Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Russia had been building that force for months now. Apparently 100k troops with tanks and artillery and carriers. It hasn't done much with them yet. Will it?

It's also playing a longer game. If this happens then that.

You're speculating. Russia doesn't want Ukraine. It has integrated parts of the Ukraine already. They are Russian. If it didn't want Ukraine? I mean what about that. It's simply it hasn't taken more, not for better trying.

Odessa could take years to seige. If it's still an objective. That's part of the problem. There isn't an objective. What is it. Defend parts. What parts. Attack parts which parts. Ukraine kill Russians objectively. Russia is now defensive and still making slow offensive ground in Donetsk.

Most recent reports Ukrainian propaganda was it was opening beaches along Odessa for the public/Summer. Not much has been happening along that front since the grain was diverted. It is still under bombardment but not as sustained since Kherson.

Will Russia retake Kharkiv and Sumy, and surround Kiev? Nope not this year.

Who knows what happens and who cares.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're an idiot.

There were/are peace talks. Jeddah. Saudi Arabia, China, few others. Last week.

They gained nothing except more talks. They aren't going to gain anything either. Not this year. Not unless either side do something significant. Neither side are.

There is fatigue on this topic. The term fatigue means. Dumb munch. Means will the narrative change towards peace as objective. Or will it continue to write a blank check.

Fatigue the funding lessens. Western Media stops going on about it. Makes a peace deal.

It can happen on change of government. The other government campaigning changes policy.

It won't happen this year. Hence any talks do nothing else. Nothing at all. Unless there is something more significant, we will all continue to be bored by it. Fatigue, boring.

Autumn/winter approaches. Wet ground delays all offensive actions. It delayed Russia starting the conflict. It delayed the Ukrainian Counter Offense. Those Vehicles tanks, personnel carrier get used more for defense during those months. Offensive operations stall. They did last year.

Tanks aren't for show if they're properly used. Ukraine hasn't used them effectively. Russia also had problems in its early campaign.

You chat so much crap.

The war is Ukraine versus Russia. Nato could pull funding tomorrow and nothing would've happened. It can keep funding Ukraine, and nothing will happen. It is not fighting Russia. It doesn't matter what it does or doesn't. Russia has not gone to war against Nato. It is fighting Ukraine. It really hasn't defeated it yet, or anything else.

Rhetoric suggest it's Russia versus Nato, it causes morale, if it's the reason for hosility, because when it's your brother, Ukraine, people ask why. It plays them off. It needs reasons. No Russia isn't fighting Nato. Not yet. Not properly. Yes it is fighting Nato if you're a Russian. Or perhaps if you're in Nato. But as a European or American. They're not fighting Russia. Ukraine are, and who were they. Nobody else.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would the markets close. They'd just divert to Europe. Or China.

Debt ceiling is bank print mooorrrr.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, the serpent is called a bunch of different names this planet the World over in lot's of ancient cultures as something else. Like Quetzalcoatl. Tiamet?

Who is Lilith? Ishtar? Shiva?

How is Enki, Lucifer? What and who and how, are Cain and Abel named, in Egyptain?, and in Roman, called, Romulus and Remus.

In Greek war occurred by gods, against gods, causing? What about in the Bhagavad-Gita? They had son's of gods, human, born by gods, or blessed by gods? Warring how? What occurred?


Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It really isn't look it up. Sun God was also Justice in Summerian, was it also in Egyptian, Mayan, and Aztec? What about Zeus and Odin?

Hammurabi's code of laws they were given by Justice the Sun.

It turns out the Jews copied more of this then you'll ever be aware. How did Moses, The Sargon of Akkad, make the ten commandments?

As far as the serpent, being an impact, the Greenland crater. It's practically said in so many words in MesoAmerica cultures. Summerian is very similar on how that origin occurred. Tiamet. The war by Ishtar on the Sun. There are a few stories on it. Like their version of Cain and Abel, Enlil and Enki. Who are found, like Moses, called something else, like The Sargon of Akkad, in Egyptian, and in Roman.

