Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why are fucking retarded?

Rain comes from clouds in the sky it doesn't mean there's an Ocean in the sky. The firmament. They didn't know how rained formed or why.

They invented God's for it. Who when they were angry would release the sky ocean drowning them.


This is why every act of God in the Bible was from nature. Until his believers cause acts of God via arc of the covenant and through his worship.

You spewing a mythical firmament doesn't mean there's a Flat Earth. It makes you dumb. Retarded.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a dumb tranny retard.

Apex is masculine. Male. Read the meaning. Male form. It means.

Veritas is the godess of justice, a feminine representation beauty, truth, nakedness. Sometimes also fertility and harvest.The Romans and Greeks, but even older pantheon. They tended to have justice represented as the Sun. It was Male. Summerians. Egyptian. Meso Americans

Veritas is the statue of liberty. Suddenly you wanted her male? Because the statue of liberty is apex?

I don't care why you're a dumb troon. But you are.

I had a psycho spew in a huge letter why you're such a whiny bitch. Who does that. Comment on the topic. I don't care about your feelings. I don't care about your beliefs. I care when commenting about the topic. Making an argument for or against it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I think Americans have become so much stupider. Alien Jewish space lasers. The latest in how dumb Americans have become.

Why would you need Dewfags? A nigger would do it for free. A nigger would burn your house down for free.

No it's not the Jewish aliens, that are seizing your house and giving them to niggers. Because they've got space lasers.

Americans are stupid

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What is that shit? It's bullshit. Fatal red meat allergy off ticks. It's a tick allergy. The tick, not the cow caused it. Who knows which other Red meat Aussies have got. Are Kangaroos Red Meat?

Not from them cows. They're inoculated. Or they're destroyed. No, allergies. Definitely not a Red Meat allergy.

Are people that stupid? Blame the cows, calling it a Red Meat allergy. It figured

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No he didn't. At all. Read the video linked. It has big huge writing, saying everything he said in the middle of the screen.

It says Trillion Watt lasers, after his Mark Twain quote, who he claims otherwise. In utter bullshit. It wouldn't matter if they can manipulate the weather. Everybody still complains. Meanwhile he sells trillion watt lasers.

In the middle of the screen in big subtitles, everything said. Then on the bottom of the screen in smaller subtitles, and it stays on the bottom of the screen, stating trillion watt lasers. Unlike the other subtitles writing the conversation.

He also said it if you have the volume on.

Stop being a dumb fucking nigger. Watch your link. Watch it. You linked it. Now you're arguing with me like a dumb schizo. No it didn't. What? It clearly did. But but, he didn't mean it. So it's bullshit right. Fuck off back to nigger school.

There was no facts. Facts require evidence, not fiction. News should show the news. Undeniable news. Not another bunch of clowns. But there they are taking that guy's word? Better than Mark Twain? More believable was it. Bullshit

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Play the video again it's also in writing at the bottom of the screen. Also the middle of the screen.

Stop being a nigger.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you fucking stupid. It's freaking Autism with you. Default nigger. Read what I wrote. Not what the fake news says. I wrote it, and I explained it. There you are on planet cuckoo. Here again. The last time before I block you for being stupid.

That guy back in the day maybe got a degree at something. Today he's an actor, nobody, but a dumb personality paid to bullshit. It comes with a TV directive, and it projects fiction, nonsense, and bullshit. That was the news? Where is this facility. News Reports. Show laser making clouds. News. Not a clown.

He said Trillion Watt lasers. What the fuck. Megawatts are the output of a nuclear power station. What figure of watts do they generate per reactor? It is nowhere near that bullshit amount of trillions. Trillions of Watts for lasers precipitating rainfall? You're retarded right? It's April's fool day. It was a TV gag. It's bullshit.

