Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I think you'll find Karelia was in conflict. Parts gained and lost by the Finnish.

Main reasons for war, dating back longer, and continuing longer than direct Finnish wars.

The population Russian/Finnish

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I thought, please, I know that history, not fully, without looking up. So I appreciate all the specifics. However after WW2, up until about 1955, a number of years, Russia had an internal conflict. It was against a territory between Finland and Russia. I cannot remember its name. If it's possibly even the Russian part of the peninsula. It was technically a part of Russia, but it had a mixed Finnish/Russian population? In this feud, Finland possibly acquired more territory.

The border remained loose for a long time. Up until recently. Now it's getting big fences and becoming militarised.

The stupid nigger downvoting my account, every post, is nigger tier. The dumbest nigger on this planet. At what point are there those niggers on this site. Attacking a user.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're right there's been a lot, of the press stating this topic, amusingly. My point is, it certainly shows it.

Nothing significant except the thievery. More funding buys more funding. At what point does it buy victory. It doesn't, but it could if it funds it more. So there these peace talks saying nothing else. Meanwhile campaigning is sooner berating it.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Peace talks, but there will be, no, peace. Just talks saying nothing else. I don't think, peace, yet. Although who knows, what to think? However the narrative plays, what's its. Off/On. When needed.

I think there's fatigue. A lack of popularity and some concern. Autumn and Winter approaches. All those tanks and assault vehicles won't do much in wet ground. Unless they've kept big consignments of troops back. They will sooner be operating more defensively. Even holding back to counter from a better flank perhaps if overrunning opposing attacks. But what do I know, I don't. More is probaby based on ifs and nots. Funding, more arms and aid, like new tanks, missiles, jets, enemy, and positions. Tactically Ukraine haven't punched through.

Suddenly ah but peace while gearing and inciting.

No, it's far too soon for that. It's still committed. Significantly there are sighs. Like campaigning will obviously use it when running. Especially when it hasn't bought much. But who knows???

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I thought there was a border region between the two, Soviets fought internally, Finland gain territory from it? This happened after WW2. Perhaps I am wrong.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Jesus was a terrorist. He caused an insurrection. Conflict. It cost his life.

What did he do in the Jewish temple. Violence. This caused his arrest betrayal and death.

Did he not forgive the soldier who killed him.

It sounds like you're a dumb kid. Real dumb. Perception you have none. The scriptures all quote war. None condemn war or are opposed to it. This topic is a simple metaphor, use a sword, yes it also kills those using it.

Besides incase you didn't know. Greeks rewrote the bible we have. They added in miracles and resurrection. The Aramaic version debatably doesn't have it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ended in 1941, wasnt the winter war in 1944 or the continuation war?

I thought there was something later in 1950 or 55? Finland expanded.

Not simply a stretched Soviet front rushing into Germany, made a truce with Finland already breaking away from Germany, but preventing invasion and communism. Although losing territory.

They did indeed, practically an open border, after the break up of the USSR. Now it's closed again.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I thought there was a war with Finland after WW2, not Finland siding with Germany in WW2, involving Russia where Finland gained territory. Funded by Europe? Apology if wrong but I thought it was later. Not the continuation war in WW2?

Yes prior Finland broke away from Sweden aided by Russia in the 1800s.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

On your point on NATO beating Russia it's been the pacman of former satellites. So it won in that regard. But aside from this they did win a previous proxy war against Russia. Finland.

However. Here, Ukraine, it's vastly different. The location, the history, the tactics.

The endgame is what? It cannot win. Not decisively. Nukes. It can fund it. Until more proxy wars erupt, splintering, globally. Funding it, hasn't bought anything except increasing escalation, more funding, a polarised globe, and greater loss of life. How much further does it escalate remains to be seen. Although concurrently and at no foreseeable end will Ukraine cause anything else. If it seeks immediate peace it has been pointless. Ukraine will have lost. As any terms won't seek Ukrainian demands.

Escalation might cause direct NATO involvement. It is currently the only way there is a winner sooner rather than a lengthy war of attrition. Where it will have left the dead for much longer. But risks all out war.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

A thief none the less. They're trying to steal from somebody else, and not simply the imaginary border they've imagined as rightful theirs when it's been a part of Russia for centuries. But moving past all of that is the billions, multi billions in funding that has bought almost nothing else except shylocks, beggars, and thieves. It shamefully hasn't enriched the Ukraine. It has destroyed it. Thievery at its finest. We're paying for it to be destroyed. Hurray. No, wait what. We're paying for Ukraine to destroy itself. Money is being robbed somewhere right? It's the only rational explanation. Thieves. For who is the bigger question. At this point they're a trojan. All they've done is degrade themselves and potentially anybody else funding it.