Why is it God's Justice was nature, all throughout the Old Testament, his justice is an act of nature? Until Jews got the Arc of the Covenant. Then he killed by it. As well as causing acts of nature. Impact, petrification, Flood, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes. Of course there's a supposed war fought in the heavens by different gods also representing constellations, planets, etc in other cultures. But his judgement was acts of nature.

Suddenly there's a tablet of laws granting God's justice against other God's? Not so suddenly.

Come on man. It's real simple and real obvious. But I guess you fantasize about the demonic monkeys.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

Hahaha you've got love how stupid and primative these threads are.

The morning star, the serpent. They scream of events in history that caused cataclysm. Originally it was probably an impact. Because God washed away evil wickedness in the flood. He was the Sun in almost all early manifestations. His judgement was acts of nature. Until somebody else proclaimed they were his chosen blessed and faithful. But he killed them all the same. Don't worry he won't if you're faithful. Whoops there's a volcano. While our Night was full of Sin. Darkness, the fallen star bringing calamity. Becoming an omen causing the harbinger.

It simply became a way to cause, righteousness, taxes, laws, and dystopia. Keeping a population under control. Everything corruptible blamed on this other illusion of self righteousness, it keeping to the dutiful codes and laws of society and religion, granting worship, and taxes, in a means to judge and justify and condemn another assumption of life and an afterlife, governing it.

Literally ignorant. Yes there are those who break laws and commit acts of horror. It was simpler killing them. Instead of forgiving them. I agree with culling the herd, culling the herd. Instead of it descending into madness, harder laws condemning sin, and judging evil heathens. They provided patriotism instead of debt driven inflation. Demons perhaps, when they've changed away from the same conscience governing us, warped by the deviltry of their sins. Sin was everything judged to be corrupted, it breaking the law.

Simple ain't it. Except there you are living in another fantasy of serpents and imps and dragons and monkeys. Monkeys are completely demonic. Do good because it polices and taxes everybody else. If you don't you won't live another life. Another life when God has failed. He does regardless of worship because it is hell. Don't worry it won't be if you buy God instead. Because the cataclysm awaits those unfaithful.

Perhaps there's more to it. But there really isn't. It was the simplest construct governing a population.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Perhaps. But it's the attitude today. That awful entertainment. The hypocrisy. The way the cost keeps going up. More laws. The only freedom is for somebody else causing more laws on everybody else. Think about. The way there's no freespeech.

I honestly don't think one good thing comes from the systems being promoted. Trial and error.

Remember those electronics in the 80s. Solar was everywhere on them. They didn't work. Calculators, watches, lots of stuff. It was awful. The worst. Might as well have thrown it in the bin. They did, it was crap. A gimmick. All this crap now is the same. It causes more consumption and more services, but it like your iPhone, or PC has no lifetime. But it like the Internet is now loaded full of laws and dystopia, higher costs and taxation.

It isn't a better system. It's perception. How many more products and services does it take to use an IPhone.

The more complicated a system the worst it fails. It does in the extremes they're selling. The weather. First thing out is the solar and turbines and that dumb EV.

It's simply about profit. More stuff using the grid needs more grid and these schlocks will simply generate the same means and methods now, more consumption, greater costs, etc etc

Not hyped about getting roboticised at all. Don't need it.

The bottom, there's no limit. It's either existential, we are the cause of our own madness, or it levels off into some other absurdity. But it is going downhill quicker. It has been for decades now. More madness. Conflict. Costs.

Ep0ch 7 points ago +9 / -2

Unfortunately no. We lose more than we gain. Every decade has added more restrictions.

Until the cost is absurd, we have more gimmicks, and less fun. Far more cannot then cans. A generation warped. The entertainment has become awful.

There isn't a magic wand ahead. It will get worse, a lot worse. It's being sold as such rigged for it.

I was hyped this millennium. Until it hit the fan. It hasn't stopped going downhill. When is the break point, level. Because it's still spiralling?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes I think so. That's been the problem with sites set up with voting. It has armed them. Because of it they troll.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes you see them and they're aliens. However I don't judge people until they attack me. Then I let it rip. This person is a stalker. They've also created heaps of multi accounts. They're completely derranged.

You should read the translated source it's fascinating. Their entire origin and myths. After looking at it all. You might understand it better.

