Ep0ch -7 points ago +2 / -9

No such thing as free energy. You're either living in a cave or you're on the grid. Nothing free about it. In fact it's a great big con. Simply put how much more profit is there. You have zero control of your electricity today. It simply charges you more, the more products they force you to use via electricity. Everything plugged into a grid charging more and more. The beauty of it is, they can turn it off easier, and charge you so much more.

Solar, neither does a turbine, does not compared to your previous oil, propane, generators. It doesn't compare to a furnace. They break far sooner, don't generate the output, and are reliant on favourable conditions. They also require far more services, not a stockpile.

In answer there is no such thing as free energy. It is an oxymoron. Every single invention requires parts, resources, and production, and maintenance. While the more complicated a system the quicker it fails, the worse it fails when it does, costing more.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I replaced with some addidas trainers. But they were cheap nice fashionable. Tennis shoes. Just standard court stuff, using for local walks, shopping, and indoor biking, biking. I also bought another pair of designers. These look cool, for clothing, like you want blue if you wear blue. I had designers previously expensive. Fell apart the minute I baby sat a family member's dog. Literally walked it around a few off track fields for the week I dog sat. Right away, hole from sole, to shoe.

Neither new pair purchased would survive a day of contact sports or hiking.

Like the increasing amounts of stupid shoes. From these big dumb air, so comfortable they fall apart when you hike. Or this new permeable, I call them ECO shoes, made of fabric, or crap.

I always growing up had classics, leather, no frills, just logo, they'd last 5 years on average. Today it seems most aren't lasting the year.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes but it doesn't censor. Despite it being compromised.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The hoax is more population feel the weather better sell them more weather reminding them every 5 minutes they'd better buy something.

The EV will stop the Wildfires and Hurricanes. Just imagine how much worse it could've been. Street full of EVs and solar panels in those fields? A few Tubines fanning it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

China? They're getting even worse. I went to buy some trainers, I needed another pair, my last pair lasted all of a year, walking a dog, and they got a hole in them. Shoe broke from sole because of hiking.

Anyhow I went to buy the next pair, and I was horrified. The shoes they're selling break just by looking at them. They're broken after walking a few blocks. They're made of fabric. Nike are calling them breathable shoes. The rain, your feet get soaked. WTF? Pure con.

These ECO shoes were everywhere. Pages of these breathable permeable shoes. It's the next freaking con. How to break shoe even quicker and in 5 minutes. As the classic leather trainers have become more expensive. They're still made in China, it means there's a hole in the sole in a year.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Shoes have become another Chinese scam. What's the lifetime of a branded trainer today? Mileage? How long does a Nike or otherwise trainer made in China last today? How many times around the track can you wear it?

What went wrong? I am sure you can pay x3 that price and buy better. Shoes have become a conspiracy? The lifetime lasts?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Facebook is a complete shithole. Conspiracies hit social media regarding the origin of the fires. So government tells social media and then ZuckerTurd bans every Wildfire story.

Local news, opinions on anything is fully policed by that asshat. Facebook has been the worst since day one. Since the hacking scandals. Nobody needed it. I am sure I could reconnect with people lost. But why would I trade it for freedom? The people I lost I don't even want to find, school friends, distant cousins abroad. That price is being compromised? These people today since this shit. Where are their pictures? These stupid phones on Facebook, not on their walls, where? Everybody else sees them except the people who matter.

I know people who were really into it. Family members. Post Post. Nothing but trouble. A family member lost a job from a post. Security of a Uni, socialised with at the Uni bar they took pictures and posted. Hardly any age difference. A lil not much. But Gone.Others have had their account locked in Covid. Others stalked and abused. Trolled by woke stupid activists they were in an otherwise club, discussing as elderly a group event, but it adds. My niece had a stalker as well. Nothing but trouble.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Why are they using Facebook? At what point is anybody using Facebook. When will niggers learn that they're niggers. Nothing more than dumb herded cattle.

Use WhatsApp. Use an email. Use anything other than Social Media. Facebook. Why? It isn't a solution for anybody. Connectivity with who. They didn't have your email or number. They can fuck right off. Why has a stalker group got your shit. Look it's Abdul from Nigeria liking your family pictures. Why has China. Why has Zuckerturd. It was a means of monitoring you, it even says so, collecting all your details, all your info, and invasely bombarding you with ads for even more premiums, while policing the crap out of you.