Or please tell me what else any funding has bought? Because it stinks of theft.

I'll wait for them to blame Russia. Further stating they'll win if they get more funding. But somehow they're totally complicit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Ukraine's biggest problem is they're a common thief. Thief for who causing what remains questionable. Those tactics aren't by buying much except continued begging for further funding. They aren't the gatekeepers of democracy. They're a conflict that's now becoming another handout and an embarrassment. Never before had the hardware gifted been defeated until Ukraine used it, and it simply demands more of it.

They have recklessly charged, often in attempts to gain more funding and support. Throwing away troops and vehicles, instead of actually fighting larger battles with them. At what point haven't they observed minefields. At what point aren't they committing to different wedges and formations. They've kept a percentage behind, reinforcing a huge line, they want to cause a counter offensive from, but instead have sporadically thrown equipment away by attacking and probing multiple fronts. More seems committed towards any defense then engagement. Because when they have pressed, it's using tactics and propaganda that they simply goad more funding and aid from.

They're using missiles and drones often causing further provocation. Attacks on bridges, inside Russia, Svastapol. These haven't gained ground. They make dumb headlines. In attempts to draw more support from provocation, and keep the publicity printing.

Airpower, their lack of, would make no difference, because it hasn't, when they've had it. They're not using it now to any real engagement. Missiles, and drones are being used off the frontal battlefield. Using it would be the same rationality, off the battlefield at targets causing escalation.

The article suggests it is going badly, because it is. It suggests an increasing lack of interest. Sure it has the same backing by Global leaders, but everybody else is becoming real bored of it. So instead it makes splashy headlines by provoking escalation or garnishing funding by drawing out losses.

Try to convince me of any other attrition?

Don't worry, rainy season, the fall, approaches, their headway hasn't done much prior. It just needs more????

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're fucked up. You profess, profess to be godly, but you cannot even be civil. You're a hypocrite. In sheer hypocrisy we have war.

You're Godly. A believer. I am Evil. Or my words are. So you seek to convert me. Forcing your literature, laws, dystopia. Justifying your pathetic attacks, and repression. No I am not fucked up. You have caused and proved conflict/war.

It was so simple everybody except a retard understands it. You are no better. Factually worse. You've attacked another opinion and in prejudice. I haven't. I simpy sought to validate a very consequential point.

Religion has never been opposed to war, ever. It uses it as a tool to justify its actions, causing conflict. In a world of sin, or hypocrisy, war is necessary. God's army killing Evil. Amounting to any army assuming they are Right. The recipe for war. Right versus Wrong. Or just about any other reason assuming warfare. They are all almost all no different.

What's even more ironic if you read the Bible, almost all of God's actions in the Old testament were by nature, nature's wrath, until he gave the Jews their calling, funny how that turned out. In the new testament he leads the crusade, Revelations.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

That is so ignorant I don't know where to begin.

If there's a collapse of global security, trade, and financial systems. Tell me why there isn't all out war? Look at Africa currently. Look. War. Civil war.

What actually happens when people cannot access their money? How hasn't it caused war.

A magic wand? Now for the next trick it's gonna pull a coin out of the hat? Not out of the bank. There's no money in it.

What happens? They don't want war. But they're simply out to cause any populations to go on and have a guess what they do? Queue please folks, nice long queues, nice and orderly, there's no more money in the bank. Don't worry. It's just a magic trick. No harm done. We're just having a collapse right now. We've taxed you into the ground until there's no more money in the bank. We gave it to the Ukraine. Don't worry.

It might as well be all out war.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

I have read the bible you dumb inbred cornpone hick. Don't tell me what to read, what you think I have read. All because you presume a fantasy wasn't written by people on Earth reliving their experiences.

At what point where what how, was warfare evil or wrong? It isn't, not once. It hasn't condemned war. In fact it has glorified it. It has used the recipe for war to bless it. It has specifically condemned sin and supposed evil as a means for warfare.

It is the exact reason there is war. One side will always be right, the other side wrong. It doesn't matter if you assume it's evil, you simply had to be good. Presto dumbass. There's war.

No religion has said war is wrong. Instead they've blessed it because they're God's faithful, blessed, or chosen. They are right.