It's a complicated topic. It too could be a lot of fiction. If it's the stuff it suggests, where did it come from and why. What happened then seems like existential event. The how and the why have been lost in translation this planet over. Turned into mythology and religion. But has it got a basis of something more. No according to science squashing it. But the event took place, and it's becoming undeniable that there was a existential reset. However far more of it is easier to dismiss as primative because it got all colourful on its religion and gods. Hence it was dismissed. Until every other culture claimed it, and the supposed evidence has been found of the larger impact causing the reset.

With the Summerian Annunaki it's a much weirder tale. The same as their gods and origins. I suppose Monethism made it condensed and simple.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The link to 4chan doesn't work. I thought it was video. Some guy on youtube chatting nonsense.

It's a Flat Earther down voting me. Every post. This person is a schizo, they literally click on my name and attack every post, and the other problem is that there also a gooking nigger mongoloid. An irradiated spastic, 4 eyes, and a nigger gook. I think they're also part Troon, if you were to look at this person there's nothing male about them, but they aren't a female. They came from Reddit, its other conspiracy thread, it didn't have the wait month before posting. All it posted was crap flat earth, and nonsense. It got closed.

They've taken direct offense that I don't believe in Flat Earth, and I've called them out repeatedly for being a nigger. So they get through their day attacking every post I make.

Anyhow they're that dumb they think it matters. They think there's points for posting, and it means something, and not the information. Most of these people don't care about information. Most cannot read. It goes into a drugged up foreign nigger gook head and comes out as bullshit. That person thinks it's funny to be a retarded little stalker. It makes any difference to anything.

Back to this topic. 4chan makes up bullshit because anybody can make up bullshit. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's true. But grabbing a topic like this off its wall is complete fantasy with no basis outside of it being a fictional larp.

Jews simply didn't exist then. Not as a language or a people. What got recreated was fallen angels. But we're talking predilovian, pre cataclysm. Even off the source.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Then who is downvoting every post I make?

You aren't discussing shit. You've made a fucking dumb post. You probably didn't make the video. The majority of posts on this forum are dumb. It is completely ignorant of the subject and our past. Like absolutely retarded of it.

I wouldn't care except it is that dumb. I am stating why it is. Instead of discussing it, you tell me aw don't comment, move on, because it's fine to be stupid, and talk trash, and make belief. It's fine if we invented a space race of jews. Like that Mongoloid kid with crayons up their nose. Let's make belief, shoving crayons up our nose, trash talking is so conspiracy, it's done all over this forum. So move on. Nope. We are discussing the topic. Not your fetishism for crayons and ignorance.

It is a fucking dumb post, not only according to our recorded timeline, and historical record, but also according to the mythology.

Jews didn't exist then. They weren't Jews. There are no space Jews in space. I am sure some like everybody else before Jews wants to get to space and claims otherworldly gods. It doesn't make space Jews. Or it would make everybody else the same.

The religion the planet had then was polytheism not monotheism. So how have you come up with space Jews? It's literally mongoloid. They're worshipping this pantheon of gods. Then Jews come along, from space, what, worshipping one god. Except there they were worshipping the moon, the sun, the planets calling them gods. Summerians did, read the tablet. Jews destroyed it? No they didn't, they rewrote more of it, calling it different names. Nowhere in their religion unlike Summerians and Egyptians, does it claim Jews came from Space.

Isn't the only person Jews claim goes to Space is Enoch. He wasn't a Jew. He was before Jews.

There is Jacob's, ladder. Or the belief in the stairs to heaven. Jews had this. It's in the bible who descends up the stairs, having a vision message from god. Except this is also an occult ritual. It's very old and based on the Summerians before it. In Summerian and forms of Shamanism. It's not a gateway to heaven, it's a spirit walk. With Summerian, like Enoch, similar, it goes up into the cosmos and the planets. The planets in Summerian are God's, some good and bad. Ancient egyptians also have similar. Possibly even the Greeks. Who also rewrote the arcane. But it's changed from the religions and practices before until it's metaphysical, meditation, Buddhists, drug induced, shaman, or occult witchcraft. Until it's largely metaphor and mythology

Off topic above, there aren't space Jews. They borrowed origin heavily off the culture and religion before adapting and separating from it. The Talmund was written in Babylon.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You have all of 10 people on this forum. Dumbass nigger. No logic. Literal retard. Freedom is tell me this word. Its meaning.