I swear people get dumber by the fucking day. Autism everywhere. What did people use before Facebook? How did they communicate? They were a lot smarter than they are now. Government didn't ban them off Facebook.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They technically can't. Unless it deports them and put them into camps.

How constitutional is that?

I imagine at the minute it's chaos. How long do investigations take. Weeks. How long before there's access and under what contracts can they rebuild? If they can? It is problematic to certain extents. Who has government lined up to redevelop it, what cost is it resold. Can they use their own contractors? Then there all the distribution to an Island and its services and grids.

Not all those people can regardless. How many weren't home owners?

It's different on the Mainland. But any comparison could be what happened in big hurricanes. New Orleans. Puerto Rico. Yea a long time.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is the question my friend. At what point do people stop paying it. They should stop paying it. It is becoming insidious.

It has become so ridiculously overpriced on almost every single thing. That cost today just buys bullshit and bullshit ain't buying much. Rewind a few decades ago it peaked. Now it's speeding up in its decline.

It is bursting but how badly. What breaks it, and when. Populism, conflict, disaster?

Or do they authoritarian it again?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who voted for that guy?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Umm illusion. The Rubble just plunged. Interest rates are at 12%.

Last year perhaps they profit. The USA broke the debt limit again.

But it's an illusion that economies are faring well currently. Global recession. Elites are profiting. Where there's perhaps some growth, but it's not stopping inflation and costs rising quicker.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

You would've thought so. But it's a problem right. Salt does what to any foliage. On an Island they might, depending on that response. I know China made a plane that collects it. How long does boat, other side, take to get there, around the Island? By that time, it can rescue a single building if they had that boat. Only one boat on the Island does this. Budgets. How many firestations did they even have? How many fire engines?

Then look what they did with them. You can see some of it, in the other area unburnt. They made a line with them, pushing back the sides of any blaze.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn. That's dumb.

What burnt the aluminium. Why did you turn it into a conspiracy? No what, jackass? Seriously why did you post melted aluminium? You made the title.

Any other dipshit knows fire burns aluminium right? It's smelted isn't it?

Have you got something clever to say?

I am calling out dumb posts I said that. Not whether I'll down vote them. I don't. I call them out. Free speech doesn't give a fuck about slurs. I am slurring because I am pissed, somebody is attacking my posts. Not with words, we can talk about, and I'd call them out for being dumb. We are in an environment where I don't care about your identity. You could be an alien, and I'd cuss them all the same if they pissed me off. I am not speaking to entire races, just individuals. Wahaa, you've got to say. Such mean words. On a conspiracy forum?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The population boomed. We are in a solar medium. Ground water depleted. Perfect conditions regardless of acceleration.

In this cycle there is only loss and the gains of exploiting it.

No seriously. Seawater could be used if they had the capability. They undoubtedly didn't. They connected into reservoirs. If they deployed. Then it was only at angles. Sides pushing back the fire. They used some planes. But they barely got there in time. Reservoirs and capacity at what level. Look at that population drinking it. In the drought. That tourism.

Perfect storm. Where just like California it burns. When and if it does entire towns are gone.

On a fucking Island. No way. Right. But it's, worse, much worse. Fewer services. Less capacity. But it does. Despite possible acceleration, the freaking dry, bone dry kindling, that scrubland and fields behind the urban sprawl.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1


It is possible somebody accelerated it. I don't deny it. The kindling was there look at those fields in the foreground behind that sprawl of beachfront.

But the problem is once it was ablaze the buildings were the kindling. The only way to put it out is by air and the sides.

But I think with that kind of drought, heat, water was an issue. Big issue.

by DrLeaks
deleted -4 points ago +1 / -5
by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +6 / -4

Wildfires can get as high as 9000F. Easily enough to melt aluminium at about 1250F



Urban fire is hitting so many accelerants. Gas, Fuels, fanning it more. When became that kind of inferno, it's cinders. Nothing left. Certain building materials fared way better. That prefab wooden stuff; Whoosh.