You're replying in two topics about the nonsensical alien lasers. Doomsday weapon. This one. The topic on the doomsday weapon was Antarctica. Where is that infrastructure? Big ass laser arrays in freezing conditions, so cold it can snap metal, and a bunch of interference on the poles, magnetism, atmosphere, weather. What?

This topic we are talking about a DEW. Not a trillion Watt laser. DEWs are an attachment on guns, possibly even made into a gun pointlessly it doesn't kill just disable electronics. They're fired by an array above, the topic, for disabling incoming drones, missiles, etc. On fighter jets for disabling electronics.

At what point are there trillion watt lasers for these defenses? None at all.

What is wrong with you, default nigger?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

In Antarctica? Dumbass

HAARP isn't using lasers for its advanced early warning system.


Trillion watt lasers need nuclear power stations. Dumbass.

That guy on that report, is fake news. Show me this facility? There are simpler ways of precipitating rain clouds. Without all those fucking emissions. All that energy. Trillion Watts. WTF. Megawatts are powerstations. Not trillion watts.

You are such a stupid nigger. World renowned bullshitter gets paid to spread bullshit. Constant projection. Constant funding. Of even more costly methods while projecting some other dominance. Laser just happen to the thing today. In good Ol' American the bigger the better. He never said HAARP because it would confirm that facility is weather modifying. So he created bullshit. Big ass lasers. Scaring people.

At what point do you need that shit. Think about it. All that energy?

HAARP does it for fractions of that. While seeding clouds is fractions of that. They've been doing it for decades without big ass stupid lasers.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Watch the conspiracy stuff. Watch it. Please. He's gone and parroted, (repeated like that parrot), watch the end. Secondary SpaceFleet. Look at our Space shit now, right now. How the fuck? Obvious lies. It has come from which conspiracy mode of thought. Nazis left the planet. America created a secret base on the Moon. Bullshit. Utter bullshit.

Yes there is advanced flight. Drone programs now and the next gen are advancing well ahead of a lot of current stuff.

But it isn't a secondary spacefleet. When look, it cannot even Moon Landing now. Unless it's a computer game.

But you don't need that kind of array to communicate with, it was basically a HAARP facility, and not a neutrino detector where you don't need that crap.

The HAARP array is massively different in what it does and how it does it. It's an early warning system, that can potentially disrupt the weather. It also communicates. Study it. I am not writing about it here.

Why would they put HAARP on the South Pole. No real point. It doesn't need an early warning system. Coms it has without the huge arrays. But who knows? Except it isn't particularly probable. The Cold freezes to such degrees it makes it pointless. The amount of cost maintenance. Plus the interference causes huge arrays to be pointless. There is a lot of science and weather stuff there. They have launched nukes from it. Come on it repeated and muddled up a lot of shit. It was bullshit. An early warning system for the aliens launching the neutrinos. It then collides into New Zealand. You can't make that shit up, can you? Of course you can.

Neutrinos don't need that array to be detected. At all.


He's a janitor that has full access because he got promoted to fire marshal. A guy who knows where the exits and fire extinguishers and fire alarms are. Full access? Where laser arrays are quaking New Zealand, accidentally. Bullshit. He knew because another janitor told him? What. They said oh boy we gone and done it, we hit New Zealand. We're so sorry our laser array misfired. What?

HAARP doesn't use lasers like that either.

It was bullshit from start to finish.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. It's the leukemia I swear.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are a dipshit. Musta isn't English. It's dipshit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No they cannot try it. Use a laser pen. Go on. Does it incinerate shit? It wouldn't sell if it does. It's a laser running point to point, an optic sight. These lasers are fitted on heaps of weapons. Sights. Targeting from point to point. You freaking dumb ass. In the other topic. Stalking. Like a default nigger.

Why would you need a laser? You could start a fire a million ways. Easier. One I suggested magnesium. The old flash in cameras. It is highly combustible.

The laser you need, needs a bigger energy source, so it projects a powerful beam to heat up the object fired on. Big energy source.