You can't, you're a nigger. Closed forum. Slavery yes. It's what you just stated.

Reiterate where that problem is? It is as I stated. Autistic threads, and the thinkers are bigots. Proved by your response. Somehow you made that username, but you're that dumb, you have no idea what freedom means.

In your own words repeat it. Freedom means believing your bullshit, and being attacked by no logic.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

Not interested. It's literal stupidity. Know more about humans than animals. It wouldn't feed animals. So why are humans eating it? They're dumber. Somebody else tells them what to eat. Until they're eating themselves.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Whatever Nigger. Drug addled autists make this shit up.

How has a Summerian myth got anything to do with Jews? It was written hundreds if not a thousand years before Jews.

In the myth Annunaki are much much older than that. Jews didn't exist.

On the Summerian tablets some of the oldest in existence. Apart from possibly a few others. It is documenting back 10s of thousands of years. Debunked as they were apes then, hunter gathers. The kings list isn't accurate aging. Neither was Egyptian, Mayan, Indian. Let's all forget about that adopting monotheism. On other tablets its origin story, mythology, paints a tale of its pantheon with the Annunaki. They had nothing to do with Jews. Jews later after the fall of Babylon rewrote some of that mythology into the Talmud. But they had nothing to do with Jews. Apart from later rewording where they perhaps became fallen angels or something?

This forum is literal crap. It has so many autistic threads. The rest aren't even conspiracy related. Yet inside of it is a real dumb echo chamber.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's amounting towards it. Simply because of all the shortfall now opening far more reserves. Fracking, coal usage, shale have all increased as demand has peaked. Many are set to open in what was supposedly protected/conservation zones.

It's literally a big hoax the entire agenda.

We're in a period of planetary/solar activity, whether it's a blimp, a cycle, a period of warming/cooling, or whether it generates much larger extremes, it really isn't, outside of more population, the most on the planet, recorded, to date, feeling weather, is being exploited by the mediums these assholes have complete control over.

The Internet and our connected media is controlled by the same people rigging the game. They have no other thought apart from power, profit, and control. As they have done, supposedly, putting us here. It is now more easier to control, and more profitable.

Everything plugged into a source, where the next thing plugged in causes greater consumption. Every single time another thing, car, house, everything, they want to be plugged in. It causes more investment, consumption, and services. While they control it completely. Completely to the meter chalking up a taxi fare. So invasively they can switch it off and generate double the returns.

The irony of those climate extremes, it costs you twice as much. Rebuild, reconnect. But because it's the method, you're simply taxed and indebted more. No control over your upkeep. Tick tick tick, what's the charge of a watt, no fixed rate. More sources being plugged in causes more premiums. More taxation, as it invents another power station, battery, or charge point. Until the irony of the ULZ is you'll keep paying it, even if you get an EV. Look at that parking and charging cost, and the lifetime of the product. Honk.

Until it simply becomes the next method of industry and consumption.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Uhm I am quite sure they had these people with that title all over the World before Jews gave it another name.

Incans, Mayans, Goths, Celts, Egyptians, Summerians, Chinese.

It had nothing to do with Jesus or God either. Rather the type of ruler connected to their stately religion.

It also had them in Christianity and Islam.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Disease X. Since when has everything become a X? It's getting dumb. Fuck off, give it a name.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Are you an idiot? Like braindead retarded?

Scandinavian treaty is with 3 out 4 Nato members. Denmark, Norway, Finland. Sweden doesn't need to be in Nato to be in Nato. It is also separately aligned with the UK, Germany, possibly France. I think Iceland, obviously Greenland are part of the Scandinavian treaty. USA to some extents is also aligned in there.

The fine print on the Nato treaty is not simply about a defense pact they have through interconnected alliances regardless. It's about directives. Turkish boots alongside Swedes in other global hotspots, Sweden having access to Turkish weapons and security protocols. If in the event of direct warfare who defends it.

