.

Agreed the war can last for longer. Until a loss of interest, or concessions and terms or defeat, etc.

But what happens if Russia gets even more aggressive, and it starts targeting Kiev daily fully penetrating defenses, that demand more and more equipment, it being destroyed, quicker. What happens to Ukrainian morale if its supposed offensive of brand new equipment fails? What happens if Russia loses more territory?

Ultimately GDP is irrelevant in a conflict fought directly by other people..

Instead currently there are nothing but lies. When there are lies there is no conclusion. Both are still assuming the other's failures.

It's ironic.

Where is the truth in many of these reports being aired?

Example 100k Russians dead in 5 months. What territory acquired? How? Where? 15k Ukrainians dead last month in Bakhmut. Bullshit. Like all the rest of it. Speculation, estimates, propaganda, agenda. It's seemingly projecting right. It will keep raising those stakes until the other is defeated. Let's face it, at that rate will only escalate. Into you tell me?

If Ukraine gets to the Crimea. It's nukes. I have no idea what those trench lines are for there. An excerise in stupidity. No debate, that line is crossed. If not used to defend its bases, Russia might as well disarm completely, and hibernate. If Ukraine captures another city. It's more attrition. Russia hasn't gone into full warmode, conscription and production.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes this war stinks of agenda. Much wider geopolitics. But your facts are irrelevant, on assumed GDP. Russia is almost exclusively a fully self service nation. Not many nations have those raw materials and natural resources and use them exclusively. Of course it relies on trade as well. But as an example the West relies on far more corporate supply chains. These trade into a monetary system crediting which currencies by using what markets and means of financial backing. Meanwhile the dynamic shifts, technology changes, becoming less reliant on which resources, as supply lines are rerouted, or markets trade away from which currencies .

However, aside from superficial notions of GDP. It of course comes down to production, bullets, troops, military equipment. Attrition. Wearing, dragging, depleting any numbers as wider geopolitics are adopted, by exhausting an enemy into surrender? Questionably how can Russia lose. How? Ukraine expelling every Russian from what it considers its border. Who made this border? It has Russian territory in it or claims of that territory. Directly hosting Crimea, a Russian nuclear base. Russia has nukes.

Instead all that funding is buying what. Attrition. Both sides are this? Which breaks accepting the others claims. As it becomes an otherwise wasteland of territorial capture. As far as Russian funding it isn't on the same field as current Ukrainian conscription and production towards, or has been fully attacked at home prior to this conflict, and gone into the same warmode. If it does, it still has nukes.

In the meantime geopolitics unfold as any risk increases of a wider conflict.

But as far as justifying any funding goes or any war efforts are those numbers factual? No, they rely on the attrition. The other side losing.

Simply looking at a map shows what. Of course a counter offensive might validate it?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes. But by registering, yes. So you get a paper voter ballot. Simple online form or a paper form sent in post. After filling it in, it then sends a ballot paper form.

On what fucking planet, isn't this system breached? These bits of fucking paper everywhere. A bunch of idiots counting it.

So felon gets census register in post. These cases in the press. It sends the ballot card. Felon goes and votes. Whose fault was it. Stupid fucking system. Thrown out. Despite it being an illegal ballot. Now think of all those bits of paper everywhere and a bunch of idiots counting. Look at that after the ballot audit. The count is bullshit when checking the census register and cross linking it into social security.

So you get this card like credit card it is issued once. It is card for lifetime, although it needs renewal on change of address, small tax or fee applied. You go to terminal press touch screen for candidate, scan card. Automatic count. It cannot go wrong. Only card can be scanned or number of it inputed. It ties directly into the census automatically. Card could even have your photo on it. For security at the ballots allowing entry. It could have address on it. Double checking area and address.

But they don't want to do this. Do they? Instead who knows what that vote is.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

No. What have they done to you. Apart from scare the crap out of you.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

The ballot cards were sent to felons to begin with who thought a change in the law like why have they got those papers if they cannot vote. The court threw it out. It was bullshit.

The system is bugged. Yes. No confirmation before mass mailing out the ballot slips.

Solved by a chip and pin card scanned once on ballot for its noms at a dedicated terminal. Online abroad just read the card number. A lifetime card issued revoked on illegality. Simple effective. Cannot go wrong. A card issued specifically for voting. It doesn't need changing every election.