But DEW lasers don't operate that way. The weapon system is designed not to vaporise but to disrupt. Like those laser pens. You look at them and your eyes get disrupted not vaporised. So on electronics it disrupts them. Specifically drones. Even guided missiles. Even EVs and certain aircraft.

It doesn't vaporise, ignite, although some can cause the munitions to explode. They're specifically designed for disabling electronics. They're not another missile blowing up the incoming missile. It is firing like a laser pen. Click click. They've also put these on guns so infantry can operate them. They see a drone and they can disrupt it with a laser.

There are heavy duty lasers, for other uses. But most lasers in usage don't vaporise shit. If they did they need huge energy sources, and charge times on firing. Unlike that laser pen click click.

Where are they fitting these big ass lasers for vaporising shit? Satellites. Planes. What?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No yours is. Watch that bullshitter talk shit. Complete feces from start to finish. The only truth was the laymen explanation of neutrinos. He probably Googled it.

The rest of it was shit. In fact all of it was shit. There was almost zero truth in it.

When was this video provided. Like this year. Not in 2012. But he's claiming 2012.

Now how the fuck do you accidentally fire lasers? They're point to point. They don't accidentally hit countries causing big quakes. The geography in New Zealand by Christchurch is on a fault line. It is located on supervolcano caldera with 3 active volcanos. No laser nonsense.

There is no secondary space fleet. Where?

Neutrinos don't come from alien spacecraft.

You believe any idiot parroting all the stereotypical clichés from all the crap nonsensical fictional sources. He's provided zero evidence. Just fucking fiction. It has appealled to your? What did you fucking say to me, you dumb fucking nigger. No, you're dumber than a nigger. You have zero brains. Your brain has been replaced with what that bullshitter tells you. It's how fucking dumb you are.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It looks gay

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you dumb and retarded. The DEW weapon is basically an EMP. It's used in electronic warfare primarily, and air defenses. So as an example it shutdowns opposing guided missiles, drones, and potentially aircraft. Aircraft tend to be better shielded.

It isn't the lasers from StarTrek requiring colossal energy storage devices and powercores. It disables electronics.

You freaking dumb retarded dumb dumb.

I am not offering conjecture, you are. That device is used in air defenses. It what, fires a laser pulverising the object, or does it disable it?

It's from your rationality lasers pulverised things from science fiction you've conjured this weapon system that destroyed the Twin Towers, or vaporised Maui. Wrong fuck off retard. Try again.

Charging up the alien ion laser cannon on the deathstar. It's a planet killer. What? No, what does the DEW actually do?

Dumbasses. Sure you might science fiction a big ass laser weapon for vaporizing, but it simply isn't viable, and it doesn't exist. Not yet or any time soon.

While some might argue it could start fires. There are a million ways to start fires without that bullshit.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

Year One? What happened to all the previous years the trilateral commission was in place.

Today they're calling it the new world order? Year One. Hey guys bigger plans I propose. Fuck off.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What does that patent do.

So in Moscow all these drone attacks are being brought down by electronic warfare. Duh DEW.

Lasers. Disabling the electronics. Causing the UAV to crash.

Is duh Dew causing look in this topic the Twin Towers? No, it isn't. At what point are there such retards? The DEW caused the Maui.

You wouldn't need a DEW. As an example you could sprinkle magnesium forget which type. It can potentially combust in the heat. It would leave no traces apart from its brilliant white flame as it ignites. Common Earth element that when burnt leaves no real residue. You could do that with so many other compounds, and accelerants, but most leave traces. You wouldn't need a DEW. Projection for Goldeneye or alien tech and science fiction.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The only depopulation Covid caused was in the following recession and lockdowns.

You're right the disease wasn't deadly, not even adversely affecting a percentage of the population and Global population. The only thing it caused was the worst dystopia and medicine invented.

Vax side affects are also in the same margin, affecting all of the smallest percentages of vaxxed. They tend to be far more alarming because it is killing all, and not simply the weak and the sick and the fearful. But the healthy in all ages.