This topic is painfully naive, a simple risk assessment, fight with swords, don't be surprised if you're killed. Ah but God's army will save you, when hell breaks loose. Somehow ignorantly, you have taken as complete pacifism. No, dumbass. No where.

Instead you've taken the stone out of your eye and thrown it. You are causing conflict. It is in an environment where you're proving words? Hahaha. The ignorance in here on this topic is mind blowing. Where have I attacked anybody? Where. Somehow you're proving conflict. Look, you attack my words, assuming yours are right. You have ganged up and down voted. This is an act of conflict. Notice myself. Nowhere. I offer an opinion. I have never attempted to attack another. Think about that. You can't. You live in fantasy. You have proved conflict.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yawn. It has increased in popularity simply because it's the next thing. They can now. It means they can have a kid at most ages, think the oldest was 60, regardless of even injuries, artifical wombs.

An insurance policy. Nothing to do with the vax. It's a procedure gaining traction and has been for almost a decade. With new procedures happening like birthing by artifical means, without a human host. Or at older ages.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

No it isn't you moron. What didn't you understand about the concept of war. Right versus Wrong. Justified versus Unjustified. Good versus Evil. Godly versus Ungodly. There's no difference. It isn't the sky gods of greek mythology. That's simply justifying it. The gods of war have sanctioned it. Seriously. They're evil infidels and must be converted. Aside conflict is our nature. We are different, therefore we have conflict. Our planet also conflicts. Environmentally. Naturally. Any peace is brought by war. Has done historically. Our species has never known peace, its origin has supposedly had centuries of longer peace followed by entire cycles of war. Ancient Egypt/Summeria etc. We have as much war today as we have ever had. More this millennium and faster counting.

Religion has never been opposed to war. It's in the scriptures all of them even Eastern. It simply seeks to Judge it. Historically it was founded in conflict.

But the Sky God's told us not to war? Hahaha. Seriously, no. They simply empower it.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

At what point have you assumed Evil, if God defeats Evil through war. Revelations.

A time for war. War is inevitable. You said it. Against Evil. God's judgement. Killing those who are sinful. Hahaha. The recipe for war. They're evil we're godly. Simple ain't it. In a world of sin war is necessary. Off with their stupid evil little sinful heads .

It was a comparison to how war is justified. How absurd your rhetoric is. Why war is justified. The recipe for war.

One is a hero, the other a villain. Except they're both guilty. If you consider war is wrong. But you don't, because no religion does. Our nature doesn't either. Tell me why we have more war today than in history? We're more populated. Look at that. We're having more war. Or exactly the same. Or nothing has changed.

It makes no difference.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Except it is 100% Bullshit. 100% Bullshit. It never happened like that. The commonest fable, a cliche inserted as paradigm into fiction the World over was a piece of padding takes the bullet. It had been around since guns. The Bible since preachers, and missionaries.

Consciousness objectors didn't exist until after World War 2. The person who it is supposedly based on was a simple recruitment narrative. Given rank and status, turned into a narrative. The modern army now is recruiting multi roles from multi backgrounds. It really didn't previously. It was in aid of the draft.

The draft in America and Europe had objections prior to WW2, given certain immunity. But there was risk. Risk not really associated with other armies hanging them.

Ukraine hangs them now. Draft dodgers.

I hated the film. It is utter shit. Woke, stupid, ignorant, and pointless. Hated the lead actor in it. Hated its dumb fictional narrative

It was another film I watched for all of 2 minutes, and watched some of the end. Turned it off. Never again will it squeal at me. The only film I hated more than it was 1917. I simply fast forward all the way through 1917.

It was oxymoronic. What the fuck did you like about it. Think about how it was Antigun propaganda. The real reason Mel aired it. Perhaps a few more reasons. When was it aired, date. Notice the pattern. Sure they used a Controversial director, who glossed over the propaganda with extreme violence. But it had a real vomit inducing agenda. It wasn't factual.

Think don't stink, he signs up to the army to be a Troon. Literal stupidity. Why are you a Troon in the army. Even a Troon could probably fight better than that guy. But he was a risk, at what point would you want that cunt in your unit. Nobody sane would. Fiction yessss. The actual chaplain it was based on was also supposedly a pilot? Flying supplies and the wounded.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why aren't Trans being charged double carbon taxes?

They're not terminal until they become Trans. How many more emissions does a Trans person cause?