Well with Sweden it's Europe, the majority, at least all the larger players having alliances with it. Most are in sworn defense of it outside Nato. Does it require Nato access. It's simply a title, a vote. It through interconnected alliances has almost all but the namesake. It's also hosting, training, arming alongside Nato.

It's like Switzerland isn't in Nato but Nato not all but most would defend it. Maybe Turkey and Hungary won't, who knows. But shots get fired on another member, whoosh.

They did I've provided evidence you're far too dumb to read.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No Sweden wasn't part of a hard nato border. Norway, Finland make. Sweden doesn't even need to be in Nato to be in Nato. It effectively is. Scandinavian treaty.

Why are you such a dumbass.

Base seized in WW2, cites assumed rent. Kept incase of conflict.

Sent tens of thousands of Fins to gulag, genocided others, displaced so many more, annexed others.

Every post is being down voted by niggers. Nigger tier apes, literal apes, hostile and stupid, make up this forum, but they simply want it to echo. It's full of a very dumb World view thinking votes mean shit, in a forum of a closed echo chamber. It throws shit at a wall. It amounts to a bunch of flat earther, no nukes bullshit, while spamming praise Jesus nonsense. When it isn't that it's wahaaa Covid.

I am not out to change your opinion. I don't care.

But the fact is there is far more to the subject. Those wars were a result of figure it out. You've said it already. Suddenly you've assumed it's back to before communism? No. Despite many Russian integrating since. Those agreements with Nato and Europe had been there longer than the present Ukraine conflict. Nato simply made a hard border.

Why would it make a hard border there? Murmansk. The baltics. Etc

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why return area. Area. War kinda breaks rent, yes, army fighting army. It's because of a truce. Also because they stopped sending the Fins to the gulag. They made border agreements etc.

No, Finland has joined Nato is the point. Not speculation.

Karelia hasn't been returned. It's a bigger area going down to the baltics.

Svestapol isn't rented somebody else said the Crimea was?

We're done joking. There are different perspectives and propaganda.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Porkkala was returned to Finland in 1956. Meh.





The question is always the why, why the conflict. The why they sided with Germany. Why Nato. The propaganda has a basis.

I am sure more can be confirmed with census records. But there were purges and communism. In fact the region changed flags repeatedly under communism. It is still a hot topic, obviously. Many Russians settled into Finland, prior to communism, and many Fins were annexed by the Soviets. It is what it is. Exploited perhaps in conflict.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Look it up. 1956 part of the Karelia region was given to the Finnish. There was a dispute on if Finland gives it back today. Or something? Parts taken in the wars. Some shit.

No, it wasn't a hard border. It has been an open border for a long time in many places, other parts less so. They had agreements I've commented on previously. Wildlife crossings, trains, etc. Particularly Laplanders herding reindeer. Now it's getting barbwire fences, pillboxes, patrols, and installations again. It had some of this in the war. The Northern parts are less populated. The South had more density. Russian north is Murmansk.

It is boring because it happened, I like to joke anyway, there you are selling, no it's not a reason to fear the gulags, because, no, not all went to the gulags, I mean some became Russians. Hahaha.

No wonder they bought Nato agreements.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Not as simple as that. Areas were returned to Finland in 1956. Prior was the Gulag.

It's a hidden topic. Conspiracy. Why were on this forum.

The conspiracy being it was sparsely populated is a myth. Over a quarter of a million people, almost half a million were resettled. Many were Gulagged.

It of course was a main reason for conflict. Among a few other areas along the Northern border. But they're not quite the same history as the Southern Region populated.

Finland has always been a host to Nato arming via Nato. It was simply a Nato scenario its membership succeded no Questions. If Russia then Nato. That agreement or protocol is much older, we're probably talking since Nato.

It goes back to the height of the Soviet union, deflections, the border. It was a crossing point. Any scenario was established protocol.

Look at the ease it went through. Further the immediate installations and arms distribution. It was protocol going back decades.

Due to it Finland has always hosted Nato. I cannot remember any point where Finland wasn't training or buying Nato arms.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It also continued after WW2 until 1956. After the Continuation war in 1944.

It is almost exclusively, the other was Communism, the reason for regional conflict.

Somebody started shipping them off to the Gulag

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