Who knows what the total numbers are? They are fictional. Inflated. Bullshit. Irrelevant. Everybody knows somebody Biden said. Nobody knows anybody when it came to COVID, everybody heard of somebody. Somebody so distant and unrelated. Until the vax made it worse. But it's still hearsay.

Everybody knows somebody, like in the Ukraine. That's the difference on deadly and bullshit.

Answering you, the population isn't dropping simultaneously. Sudden death. It's not sudden. Death has become more prevalent since any pandemic pandemonium. But it is not significantly impacting any global population majority.

It has affected far more from its invasive dystopia. It has seen death and conflict and the causes of madness increase. Not even a percentage of the globe has died from COVID or its bullshit.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

About what. Think about what he said please. It was almost all completely bullshit. How much was truth. All was a lie. Listen to the end of it. None of it was true.

Perhaps there was that facility, neutrino, research has been at the forefront of something. Some of the deepest bases into our planet in some of the most remote locations have been studying the supposed affect they cause on our planet. Why they pass right through our planet.

But are these facilities accidentally hitting New Zealand twice with off grid communications arrays for Earth's second spacefleet?

Or did a plumber have any grasp of it outside of trying to profit off the absurd while projecting nonsense. Nothing disclosed, outside of fiction, sprinkled with the tiniest scientific explanation, enough to sell hype, while projecting dominance, it caused earthquakes, secondary secret spacefleets, profitting off all the known clichés of Aliens sooner causing the neutrinos. A cover for DEW and an advanced spaceflight control facility.

I doubt that person's character. He is a bullshitter. Curiously was this filmed recently now, after demand has soared. Or in 2012 when the earthquake hit?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

If it sounds like bullshit. It's because it is. Sorry New Zealand. So sorry. A plumber went DEW and misfired accidentally while venting all the neutrinos collected from advanced spacecraft. The DEW array was for off world communication with Earth's secondary space fleet. Instead it hit New Zealand twice, accidentally. It could've caused supervolcanoes if it was operating at maximum, communucating with the other galaxies. Unconfirmed plumbers have verified it; Don't go DEW. The potential for catastrophe is existential.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I pick up my assumptions from this topic. It's pro Flat Earth. The Edge of insanity. Where is the edge of space? You'll find it, factually, where. It's the edge of madness. Try it. Let's go into all related material; The Edge of Space, is known as madness. Do this in every Syfi. Novel. Literature. A conundrum right?

Then I read. What have I just read from that kind of Flat Earther username, guy. Read it. What have I read. Frothing madness. Brazen stupidity. You need to prove what? How you're not clinically retarded. How you're so smart. I don't need to prove anything, because I am not stupid. Even if I was I don't need to prove I am smart. It makes you really dumb. Mad. Read it.

As far as Antarctica. Because you haven't been there. It's autism. Poverty definitely. It distrusts. You state Antarctica is a great big wall of ice surrounding us. It doesn't exist. It's not Antarctica that continent.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Make belief. Nobody took 4 shots. No majority. Give a figure of all those people who took all those shots on this planet. Lessening reduction after each shot. Nobody did. Perhaps some did. Not enough to cause significant population reduction. Even if all the vaxxed died. It wouldn't significantly impact the planet population. You're still assuming a majority vaxxed, Hahaha. The West. What figure is that? Not enough to cause that population decline you're citing.

Add up the Western population where the vax was a thing, what figure vaxxed, 60%. Think that was the curb of it lifting lock downs, 70% vaxxing. Remember this figure quoted where if so people vax then it's immunity. The disease becomes eradicated and it cannot..... Wait what? What. Bullshit. Let's be really generous and suggest 80% vaxxed with one or two shots.

3 shots is now at what figure of those 80%, 20-40%. Only 5-10% took 4 shots.

How is anybody being affected significantly by vaxx depopulation?

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