Trans people cause a much bigger carbon footprint.

Trans people cause climate change.

This is a fact. Somebody in MiT should work it out. But Trans as a demographic are some of the highest, outside of wealth, emitters on this planet. They're putting more emission than like a lifetime of flight, flying everyday, across the Atlantic.

How many more products and services does a Trans person cause. How much more debt and investment. The only reason behind Trans, and the free experimentation by medicine. The brainwashed script. When A.I becomes full synthetics which pronoun is it, what gender is it?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Absolutely. It's because a handful think to Lord over the World.

Tell me, if they control and rig the funding what pays more. Dissent against white people they control, via tax, loans, laws, and services, while reaping the funding and investment off everybody else in dissent and blaming white people.

Does the narrative cause more investment and services into mediums they profit off? Netflix, X, etc etc. Take out loans, and subscriptions.

All the woke agenda is. More absurd services. More dumbfounded narratives. They profit off.

How many more lil mermaids cleopatras and every other piece of shit churning out the same garbage are there. If they're a bank, insurer, publisher, loaning it's causing more services. What about causing fines. More debts. Does it cause more investment.

At this point it isn't. They've gone and killed the market. But it doesn't matter if they're profiting off it.

At this point the opposition is directly crumbling and chipping away at the cornerstones to get ahead. China, Russia and everybody else offering opposition, funding every opposition group. Propagating dissent. But those few white people who lord over the World turn it into another fucking dumb agenda.

What did George Floydd cause? Biden? Until ironically look at Niger.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Yawn. How dumb are you. Read your dumb statement. The sheer hypocrisy of it. You've created war. The recipe for war. Good versus Evil. Right versus Wrong. Justified versus Unjustified.

I thought it was the topic's verse. Live by the sword die by the sword. A simple risk assessment. It didn't say war is evil. It didn't say war was wrong. It said the sword kills. No surprise. If you fight with a sword, don't be surprised if you also get slaughtered. Risk assessment.

Until above. You meant in your dumb reply, Russia versus Ukraine. See. War. The concept of war. Who are you to judge. But one is justified, the beggars of war. The other is condemned. As only the innocent perish. Zelenskyy is killing Ukrainians. Somehow he is such a hero for slaughtering tens of thousands of his own people. While Putin is evil.

See dumbass you're an oxymoron. This is why there is war. It is specifically why religion is pro war. It was never against war. It simply wanted to judge it. Good versus Evil. You fucking idiot.

I am also quite sure it was pro the death penalty.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You have. That's cherry picked, the topic. Then you commit an act of hostility, war, because I don't share your World view. It was down voting me. You don't see me playing that game. I don't care about your view. That's the fucking difference. I welcome debate, objection, dissent. You are what? Hostile, dumb, and prejudice.

Topically, God's army defeats Hell. How? Dumb dumb. Your stupid words are pointless. Perspective, it's a hoax.

There is war, you have proved it. You cannot be civil without attacking another opinion, it is too, convert it. How? Religion has only brought war. It doesn't bring peace.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Except for the very fact. God's army defeats the antichrist in Revelation's. How does it achieve this. The same way. The sword. Hypocritical.

Besides it's simply a risk factor. Live by the sword die when another army has a victory, winning. Except they could do anyway, regardless of words.

Ceremony would always bury their deceased with a sword. They fought for whom. A tradition apparent in most religions, professing of an afterlife no matter the calling.

War becomes religion becomes war. There ain't no other nature. It simply professes other ideals.

War is both necessary and Godly. It fights those opposed to God and it protects those faithful to God. Otherwise all of hell is released. It is chaos.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Smart TVs are a consumption subscription con. How many more subscriptions did it enable. It hasn't generated that much more content. It simply exploited charges.

Yes it through the providers are collecting your data much easier and in real-time. But they fudge the numbers anyway.

There is a danger they can be exploited to watch you. TV has been doing this for even longer. Smart TVs simply made it apparent.

The lily dumb nigger down voting me is dumb.

Since cable they've been look it up. Converting TVs into a mike. Since cams Smart TVs is an image.

In fact diving into this topic is nefarious, the extent of the A.I collecting your data. It's a matrix, has been for a long time. But it like tailored ads, say the product next it's plastered everywhere, is aware. You'll find it on TV. Has been for longer than Smart. I think you'll find it even radio had it since the 90s. Stereos, TVs had been doing it for decades. Too what extent remains, but they've been fucking it for a long time.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3


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