Seriously look shit up.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your brain is retarded. Full of shitty dogma and monkey level ignorance. There are many like this who are herded. Like a lot of this forum, look at the spastics, God, Flat Earth, etc. We aren't in a snowglobe. There is no land beyond the Icewall. The Earth isn't flat.

There are questions about our place in the cosmos. We haven't even scratched the surface.

You don't have the money to take a trip into Space or Antarctica. That's the real problem. So instead you dutifully believe in some other retribution.

Did you watch the videos from anywhere else. So how in fucks name are you taking for granted one video?

You're on a conspiracy forum and your head is up your asshole. Literally as dumb a person I can ever chat too. Superstitious, ignorant, and a dumb sheep, bleating. You call everybody closed minded, but you're the epitome of it. Because you're that dumb you blame everybody else. As you seek refuge in religion, it provides you with a crutch for your blitheringly dull ignorance.

No other conspiracy, we have a retard.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2


You have Autism.

Look up the definition of a firmament can you do this. It says. Sky. Understand it yet. It's obvious. Did these people know where rain came from.

No they didn't.

They had god's for rain, gods for the moon, sun, planets, and just about everything else they didn't control but others profited off of controlling them. Rain the gods are mad you better or the sky crashes on your head. It turns out they're still at it. Buy an EV or else.

So when a single God replaced their pantheon's, what happened. Read it. He continued to cause acts of nature. But they evolved into being his faithful. Killing all the other gods.

You fucking dumbass. Bow and say your prayers. Don't forget. Otherwise the rain will come.

Does a single God profit more. Ofc. He's the only God. Surely he needs a mortal, human crossover, a son, prophet, pope? I mean a King of Kings. At what point. Yes there's more, conscience, and laws. Order instead of chaos. But it's rather obvious. They had these people on the last pantheon, priests and the devout to their orders. They just got more advanced at it. It caused, tell me. It perhaps is missing in society today. God's judgement. But most have understood it by now. The rest are dutiful to such an easy construct. Why not. It provides morality to its crude limitations.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

They used to believe swallows migrated into the ocean in the dark ages.

Rains come from the sky, I know it must have water in it. Not.

Look up the definition of firmament before you use it. It basically means sky. Atmosphere. The vault of heaven. Heavens, above.

I hate dumb Flat Earthers. Hate their stupidity. They are so utterly dumb.

Yes balloons go through the cloud layer, look moisture.

What is so utterly amusing is they use the bible as a source of fact. These people worshipped. Tell me. The Sun. Planets. Elements. Calling them gods. Then a single God, Father, King, became the only God. In the crossover. What occurred. That same God, used acts of nature as divine punishment. Why is this? Until his followers, chosen caused acts of God. You have got to be? It's almost laughable at the obvious autism. Laughable because look at that pattern. Is there more. Idealistically why not.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. No battle. Using people to bring victory. Power, prosperity, wealth. Trade, agreement.

Come on. Read him. It's a philosophy, and tactics, and strategy. It had its historical context as well. Events that caused the passages. At least in the book I had.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

But the quote said nothing about killing. Killing is implied by battle, or warfare.

It said; The greatest victory is that which requires no battle. In terms of warfare/conflict it can only be agreement. A victory instead of conflict. Preventing battle.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

How did he move departments. That's quite a transfer Vegas to Maui. Obviously needs housing. Where was his like home on Maui? I don't know his name, not checking that public record. Or he is like that guy, a government agency dispatches to be a face for the cameras, answering the questions? Coincidentally it won't be the last of him.

Did anyone ask him. Why there was no early warning system. He's like in charge of it? Sue him. Nope, he's not that guy.

The conspiracy isn't that guy. They will be one there regardless. It's in the events themselves.

But a reset isn't destroying beachfront property and replacing it with more beachfront property, that's an investment scam. Uhm maybe they'll buy better extinguishers next time. If they have even more tourists. Come on.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Acts of subterfuge, infiltration, agents of calamity. Bringing fear, panic, causing sabotage and assassination.

But these don't win battles. They cause them.

Negotiation requires something to negotiate with from a position of confidence.

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