deleted -3 points ago +1 / -4
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

War is easier dumbass. It would be so easy to roll into Russia and regime change. They've done it everywhere else without nukes.

Hahaha. No, but that's the point. They cannot fight Russia directly because of nukes. So they escalate it. Until who knows?

At what point do you doubt if nukes are real. It's autism.

If nukes weren't real why not war directly? It's at that stage. Except there are nukes.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, traffic off a search. Except how are they counting it? Tell me this. If the search wasn't there. Look at that. It makes no difference.

They fudge its need and demand, manipulating the advertising. It's there regardless. It factually has no need. It's a pointless service offering nothing but corruption.

The World wouldn't miss Reddit. They only miss what Reddit bans.

They count volume, all those multiple accounts, or are they even separate hits. Separate hits are what exactly, a vpn. That's fudged now. So like Netflix make some crap. People watch it for 1 minute, because it's shit. But it has counted all those suckers. All networks do this. Hell you don't even have to watch it, just being on the channel, it counts the volume. Like crypto farming you could have a mafia number station, running multiple phones pcs blockchaining another routed I.P.

Those assholes are that corrupt.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, they factually don't.

Look at all its main subs. They're the same multiple accounts posting.

They have banned everybody else. Anybody who acts human. Any disagreement. Human your own opinion as opposed to group think echoing the advertising is attacked. Questioning, disagreeing, adding a different experience.

There are certain deviations. Not many. Go into its main subs. So who are the users? Lessening returns.

The volume it has, has been fudged for the advertising. It gets extra volume by manipulating the browser searches linking into it. Traffic. But as far as its base. Look at it. They manipulate it, for the advertising, opening a bunch of multiple accounts, posting, to show activity. They are the same shills example check the news to prove this. Dead, except when it's a topic it's promoting. Look at the topic it trolls like Ukraine. A paid troll farm. Otherwise it has traffic due to browser searches being manipulated into it. Search Google there's a bullshit Reddit link. Except it offers nothing like the official Discord, website, or other advertising, and news. These used to be below Reddit assuming the top search. Advertisers complained. Reddit isn't official.

No. It hasn't taken off, it has massively declined. It offers nothing. Except creating a prison, an it is the goaler.

In most subs they ban users posting. The Mod groups post the topics. Look at how that works. You reply to the Mod. Wallop. You disagreed with the advertising. Echo echo echo. It's how Reddit works. The same mod group is also submitting comments to show activity facilitating its supposed service.

Reddit is the worst corrupt shithole. It has traffic due to hits from browsers linking into searches. But it offers nothing except an insidious usurper where it trolls advertising.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea reeeetard

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The tech is racist. It has no grounds to exclude. That's illegal. It was prejudice to what was said. It is in no lawful position to make that judgement. Racism. Yes.

Racism is excluding somebody in prejudice. Prejudice towards race normally.

However it is nonsensical this word racism, because everybody is prejudice based on preference. It leads to discrimination here topically. Illegally. The tech is racist. It had no right.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody should have racist tech. The tech is racist. It has excluded somebody in prejudice over a rant? That's racism.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +6 / -1

Trans is a science experiment. Put them on an Island and see if they evolve. Ah they cannot. Therefore they need to declare their biology. It needs handicap facilities.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

What happened to shooting them? They always used to shoot them. Today people have gotten stupid. They always used to shoot people trespassing. Try it. Go to a military base and enter it illegally

So why in fucks name aren't they being shot. Real simple and real obvious. The border is supposed to be defended by the military. It was written into the constitution. At what point aren't they being shot?

Nobody is against legal migration. But illegal migration deserves the same historic charter it has always had. An act of warfare. An invasion. Trespassing.

Look see fence Poland made with Belarus. They shoot them.

Nothing the left does or says makes any sense to anybody sane, except a bank profiting off the debt.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Reddit manipulates its volume. Multiple accounts, bots, paid shills. Like twitter. Worse.

You're very mistaken. It is only because it assumed itself as the front page of the Internet, having been given status, top hits on Google searches, that it fudged the numbers. Until most of its advertisers complained their hits weren't, and that it isn't an official representation. Ham enthusiasts assuming status. Any links provided nothing. They're bot grabbed off Google, or are shilled advertising. What has it provided that you cannot find anywhere else. Seriously think before you stink. The comments are redundant, they offer nothing outside of its manipulated advertising. The press or advertising is there regardless on any other search.

It's a shithole. It offers nothing. Nothing at all. It won't be missed off the Internet.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

No center either. Just extremely cucked shitty shit. No center. Karma has no center. It needs the leftism or it's downvoted.

Reddit shouldn't even be mentioned, you give it way too much credit for doing nothing at all. Nobody would miss Reddit.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think she liked it, and she'd do it again.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No because it's all the medical establishment does. It started off as grave robbers. Modern medicine started off by grave robbing. Ancient medicine also embalmed. Today it's still grave robbing to embalm the dying.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

At what point? If we rewind a decade or two, who'd buy a product that they knew they were being spied on and their anonymity was breached. They'd have never have sold those products. What happened today?

At what point today has society rolled over to the point of the latest bullshit cars, and having no encryption?

It hasn't improved anything else except taxes, debt, inflation.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Khazaria is utter nonsense for a start. If it existed it existed when there was no Jewry. When Turkey through Assyria/Summeria was a dominant power before the Ancient Greeks. Ancient Turkey expanded influence to Ireland it is why the Gaelic King's have the same burial mounds as King Midas. No such thing as Jews then. They didn't exist. Much later the Ottomans gained possession with the fall of Constantinople. Until it broke away becoming a Russian protectorate. It wasn't Khazaria then either. Who knows what it was, but you're specifically confusing history. It's autism.

To be honest I don't care what you call it. It wasn't Jewish or Hebrew, ever. Until who knows what it is now.

It's a geographical region of competing empires and marauding barbarians. Specifically. It has been contested since the dawn of civilization.

Nothing changes in history remarkably except the names and narratives.

Topically they're fighting over resources, and geographical access to them. It geopolitically controls far more, expanding, containing, profiting. It has almost nothing to do with Jews or Ukrainians. They're a narrative.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am detecting the stink eye

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stink eye

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No, it doesn't. Brain activity has been stimulated in Mammoths. Where did the consciousness go? Into its own head. All it did was retain a charge. Like an old generator. The only consciousness it had was an old circuit board, if connected back into the current, the blood flow, plasma, synapses, it shows activity. Wohaa so profound. Wahaaaaaa

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It looks like it has the stink eye.

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