System needs changing. It is in error. But they don't want to change it.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's clearly a Sudanese balloon. It was flying in the aliens.

Because if it was Chinese they'd shoot it down

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

You're gassed dumbass. You've been inhaling the Zyklon. It popped all your braincells. Until everywhere is the jew. Everything is Jewish. Jews are hiding under your bed. In your cupboards. They pop out scaring the crap out of you.

I mean what else? You keep mouthing jew, everything. You've clearly been taking something.

It has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.

But you turned it into your phobia. Dumbass.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Isn't the state at fault for issuing the voter cards to felons? How can it go around and charge the felons when it issued the voter cards. Surely any criminal records should have been checked when cards were sent and requested?

It sounds stupid because it is.

How are these cards and the voter records checked, it seems like an archiac system. A system being abused because it above isn't verifying the cards and records prior to sending them. It simply counts them. It seems on the above information huge faults are occurring.

I bet for example there are multiple votes, and out of state votes because any voter cards aren't being verified by a system of dedicated measures. Checking the recipient's records. On sending and then on count.

At times dystopia has a use. It is the social security number cross linked to the relevant citizenship records, criminal, residence, funeral, marital, etc. Surely it should be coded onto the voter card via a qr or whatever code, and linked into the relevant databases for an easy census to take shape, rooting out criminality, preventing a wrong count.

But your link has emphatically proved there are illegal ballots. An inept and archiac system employed. But from the court's view how can it charge, if the voter cards are wrongfully being sent. It seems like the tip of an iceberg.

I think voter cards need to change to a system where you're issued with a chip and pin card. It simply scans it once on ballot, or the card number is inputed when abroad. Lifetime card for illegibility used at every ballot, revoked under illegality.

by pkvi
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

As a run off what has happened? I could answer. Every mental and neurological disorder blights humanity. Faster becoming physical. The automated lines do not handle capacity, lines take longer. They haven't solved anything except less jobs. Services are becoming much worse in every sector. Inflation hasn't stabilised it has skyrocketed. Crime has increased.

As far as employing them as bot driven prompts and scripts. They haven't produced shit. But they've probably incited it.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

When's Tucker back on?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

What's it like to be stupid? But it must be the zyklon. It turned you into a dumbass, a frothing retard twitching at your boogeyman. Everything is the jew's bullshit. Everything.

I am not Jewish.

Patriotically people support their nation. Why not.

As far as your dumb topic went. It is customary ceremony. It isn't up for debate. It's a matter of fact the next in line becomes monarch, and on coronation oaths are pledged. It's really obvious and really simple. Customary regalia. It doesn't matter the king or queen. It happens on every ascent. Words in the effect of. They could be Asian, African, European. The same thing occurs.

Everybody on the planet knows this, everybody except frothing retards. Why is it even discussed.

We do not choose, but we can accept. Why not? I have no objection. He is King. Why would I object. Can't change that fact. I can be patriotic, watch history occurring, and enjoy the holiday.


by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3


Ep0ch 0 points ago +4 / -4

Erratic claims. Completely paper thin. Biden and the many others funding need to justify the billions and billions being signed off on. They need to claim some kind of numbers to keep funding.

Truthfully there is no truth. It's very hard to independently gain information. Propaganda driven by agenda, by the other side losing, and it has wider geopolitical goals. But the other side restricted from providing any information. Until there is only morale boosts and propaganda driving strategy and agenda.

War against Russia, or war against a Nato proxy. Ukraine is in the middle.

Any Ukrainian causality numbers are logically absurd. Look at its conscription rate, tell me this age of conscripted male, female, teenager. Its population migration, of millions leaving due to war. Combined into a third of its nation, lost, or in heavy combat, while the rest withstands daily bombardment. What's that rate? Think of all that investment. The best it can do is hole up in Bakhmut? Tell me that tactic? Where it now is contained to what a couple km sq. Russia by the same structure hasn't even gone into full warmode.

Obviously there are Russian causalities. I'd imagine they are high, but nowhere near to Ukrainian above, simple probability. Let's suggest, there is an agenda of attrition. Does it particularly care. Because by the same tactics. It is dragging an opponent in and wearing down its reserves in order to claim victory.

What happens in any Counter Offensives, could decide how long any course lasts and what terms are bartered. Currently there is no immediate conclusion.

A very messy war. Russia has always been messy on that field, historically, losses. Ukraine look at that, probably worse.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +4 / -4


I think there are many reports hoping Russia loses. More are speculation and propaganda justifying funding.

Both sides Ukraine in particular are withstanding heavy causality rates.

The fact is Russia has gained integrating territory Ukraine has shed. How is Russia losing and losing what exactly? Troops, it's war. Less than Ukraine. Look at map.

Ukraine however are a bottomless pit relying on Russian loss.

There is no factual media until conclusion. One sided. State approved. Agenda. Both sides are using lies.

Factually what concludes this conflict?

There are other facts. This war is agenda driven. A battle of attrition seeking to draw drag and wear down the other side invested heavily. It isn't fought in the traditional methods. Risk of greater fallout, larger conflict. But it importantly plies agenda.

Traditionally Kiev would be dust. Baghdad effectively was, military and command structure. Instead of domination it captures territory. The rest of Ukraine hasn't been occupied, the border is active. It wilfully drags out because any objective isn't defined by the traditional sense. There is little air superiority. Anti aircraft, enemy flights still active while any military structures keep increasing numbers and resupplying.

It has wider objectives and they are a battle of attrition often in heavily urbanised environments and settings, as it captures territory, instead of wiping out command structures and military supply lines, and defenses. The country is also huge, the largest in Europe, excluding Russia. What was Ukraine troop count prior to this conflict? Millions? 2 million reserves? Not necessarily active. Until currently conscription is at what rate?

Independent perspective. This conflict stinks. It funds a proxy throwing its numbers into a grinder. As the other side captures territory. Until there is only wasteland. It has no logical conclusion until the other loses interest and claims defeat. It can last years. Look at that shithole Bakhmut.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

16 was legal in 1973. Abortion wasn't

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

As soon as you mention COVID

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

Stop derailing this topic. We are not discussing the holocaust. Your association is the stuff of retardism.

It has nothing to do with a King getting coronated.

When a king is coronated oaths are pledged. The same anywhere else on the planet. They are customary regalia. Being in attendance accepts any pledges. They don't invite riff raff. They invite patrons.

As citizens under a monarchy, acceptance is heralded in the customs and duties adopted. They change on ascent.

Fuck off. It isn't up for debate. He is king. As a foreigner not yours. It makes no difference to that fact.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's a monarchy. It's the same on any other ceremony of ascent.

Why are you stupid?

There is no say in the matter it's hereditary and customary.

If in attendance you are already pledging duty towards or acceptance of.

As citizens the anthem among a host of other duties has changed. Whether or not you're patriotic.

Go back to being dumb where somebody gives a shit.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

It has nothing to do with the holocaust. Dumbass. Where do you get such utter shite from? That's autistic. Your association is beyond sane.

You do not have any say in the King of England. It is passed on by heritage.

What are you peddling, your dissent? It makes you stupid. Because it's a fact, he is King of England.

Those words an oath used at the ceremony of coronation are the same if they were for anybody else. Being there, swears allegiance.

It's like you're willfully uneducated.

As far as citizens being under the crown why not support the King and Kingdom? Patrotically like any other service or anthem.

There is no debate on if he is king, he is, it's a fact. So spare me your ignorant bullshit.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

That explains Traxx and quite a few millennials. COVID has clearly rotted their brains. Fetal derangement syndrome. Flat Earthers are hereditary.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Another retarded topic. Why is this an issue.

It would be the same ceremony if it was anybody else getting coronated.

Today you think it's up for debate? You have some kind of say on if he is King of England?

You don't, this topic is stupid.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -4 points ago +2 / -6

Are you retarded? Him becoming king is a fact. The same fact, those lines are spoken if it was anybody else getting cornonated.

It is the standard coronation pageantry. If you're there like at that event, it is what is spoken. It would be the same if it was anybody else. And as citizens under the crown, the national anthem has changed. It's God save the King.

If you have a problem with it, fuck off. Your dumb protest is because you're foreign or stupid. It makes no difference to the fact he is king. Or the fact any citizens under the crown have accepted him. They'll faster be singing God save the King. Regardless.

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